Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Sunday, May 09, 2021


Masks, Presuppositions, and History

In 19th century France, while Louis Pasteur was advocating the idea of germs as the cause of disease, other French scientists, Claude Bernard and Antoine Béchamp, argued that the "terrain" or environment was the critical factor in disease. The practice of Western medicine is based on Pasteur’s germ phobia which gives rise to the use of vaccinations, antibiotics, and other anti-microbials. The importance of the health of the patient has been ignored and forgotten by Western medicine.
What does history have to do with wearing a mask? The whole focus of dealing with Covid-19 is centered on avoiding exposure to a virus, which is very difficult. A physician told me recently, "I am not taking this mask off until I get a vaccine."
The tragedy is that we know that certain populations are vulnerable to the virus. We also know that immune competence can be improved by making sure that certain nutrients like vitamins D and C and zinc are adequately supplied in the diet. No one has suggested testing of vitamin D levels for all susceptible individuals. This neglect of incorporating nutrition in out thinking is a consequence of focusing on the microbe rather than the health of the susceptible population. There are suggestions that Pasteur came to the realization of the importance of the "terrain" near the end of his life. Perhaps, someday, medicine will focus more on building health rather than fighting germs.
Rollo May long ago said that some people are like a glass doll and shatter when exposed to a health challenge which he likened to a hammer. Others are like celluloid that bruise, while others are like steel that sends out a melody when hit with a hammer. Medicine needs to learn to focus on how to transform a glass doll into one with a constitution of steel when faced with a challenge like Covid-19.
Metchnikoff who popularized probiotics drank cholera and did not become ill. He then let a volunteer from his lab repeat the test. When the first volunteer didn’t contract cholera either, Metchnikoff didn’t hesitate to accept an offer from a second one. To his horror, the young man fell ill and nearly died. 
A recent study of 4,300 patients at the University of Chicago found that the rate of infection with Covid-19 was 22% in those with low vitamin D and 12% in those with vitamin D in the normal range.

Interview with Zach Bush
If you are looking for an entertaining and informative discussion of the flu virus you might enjoy the following interview between del Bigtree and physician Zach Bush. It is a little wordy, but entertaining and informative.

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