Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Thursday, April 22, 2021

 Not So New News About Sugar

       A recent study by neuroscientist Selena Bartlett and associates of Queensland University compared the effects of refined sugar intake to those of cocaine, morphine, and nicotine. Sugar repeatedly elevates dopamine, a brain chemical which creates a sensation of pleasure and reward. Long term consumption leads to a reduction in dopamine levels leading to ever higher consumption of sugar to get the same level of reward. The artificial sweetener saccharin produced similar results to sugar.
     The derangement of brain chemicals triggered by sugar addiction plays a role in weight gain and neurological and psychiatric problems according to the researchers.
     The researchers observed that withdrawal from sucrose can precipitate a response similar to going "cold turkey" off of nicotine, morphine, or cocaine. Drugs used to treat nicotine addiction may be helpful in treating sugar cravings according to some studies.
     None of this research is that surprising. Dr. Elliott Blass demonstrated that refined sugar activated the opiate receptor about 30 years ago. Anyone who doubts the harmful effects of sugar should watch the video "Sweet Suicide."

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