Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Friday, April 30, 2021


     One of our customers named Terri recently shared that a member of the family suffered with gout. When she takes, Carotenoid Complex she has no pain. If she fails to take the product the pain comes back. This is interesting to me because you will search the nutritional literature and fail to find anything which would suggest that carotenoids would benefit gout. It reminds me of another customer who suffered with gout. He began supplementing with Betagest and Enzymes and his gout went away. The best support in the nutrition literature suggests that vitamin C may reduce the risk of gout. Years ago Jonathan Wright, M.D., observed that vitamin C was as effective as the medication to treat gout. Gout can be caused by lead poisoning or by elevated uric acid. Excess sugar or purine intake can elevate uric acid levels. High levels of purines are found in beer and in some foods.
"Vitamin C intake and the risk of gout in men: a prospective study," Choi HK, Gao X, Curhan G, Arch Intern Med, 2009; 169(5): 502-7.
"Vitamin C Intake and Serum Uric Acid Concentration in Men," Gao X, Curhan G, et al, J Rheumatol, 2008 May 1.
"The effects of vitamin C supplementation on serum concentrations of uric acid - Results of a randomized controlled trial," Huang HY, Appel LJ, et al, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2005; 52(6): 1843-1847.  

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