Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Thursday, April 22, 2021

 Fat Soluble Vitamins

     Weston Price, one of the early nutrition pioneers, studied the diets of primitive peoples with excellent health who had not yet adopted modern dietary habits. Price found that the diets of these people tended to have 10 times the intake of fat soluble vitamins and 4 times the trace mineral intake of the average Americans of his day. Today we are probably much worse because most of our foods are low fat and fat contains the fat soluble vitamins. The fat soluble nutrients people are often missing include vitamins A, D, E, K, essential fatty acids, and carotenoids. The best way to obtain these nutrients is by consuming cod liver oil, eggs from free range poultry, and butter from cattle and other animals eating grass. Fat soluble vitamins are essential for proper mineralization of bones and teeth. Balance of these nutrients is important. Vitamin D reduces risk of vitamin A toxicity and vitamin A reduces risk of vitamin D toxicity.

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