Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Friday, April 30, 2021

 Learning About Tre

     One of the major ingredients of the Tre drink is acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee). This is the fruit of a palm tree found in the rainforests of the Amazon. It has been a dietary staple of people in Brazil for centuries but has only recently become known in temperate zones.
     What makes this ingredient special is its rich content of anthocyanins. These are water soluble coloring pigments with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Anthocyanins are believed to be responsible for the French Paradox which centers around the idea that the French eat a high fat diet but have a low incidence of heart disease. The French obtain anthocyanins from red wine. Acai can provide over 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine without the alcohol.
     Acai contains many other nutrients as well. The phytosterols and other nutrients found in acai are being investigated for their ability to combat benign prostatic hypertrophy or swollen prostate. This is not surprising since saw palmetto, another product of the palm species, is also of benefit for prostatic hypertrophy.
     One of my older gentleman friends became impotent. He fell in love with the Tre and took it consistently for months. He was stunned when his potency returned. The ingredients in Tre protect the inner lining of the circulatory system and also improve the activity of nitric oxide, the means by which viagra and similar drugs improve male potency.

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