Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Friday, April 30, 2021

 Birth Control Pills and Breast Cancer

      A recent study confirmed that birth control pills increase the risk of breast cancer. The study found 13 extra cases of breast cancer for every 100,000 women using birth control pills each year. The Danish study followed 1.8 million women for a decade. The link between birth control pills and breast cancer was established long ago, but this is the first large study that looks at the current birth control formulations which are supposed to be safer than older formulations. Any birth control device that released hormones IUD's increased risk. 
     The number of increased cases of cancer seems small until one considers the millions of women using hormone based contraceptives and the fact that they are used for many years. The risk of cancer increased the longer women used the birth control and the risk was greatest among older women. The overall increase in risk of developing breast cancer was about 20%. That risk increased to 38% if a woman used a hormonal birth control method for 10 years.
     Many years ago Ellen Grant wrote a book called The Bitter Pill which documented the problems she observed as she introduced the birth control pill into England. That book was suppressed and is difficult to find. You will find a summary by clicking the link below.

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