Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Friday, April 30, 2021


   One of the most powerful inflammatory substances in the body is called LPS or lipopolysaccharide. This substance is known as an endotoxin because it is produced within the human body. When the bacteria in the digestive tract feed on high fat meals, the numbers of those that produce LPS explode contributing to chronic inflammatory conditions. At the recent clinical nutrition meeting in Dallas, one of the speakers reported on an interesting experiment. Subjects were fed high fat meals (burgers and shakes) from a fast food restaurant. Endotoxin levels exploded. The subjects were then supplemented with beneficial bacteria also known as probiotics. The beneficial bacteria largely blocked the production of endotoxin.
     LPS comes from the cell membranes of certain types of bacteria. The beneficial bacteria were obviously preventing the growth of harmful bacteria blocking the formation of inflammatory substances in the body. Individuals who are suffering with inflammatory conditions should consider avoiding high fat meals and supplement with probiotics like Acidophilus Complex when they are consuming such meals to reduce the risk of up-regulating inflammation in the body.

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