Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Sunday, May 09, 2021

 GMO Soy

NeoLife is committed to avoiding all GMO raw source materials in any products they produce. Soy is the number one genetically modified food. Non-GMO sells for a premium price because it is not resistant to herbicides and involves more work to grow.
GMO soybeans are modified so the herbicide glyphosate can be applied to the plants without killing them. Unfortunately, this substance is patented as an antibiotic. It kills beneficial organisms in the soil and in the gut of humans when consumed. Many pathogens or disease causing bacteria are resistant to glyphosate, while many beneficial organisms are readily killed by exposure to the herbicide.
Monika Kruger and associates suggest that consumption of GMO cattle food has increased the incidence of botulism in cattle. Other studies have shown changes in the beneficial and harmful bacteria in chickens. What is true for cattle and chickens may be true for humans as well.
Don't overlook the NeoLife Acidophilus Complex supplement which is designed to provide 5 of the most beneficial bacteria to promote a healthy digestive tract. These organisms are normal to the human digestive tract. They are also protected with gel-guard technology to assure that they can arrive at the proper places in the digestive tract for optimal promotion of health.

Review article (Interesting discussion of botulism)

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