Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Monday, April 15, 2024

Carotenoids and the Skin

 Carotenoids are the fat soluble coloring pigments in fruits and vegetables. The carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanthin were first recognized for their ability to protect the eyes of developing macular degeneration as we age. They sit on top of the part of the eye called the macula lutea where sunlight focuses in the process of vision and protect the underlying structures from damage.

A more recent realization on the part of nutritional science is the benefit of these very same nutrients for the skin. One recent study concluded: "...the present study indicates that the administration of lutein and zeaxanthin provides multiple benefits to the skin. In addition to the protection of the skin from the deleterious effects of UV light-inducible damage (increased free radical production) and decreased lipid peroxidation, these xanthophylls also increased the surface lipids, skin hydration, and skin elasticity." Oral supplementation with these carotenoids resulted in a four-fold increase in the ability of the skin to tolerate ultraviolet light exposure without damage to the skin.

It is best to get a balanced intake of carotenoids as a high intake of only one member of the family can inhibit the absorption of other carotenoids. NeoLife Carotenoid Complex is a patented formula which extracts carotenoids in a nitrogen environment and encapsulated them in a black capsule to their ability to help the body to cope with free radical oxygen and ultraviolet light is not lost in the manufacturing process.


Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2007;20:199–210 DOI: 10.1159/000101807.

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