Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Sunday, May 09, 2021


Benefit of Nutrition for Children

           I recently had a chance to talk with a young woman who was pregnant. She was smoking and eating potato chips and a soft drink for lunch. I tried to tell her of the importance of nutrition. She brushed off my advice saying, "I am too poor to be able to eat a healthy diet." Little does she realize that when a woman neglects nutrition during childbirth she runs the risk of potentially serious damage to the child that can result in a lifetime of misery for both mother and child.
     Numerous studies have shown that numerous nutrients can improve the health and brain function of children. A study in 200
Each one point increase in the ACB scale has been correlated with a 26% increase in the risk of death over a two year period in at least one study.
     Way back in 1971 Dr. Roger Williams wrote, "In a recent psychological study, young undernourished children were compared with children whose nutrition had been superior. It was found that there were 22.6 IQ points difference in favor of the better nourished group. Every effort was made to eliminate other factors, such as differences in the intelligence of parents." Williams tells a story of how vitamin B1 at low levels compromised the maze learning ability of rats while high intake of the vitamin allowed the rats to learn mazes much more efficiently than normal rats.
     NeoLife has superior supplements for young children including VitaSquare, VitaGard, and liquid Omega-3. It you want outstanding children, it will help if you nourish them in an outstanding way.

Williams, Roger, Nutrition Against Disease, New York: Pitman Publishing, 2007, 65.

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