Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Thursday, April 22, 2021

 Sweetened with Fruit Juice

     Sweetened with 100% fruit juice. Sounds great does it not. Fruit juice concentrate often tastes like the fruit from which it came. It is difficult to work with. Juices are typically stripped of color, flavor, acids, and minerals by passing them through ion exchange columns. It's and expensive way to make sugar water. It allows the manufacturer to label the product as "100% juice" or "no sugar added." There is no technique used to identify these modified juices in foods. If a label says white grape, apple, or pear juice you should suspect that it may be this stripped down fruit juice which is little different from refined sugar. 
     Uncle John's Legendary Lost Bathroom Reader, Ashland, Or.:The Bathroom Reader's Press, 1999, 582.

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