Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Friday, April 30, 2021


        Vaccines contain many substances including preservatives like mercury containing thimerisol and adjuvants to increase effectiveness like aluminum. Many researchers are concerned about the safety of these substances.
     The issue of toxicity of aluminum when it is used as an adjuvant in vaccines was raised by Professor Christopher Shaw. Examination of mice injected with the aluminum adjuvant were found to suffer death of 35% of the brain and nerve cells that control movement. Shaw later said, "No one in my lab wants to get vaccinated. This totally creeped us out. We weren't out there to poke holes in vaccines. But all of a sudden, oh my God-we've got neuron death."  
     An evaluation of the aluminum adjuvant issue  found that low doses of aluminum were more toxic than larger doses and concluded the following: "This study provides powerful evidence that Al adjuvant causes brain injury and brain inflammation. The Al adjuvant greatly increased brain aluminum content, caused pathological behavioral changes, and caused microglial activation. These adverse effects occurred at dosages lower than dosages given to human infants according to the CDC vaccination schedule." [See link below.]
     I am frequently asked if I have taken the flu shot. I usually respond that I prefer to risk the flu. Hopefully my immune system has enough competence to deal with most infections. That is why I use a lot of supplements. So far this has worked quite well for me. I do not try to tell others what to do in this matter because many people have poorly functioning immune systems.
     The risk of vaccines may be small but it is often understated. If there were not some risk of damage there would not be a vaccine court that has paid out billions of dollars in damages. It there were no risk to vaccines it would not be necessary to pass a law which prohibits suing pharmaceutical firms for vaccine damage. It would be nice if safety testing of vaccines went on for more than a week so potential long term damage could be assessed.
      Roberts, Janine, The Vaccine Papers, United Kingdom:Impact Media Publishing Ltd, 2010, 67. Shaw quote.
     Review of the aluminum issue: http://vaccinepapers.org/category/aluminum/

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