Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Monday, April 15, 2024

Food Allergy

 Allergic responses to foods can result in a lot of misery. Scientists made mice allergic to egg then fed them egg. The small intestine became inflamed and an army of white blood cells (eosinophils) swarmed into the intestine. The white blood cells in the intestines of these mice were more that double the normal number of white blood cells present and they released a toxin called eotaxin. The nerves in the intestine were damaged by the activity of this toxin, the animals lost weight, and the normal digestive process was stopped.

An immune reaction occurs when foods are not completely digested. This can result from overeating, consuming too much of a food for which one has limited digestive capacity, or consuming foods which are difficult or impossible to digest due to heavy food processing.

It is important to have adequate digestive enzymes, particularly as we age. Neolife Betazyme contains both stomach acid support (Betagest) and support for the pancreas and gallbladder (Enzyme Digestive Aid). The more completely foods are broken down the less allergy provoking they tend to be. This was well documented by Dr. William Philpott many years ago. Aging is a lot less uncomfortable if we can adequately digest our foods.

Aloe is very healing and also helps reduce inflammation. Many have found that the NeoLife Aloe drink is very helpful for an irritated digestive tract and reflux. Aloe is also a helpful prebiotic-- it nourishes beneficial bacteria in the gut. NeoLife Acidophilus Complex is provides 5 of the very best human bacterial organisms in supplement form. All NeoLife digestive aids (Betagest, Enzyme, and Acidophilus) have targeted delivery to the area of the digestive tract where they will do the most good.



Seppa, N., Immune cells rush to gut in food allergy, Science News, April 7, 2001, 214.

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