Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Thursday, April 22, 2021

 Vitamin A and Thyroid

     Thyroid problems are epidemic today contributing to weight gain and blood sugar problems. One of the culprits may be low fat diets deficient in fat soluble nutrients including vitamin A. Low levels of vitamin A can suppress thyroid function, lead to increase in the size of the thyroid, and reduce uptake of iodine. The vitamin can also reduce the risk of goiter if iodine intake is low. While low vitamin A can reduce thyroid functioning so can excessive levels of the vitamin. The fat soluble vitamins all work well together and reduce risk of toxicity from any one of them. Balanced intake of nutrients is important. Low fat diets can easily lead to deficiencies of fat soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, K, and carotenoids not to mention the essential fatty acids. These deficiencies can lead to a wide variety of serious health problems. Removal of the gallbladder is one factor that can contribute to deficiencies of fat soluble nutrients.

Farhangi, M.A., et al., The effect of vitamin A supplementation on thyroid function in premenopausal women, J Am Coll Nutr, Aug. 2012; 31(4):268-274.

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