Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Sunday, May 09, 2021

 Covid and Pre-existing Conditions

Cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes are the leading pre-existing conditions that increase risk of death from Covid 19. Why are deaths higher in the U.S. than many other countries? Even though we have a highly advanced "disease" care system, our "health" care system is abysmal. The people of the U.S. have more pre-existing conditions likely to increase risk from Covid-19 infection than anywhere else in the world. It all can be traced to SAD (the Standard American Diet) of high intake of sugar, rancid and oxidized fats, and highly processed foods. Almost three out of four Americans are either diabetic or pre-diabetic by the age of 65. Next time you think about blaming a politician for deaths from infection take a look in the shopping baskets of people in America's supermarkets. It is appalling.

Good Nutrition Begets Good Nutrition
The regulatory machinery in the body that guides us to consume healthy foods that our bodies need requires sound nutrition. Roger Williams points out that Dr. Macy-Hoobler was the first to find "that children on a well-formulated diet consumed (by choice) less candy that those on a poor diet." Williams goes on to write, "In our laboratories at Texas we have confirmed this finding by giving rats poor and good diets in succession and noting their consumption of sugar-water. A deficient diet causes increased consumption, while correcting the diet causes a decrease in sugar consumption." Elsewhere Williams wrote, “no one who follows good nutrition practices will ever become an alcoholic.” Williams found that lack of any one of a number of nutrients could cause animals to binge on alcohol while restoration of the missing nutrients would often reduce of eliminate alcohol consumption.

Williams, Roger, J., Nutrition in a Nutshell, New York: Dolphin Books, 1962, 20.

Roger Williams on Aging

"It would seem desirable on the basis of common sense for each of us as we age to favor our weakest member with the best possible nutrition for the cells and tissues involved in it....For the present, nothing can take the place of a well-rounded nutritional supply of everything that our body's cells and tissues need."
Williams was one of the first to describe the "Chain of Life" which makes life possible. The older we become the greater nutritional needs can become as body processes become less efficient. Attention to quality nutrition as we age can make the elder years more pleasant and less filled with suffering.

Williams, Roger, J., Nutrition in a Nutshell, New York: Dolphin Books, 1962, 63.

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