Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Sunday, May 09, 2021

 Thoughts on Covid

Vitamin D Deficiency and COVID-19
A study conducted at the University of Heidelberg was published near the end of 2020 which reported on the protective effects of vitamin C against serious complications from COVID-19. This study is significant because vaccine manufacturers are not promising that vaccines will prevent infection with the virus, but only that seriousness of the infection will be reduced.
In the Heidelberg study vitamin D deficiency was associated with more than a 6-fold risk of invasive mechanical ventilation and almost a 15-fold increased risk of death. The authors concluded, "Our study demonstrates an association between VitD deficiency and severity/mortality of COVID-19, highlighting the need for interventional studies on VitD supplementation in SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals."
Of the 185 patients treated at the center 22% were vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D deficiency consisted of a blood level of total 25-hydroxyvitamin D level less than 12 ng/mL (<30 nM). Regular or habitual use of vitamin D seems to be preferable in scientific studies.


Zinc and Viruses
Intracellular zinc inhibits viral replication. The key word here is intracellular. Viruses do their damage within cells. Thus the zinc must get within cells in order to effectively boost immune function against viruses. The focus of pharmaceutical firms is on zinc ionophores. An ionophore is nothing more than a substance that can transport a molecule across a lipid membrane like a cell membrane.
Dr. Arthur Furst was one of the scientific pioneers in mineral biology who realized that absorption of minerals could be hindered if the wrong forms of minerals were used in supplementation. He developed NeoLife's double chelation technology. Chelation of zinc greatly facilitates the transport of zinc within the human body.
Studies have shown that zinc is antiviral if it can be delivered to the proper places in the cell. Many antiviral agents help to deliver zinc to the cells. Some like tea catechins both aid the movement of zinc within cells, but also have antiviral activity of their own.


Risks of Rushed Vaccine
"Telescoping testing timelines and approvals may expose all of us to unnecessary dangers related to the vaccine. While preclinical trials to evaluate the potential safety and efficacy of vaccine candidates are likely to include tens of thousands of patients, it is still unclear whether that number will be large enough and a trial will last long enough to evaluate safety for a drug that would be administered to so many. The US alone plans to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people with the first successful candidate. One serious adverse event per thousand of a vaccine given to 100 million people means harm to 100,000 otherwise healthy people." 
Haseltines warnings in Scientific American have been ignored as a result of "emergency authorization" for the use of vaccines prior to thorough testing. Haseltine has a couple of major concerns:

#1: ADE (antibody dependent enhancement): Worsening the result of infection. This phenomena has been observed in attempts to develop other vaccines for coronoviruses. COVID-19 patients have also evidenced antibodies in the blood characteristic of ADE.

#2: All the vaccines tested up to the time of the publication of this article failed to protect non-human primates from infection of the nasal passages. This is why the focus of vaccines has been on amelioration of the infection rather than prevention of the disease.

Emergency Authorization

Emergency authorization for the use of a treatment for a disease is only permissible if there is no effective treatment for a disease. This is why potential alternative treatments for Covid-19 such as hydroxychloraquine or vitamin D and zinc are attacked and rejected by many in the medical community, especially those who have close ties to the pharmaceutical industry.

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