Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Sunday, May 09, 2021


A Unique Pomegranate Compound
Pomegranate are rich in beneficial compounds including punicalagins, ellagic acid, and ellagitannins. One recent article said, "Recent research, mostly based on in vitro testing, has shown preliminary evidence of the anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, antiglycative, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects of urolithins, supporting their potential contribution to the health effects attributed to pomegranate and ellagitannin-rich foods." Urolithins persist in the body for up to two days after consumption.
Ellagitannins are metabolized by gut bacteria into urolithins which are readily absorbed into the bloodstream. Urolithins are only beginning to be studied. We know they have potent antioxidant activity. These compounds have been shown to reduce inflammation in the colon and to reduce the risk of colitis and colon cancer. They also can reduce inflammation of the nerves.
Most amazing of all is the ability of pomegranate juice and its urolithins to protect and preserve mitochondria and promote the process of autophagy. This has been shown to promote heart health and to slow the process of aging which is associated with degeneration of the mitochondria. Urolithins preserve both muscle and energy producing mitochondria as we age.
This writer fell in love with NeoLife Tre from the day it was introduced. One ounce of this beverage delivers the phytonutrients available in 20 ounces of pomegranate juice (without the sugars) as well as many other beneficial substances found in green tea, acai, and many other berries. This research on urolithins is only the beginning of understanding the benefits of this wonderful product.
Tre contains not only 20 times the punicalagins of pomegranate juice, but also 5-10 times the resveratrol of red wine, 7 times the antioxidant power of tomatoes, and 6 times the alpha-lipoic acid of fresh spinach. The ingredients include pomegranate, acai berry, green tea, blueberry, black currant, cranberry, elderberry, red grape, white grape, and bilberry.


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