Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Sunday, May 09, 2021


Hopeless Conditions: Arthritis
Dr. Luke Bucci begins his book on arthritis, "Arthritis is the number-one disability in the United States. Yet, there's no medical cure and none in sight. Joint disorders such as arthritis aren't fatal; therefore, they attract little media coverage. There exists minimal scientific research interest in joint health, at least when compared to heart disease, cancer, and AIDS.
Our current lecture series is on hopeless conditions. Modern medicine has very little to offer for dementia and arthritic disorders. Degenerative conditions, however, almost always have a nutritional component. This month's lecture will focus on the role nutrition plays in maintaining joint health. This month's seminar will focus on the part nutrition can play in the two most common forms of arthritis: osteo and rheumatoid.
NeoLife grew out of research on the lipids and sterols found in whole grains. One of the founders of the company was motivated to share the research and NeoLife products as a result of the wonderful results his wife experienced with her incapacitating rheumatoid arthritis. The first distributor, Fred Alldredge, became successful because of what the supplements did for his wife.

Bucci, Luke, Pain Free, Fort Worth, Texas: The Summit Group, 1995.

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