Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Friday, April 30, 2021

 Children on Target for Obesity

     A recent study concluded that 57% of children today will be obese by the time they are 35 years old if dietary habits are not altered. Currently 36.5% of the population is obese. Children suffering with obesity number 4.5 million at the current time.
     Obesity is tied to increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The costs of obesity are enormous fueling the current dilemma over what to do about health care. Americans will either have to get healthier or health care is going to be rationed in one way or another.
    Parents who are concerned about obesity in children should consider replacing sweet snacks with the NeoLife Shake. There are four major reasons why this supplement can help regulate weight and prevent obesity.
 1. NeoLife Shake is rich in branched chain amino acids which promote muscle growth and retention. Muscle burns fat. The more muscle we have the easier it is to burn fat for energy.
2. NeoLife Shake is a nutrient rich balanced meal. The supplement contains 25 essential vitamins and minerals plus all 22 amino acids. One of the primary reasons why children and adults overeat is due to hidden hungers. Dr. Roger Williams demonstrated in animal research long ago that he could convert laboratory animals from consuming small amounts of alcohol to binge drinkers by depriving them of any one of a number of different nutrients. When the missing nutrient was added back to the diet, the binging stopped. Many people feel that binge eating is contributed to by nutrient deficiency as well.
3. NeoLife Shake is designed to stabilize blood sugar. This technology is called Glycemic Response Control. The shake has an optimal balance of fiber, protein, fat and carbohydrate to keep blood sugar stable for a prolonged period of time.
4. Gut-Brain Satiety Signaling. The NeoLife Shake contains nutrients to reduce levels of a hormone called ghrelin which increases appetite and to increase levels of leptin which signals the brain that appetite has been satisfied.
     NeoLife Shake can be a powerful tool to help parents reduce the risk of childhood obesity.

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