Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Monday, April 15, 2024

How I Share ProVitality+

 Price Objection:

Would you not agree that the average person is willing to spend $2-4 for a cup of coffee at a coffee shop. A frappachinos can cost $4-6. The cost of a good candy bar will be $3-5 dollars. None of these offers the health benefits of a packet of NeoLife ProVitality+ which costs about $2.00.

Product Quality:

ProVitality+ is composed of four outstanding components that cover the basics of sound nutrition and long term health. They are as follows:

Vitamin-Mineral with Enzymes:

Most inexpensive supplements contain only vitamins and minerals. This is just the beginning with Neo-Life. The supplement also contains enzymes which aid the body in digestion and absorption of the vitamins and minerals-- something often lacking in other supplements.


Tre-en-en is a supplement exclusive to Neo-Life. It was developed out of 12 years of medical research at North Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital many years ago. Researchers realized that a key nutritional factor affecting stamina, hormone functioning, and nutrient utilization was missing from the diet of many of their patients as the hospital. This was contributing to premature aging. Seventy-six different supplements were tested before the researchers learned that food refining lay at the base of the problems they were seeing.

Extracts were made from the parts of wheat, rice, and soybeans that were being discarded in the manufacture of white flour, white rice, and tofu. This product was called Tre-en-en which means three in one in Greek, referring to the extracts from the three grains and legumes. When tested these extracts were shown to improve nutrient utilization of rats by 50% and improve overall functioning of the adrenal stress coping glands and male and female sex hormones. The researchers tested patients who were unwell in the hospitals and noted marked improvement in many people. One of these was the original owner of NeoLife whose wife recovered from a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis. He began to sell the product so it would be available for his wife and himself as he did not wish to see her suffer again. When Dr. Restifo turned the product over to Wally Wimmer he said, "If you will share this discovery with people you will be doing something 16 times more important than we doctors do because 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'."

One question remained. Would Tre-en-en benefit healthy people? The resarchers studies the healthiest part of the population. They supplemented professional athletes including the Iowa State College football team and the Cleveland Browns. Testing showed substantial improvments in stamina and biochemistry among these healthy athletes.

This supplement has been a part of NeoLife multiple vitamins since 1958.

Carotenoid Complex

Carotenoid Complex is a blend of the fat soluble coloring pigments from fruits and vegetables. Few people eat the suggested 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables suggested by health authorities. Carotenoids are fragile components of foods that protect the body from free radical oxygen. They are destroyed by oxygen and by light. Carotenoid Complex is manufactured with a patented process in a nitrogen enviroment and placed in a black capsule to protect from light and oxygen. Consuming one bottle of Carotenoid Complex provides the equivalent of the carotenoids in 250 pounds of raw fruits and vegetables.

Testing on Carotenoid Complex showed that three a day enhanced production of white blood cells (our immune defenders) by 37% in 20 days, increased natural killer cells (these go after cancer cells) by 20%, decreased oxidative damage to cells by 44% (this affects aging) and increased antioxidants in cholesterol five-fold. A study conduced in the 1970's found that oxidation of cholesterol increased the risk of atherosclerosis 500-fold over consumption of non-oxidized cholesterol. This supplement hels prevent cholesterol from oxidizing within the blood.

Salmon Oil Plus

The final component of the ProVitality+ is designed to provide the important omega-3 fatty acids which work to reduce inflammation in the body. Salmon Oil Plus is standardized to contain all 8 members of the omega-3 family rather than just one or two as the majority of omega-3 supplements. It is a ultra high potency concentrate omega-3 (UHPO3). This means it is not necessary to swallow large capsules and reduces the risk of burping up fish oils all day.

Salmon Oil Plus is also tested for over 200 pollutants with a standard of zero. Scientific studies have shown that fish oils contaminated with persistent organic pollutants can actually contribute to fatty liver and insulin resistance while a clean and pure product can improve these conditions. A clinical trial on Salmon Oil Plus showed that it reduced the inflammatory index by 68% in 8 weeks.


One would spend a long time searching for a multiple supplement that comes anywhere close to what is available in Neo-Life ProVitality+. Here are some quotes worth thinking about:

"The Bitterness of Poor Quality Remains Long After the Sweetness of Low Price is Forgotten."

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”– Warren Buffet.

"It's unwise to pay too much. But it's worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money, that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do." John Ruskin

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” – John Ruskin.

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