Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Monday, January 05, 2015

Broccoli Sprouts and Detox

     Subjects in China who were exposed to air pollutants associated with lung cancer and heart and lung disease were supplemented with a drink composed of broccoli sprouts. The ability to excrete airborne pollutants jumped dramatically. The researchers suggested that increasing the intake of compounds found in cruciferous vegetables might be an economical means of reducing the long term risk of being exposed to airborne pollutants.
     NeoLife Cruciferous Plus contains extracts from the entire family of cruciferous vegetables.
Egner, Patricia A., et al., Rapid and sustainable detoxification of airborne pollutants by broccoli sprout beverage: Results of a randomized clinical trial in China, Cancer Prev Res; Dec. 9, 2014;7(8):813-23.

Cancer and Tocotrienols

     Natural vitamin E complex has been attacked by some in the medical community since the Shute brothers first used it to successfully treat heart disease. One of the arguments which was voiced to me by a physician a number of years ago was that the synthetic was just as effective and DL alpha tocopherol was available for a fraction of the cost of the natural vitamin E complex which includes four tocopherols and four tocotrienols.
     A recent study found that the four tocotrienols all have anti-cancer properties. The effectiveness against lung and brain cancers was demonstrated to be associated with total quantity of the tocotrienols and also the period of time they are in contact with cancer cells. The tocotrienols both killed cancer cells and also triggered them to commit suicide. Delta-tocotrienol was shown to be the most effective anti-cancer agent of the four tocotrienols in this study. The researchers concluded, "Tocotrienols in particular the delta isomer can be an alternative chemotherapeutic agent for treating lung and brain cancers." These unrecognized nutritional factors, a natural part of the vitamin E complex, can not be that unimportant if researchers are suggesting that they be used as chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of brain and lung cancers!
     NeoLife Vitamin E Complex has always contained the entire family of vitamin E factors including all the tocotrienols and tocopherols. It is just the way nature does things!
Lim, S.W., et al., Cytotoxicity and apoptic activities of alpha-, gamma- and delta-tocotrienol isomers on human cancer cells, BMC Complement Altern Med, Dec. 6, 2014;14(1):469.

Parkinson's and Folic Acid

     One of our family friends for many years was Earl Pearson. Earl suffered with Parkinson's disease. When his physician increased his B Complex from one a day to three per meal his Parkinson's improved dramatically over a period of time.
     One research study showed that mice with low folic acid intake and high homocysteine levels were susceptible to Parkinson-like damage to the brain when exposed to a chemical known to be associated with the disease. Mice with adequate folic acid intake were protected.
WenzhenDuan, Bruce Ladenheim, Roy G. Cutler, Inna I. Kruman, Jean LudCadet and Mark P. Mattson, "Dietary folate deficiency and elevated homocysteine levels endanger dopaminergic neurons in models of Parkinson's disease," Journal of Neurochemistry, Vol. 80, No. 1, January 2002 101-110

Parkinson's and Vitamin B2

     Researchers in Brazil found that 31 Parkinson's patients they tested were vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficient. Supplementation of 19 of these for 6 months with 30 milligrams of vitamin B2 3 times a day improved functional motor capacity from 44% of normal to 71% of normal.
Patients were also instructed to avoid red meat which releases hemin, a potential neurotoxin, during the digestive process. One wonders what the results would have been if the entire B complex had been supplemented. Vitamin B2 is known to be essential for the utilization of vitamin B6.
Coimbra, C. G., et al, High doses of riboflavin and the elimination of dietary red meat promote the recovery of some motor functions in Parkinson's disease patients, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2003; 36(10):1409-1417.

BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) and Bisphenol A

     A recent study found that Bisphenol A, a common estrogenic pollutant, caused the proliferation of prostate cells in rats even at low doses. Other estrogenic pollutants have been shown to stimulate the growth of prostate cells as well.
Wu, Jian-Hui, et al., Oral exposure to low-dose bisphenol A aggravates testosterone-induced benign hyperplasia prostate in rats,
Toxicology and Industrial Health, October 2011; 27(9):810-819.
Weltje, Lennart, et al., Reproductive stimulation by low doses ofxenoestrogens contrasts with the view of hormesis as an adaptive response, Human and Experimental Toxicology, 2005;24:431-437.

Glutathione Peroxidase

     The glutathione peroxidase enzyme is the major defense of the cell against accumulation of peroxide, a highly damaging free radical. The enzyme is synthesized in response to oxidative stress experienced by the cells. The enzyme is activated by selenium. Thus one could have a great deal of the enzyme, but it remains ineffective in the absence of adequate selenium in the diet. This enzyme is also dependent upon adequate intake of sulfur-containing amino acids in the diet.

Selenium and Allergy

     Stephen A. Levine, Ph.D. acquired an interest in free radicals and antioxidants as a result of a personal experience. In 1976 he was working in a research laboratory and became sensitized of chemicals. In July of 1979 he was diagnosed with ecological illness, he had become sensitized to hundreds of chemicals which are inseparable from our 20th century lifestyle. In October 1979 he discovered that southern Pacific kelp taken as an oral supplement relieved flu-like muscle pains and aches he had experienced for 3 years. By December he had regained tolerance to the wide variety of environmental chemicals which had made him ill.
     Levine found that the kelp was rich in selenium. He found that some patients benefited immediately from selenium supplementation. Most patients gradually improved over a period of 30-60 days with supplementation.
     Selenium is a key component of glutathione peroxidase, one of the body's most important antioxidants. Read the newsletter Susceptibility to Infectious Disease for more information on this remarkable mineral. Selenium is one of those minerals where a little is good, but excess can be quite toxic. Don't go overboard with supplementation!
Levine, Stephen, and Kidd, Parris, Antioxidant Adaptation, San Leandro, CA: Allergy Research Group, 1994, 3.

Soy and Cancer

     In spite of the fact that numerous studies have shown that those with high soy consumption appear to have lower incidence of cancer than those with a low intake the web is filled with suggestions that consumption of soy causes cancer.
     A recent study has identified a powerful new anti-cancer substance in soy called lunasin, a protein in the soybean. Lunasin selectively kills cells being transformed or newly transformed into cancer cell. Lunasin appears to prevent the development of cancer cells, but does not affect established cancer cells.
     Lunasin has an epigenetic effect upon cells. It alters the way the DNA expresses itself. Research on lunasin explains why soy appears to prevent cancer, but is not very effective in treating cancer once it develops.
de Lumen, Ben o., Lunasin: A cancer-preventative soy peptide, Nutrition Reviews, January 2005, 63(1):16-21.

The Sense of Smell

     Altered sense of smell is one of the first symptoms found in patients who later go on to develop Alzheimer's disease. Researchers in 2011 found a deficiency of vitamin D to be associated with a loss of the sense of smell. Vitamin D is synthesized from cholesterol and long term deficiency of this nutrient has been suggested as causative in Alzheimer's. Magnesium deficiency has also been associated with loss of the sense of smell.
Lorin, Henry, Alzheimer's Solved, www.booksurge.com, 2005, 63.
Kruse, Ralph and Cambron, Jerrilyn, A possible correlation between vitamin D deficiency and loss of smell: 2 case reports, J. Chiropr Med, Dec. 2011; 10(4):310-315.

Cholesterol and the Brain

     About one quarter of the cholesterol in the human body is located in the brain. Almost all of this cholesterol is manufactured within the brain itself, since cholesterol can not cross the blood brain barrier. A number of studies have suggested that low cholesterol can damage neurons and contribute to the development of dementia. This raises the question of whether statin medications which block cholesterol synthesis in the body, including in the brain, might not cause damage to brain cells. Henry Lorin makes a powerful argument along this line in his book Alzheimer's Solved.
Lorin, Henry,
Alzheimer's Solved, www.booksurge.com, 2005.
Bjorkhem, Ingemar and Meaney, Steve, Brain cholesterol: Long secret life behind a barrier,
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004;24:806-815.

Book Review: The Statin Damage Crisis

     Almost daily I receive questions regarding the use of statin medications to lower cholesterol. It is important to realize that statin medications are not harmless and without side effects. One of the best books describing the potential problems associated with the use of statin medications is The Statin Damage Crisis by Duane Graveline, M.D. Dr. Graveline experinceed both memory loss and muscle degeneration after the use of Lipitor.
     The following are a couple of brief quotes from the book by Graveline:
     "Statin drugs cause effects on our mitochondria (the part of the cell which produces energy) identical to those that accumulate with age. One might say that one side effect of statin therapy is premature aging."
     "First I learned about statin drug inhibition of glial cell cholesterol, so vital for memory. Then...I learned about the inevitable mevalonate blockade by statins with resulting neuropathies, myopathies and chronic muscular degeneration."
     "Many statin victims say that abruptly, almost in the blink of an eye, they have become old people."
Graveline, Duane, The Statin Damage Crisis, First Edition, 2009, p.140.

Bt Toxin

     The number of suicides among Indian cotton farmers now tops more than 300,000. A large percentage of these suicides are associated with bankruptcy as a result of planting GMO cotton. The crops fail when there is a lack of rainfall.
     GMO cotton can also kill livestock. Crops are genetically modified for two purposes. Firstly, so they can survive applications of Roundup or glyphosate which is discussed above. Secondly, crops are genetically engineered with pesticides like Bt toxin in every cell of the plant. As shown in the video below, ingestion of large quantities of Bt toxin is harmful to animals and probably to humans as well. Those with health problems should avoid GMO crops.

GMO Devastation in India

Exercise and Heart Attack

     A recent study suggests that excessive exercise may not be the prescription for those who have had a heart attack. Heart attack survivors who run less than 30 miles a week or walk fewer than 46 miles a week are 65% less likely to die from another heart attack. Intensive exercise can increase free radical production as much as ten-fold which may not be desirable for those with compromised heart health.
Click here for link on exercise and heart attack.

Glyphosate & Sperm Quality

     Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, the world's most popular herbicide. A recent study has shown that a brief 8 day exposure of male rats to Roundup resulted in abnormal sperm and an alteration of the enzyme aromatase.
     The level of exposure was similar to levels found in water after agricultural spraying. Altering the aromatase enzyme can result in altering the balance between androgen and estrogen, the male and female sex hormones. Aromatase is also known as estrogen synthase since it converts testosterone to estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors are used to treat endometrial disorders, uterine fibroids, and breast cancer. Elevated aromatase levels appear to be a major contributor to benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer.
Cassault-Meyer, Estelle, et al., An acute exposure to glyphosate-based herbicide alters aromatase levels in testis and sperm nuclear quality, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, July 2014; 38(1):131-140.
Ellem, S.J., et al., Aromatase and prostate cancer, Minerva Endocrinol., March 2006; 31(1):1-12.

Arsenic in Rice

     Recent studies have shown that the rice in your neighborhood supermarket could contain significant amounts of arsenic. We are not isolated from the consequences of agriculture practiced in places like India, Sri Lanka, and Central America.
     High levels of arsenic have been found in American rice products. Elevated levels of arsenic have also been found in beer and apple juice. Arsenic has also been fed to pigs, chickens and turkeys to promote growth. Spreading the manures of these animals on crops increases the arsenic content of the foods we eat.

Arsenic Levels in Rice: What Does it Mean for Your Health?
Consumer Reports on arsenic in American foods.

Chronic Kidney Disease: CKDu

     CKD stands for Chronic Kidney Disease. The "u" designates cause unknown. An epidemic of this disease has been unleashed in central America, India and Sri Lanka. El Salvador has the highest mortality from kidney disease in the world. More men die from kidney disease in El Salvador and Nicaragua than die from AIDS, diabetes and leukemia. So many men have died in one rural patch of Nicaragua that the area is known as "The Island of the Widows." Over 20,000 people in Sri Lanka have died from CKDu over two decades.
     Dr. Channa Jayasumana and his associates from Sri Lanka have put forward the hypothesis that the culprit is glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup. The chemical was originally patented as a chelating agent. The theory is that glyphosate binds toxic metals like arsenic and cadmium. The glyphosate coat acts like a Trojan horse allowing the toxic metals to escape detection by the liver. They then enter the blood stream and are released in the acid environment of the kidney, destroying the kidney.
     El Salvador banned glyphosate in 2013 and Sri Lanka banned the product in 2014. The US government has threatened to withhold almost 300 million in aid for El Salvador unless they buy glyphosate resistant GMO seed from Monsanto.
     Half of Monsanto's yearly profit comes from sales of either Roundup or GMO seeds designed to be Roundup resistant. The US government is heavily influenced by Monsanto and pushes genetically modified foods at every opportunity.
     The researchers in Sri Lanka found an association between hardness of ground water, arsenic and kidney disease. Eighty-five percent of the cases of this new disease were middle aged male farmers. Almost all victims were drinking well water. The higher the mineral content of the water the greater the number of cases of the disease. Victims of the disease displayed an abnormal spotty pigmentation of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. You can click the link below for a PowerPoint presentation on the problem with photographs of this spotty pigmentation part way through the document. Very high levels of arsenic were found in the urine and hair of individuals suffering with CKDu.
     The arsenic was found in rice coming from the area where the disease was found. Arsenic was also found in drinking water and soils. The researchers found that the arsenic was a contaminant in 50% of pesticides used on crops and was also present in super phosphate fertilizers. The researchers suggested that cadmium toxicity could also be involved.Reference:
Click here for link showing spotty pigmentation.

The Skin of the Potato

     The skin of a potato contains 50% of the antioxidant activity of the entire potato. The fiber in the skin also slows digestion and lowers the glycemic value. Unfortunately, commercial potatoes are treated with anti-sprouting compounds which both toxic and nutritional antagonists. The link below tells the story of one young girl's discovery of an anti-sprouting agent used on potatoes.
My Potato Project; The Importance of
My Potato Project; The Importance of "Organic"


     More exotic meats like bison and venison are appearing on the market. The tendency is to assume that these animals are grass fed, but this is not always the case. Analysis has shown that meat from grass-fed bison has 3.5 times more omega-3 fatty acids than meat from grain fed bison. Grain fed animals also have higher cholesterol content in their meat than animals consuming grass. The trend is bison feeding is to raise them on grain. It is a good idea to always seek out meat and animal byproducts from animals which have been exclusively grass fed.
Robinson, Jo., Pasture Perfect, Washington: Vashon Island Press, 2004, 47-48.

Organic Milk

     The diet of a cow determines the fatty acid composition of not only the meat from the cow, but also the milk and butter. Cows eating grass produce milk with more omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) that cattle fed grain. The milk also has less omega-6 fatty acids. Unfortunately, most of the organic milk is produced by cattle consuming significant quantities of organically grown grain. For better nutrition seek out dairy products which are not only organic but also from cattle consuming primarily grass.

Cruciferous Vegetables

     The primary source of health benefits from cruciferous vegetables is glucosinolates. The more glucosinolates in the vegetable the better it is for you and the worse it tastes. Brussels sprouts and kale have the largest quantities of glucosinolates. Broccoli and kale have very powerful antioxidant properties, but we consume few of them. Cruciferous vegetables rapidly lose their nutritional value. After shipment, warehousing, supermarket display, refrigeration, and cooking little of the nutritional value remains.
     Neo-Life Cruciferous Plus retains the nutritional value of an ideal serving of cruciferous vegetables. Research by the Southern Research Institute found that this supplement slowed breast cancer growth by 37%. In the study mentioned above only allium products had greater anti-cancer activity than cruciferous vegetables.
Cieslik, Ewa, et al., Effects of some technological processes on glucosinolate contents in cruciferous vegetables, Food Chemistry105:976-81.

Getting the Most from Garlic

     Much of the value of garlic is derived from allicin. Heating garlic for 60 seconds in a microwave or 45 minutes in an oven completely negates the anticarcinogenic property of garlic offered by allicin. Mashing garlic and allowing it to sit for at least ten minutes before cooking with it preserves many of its anti-cancer properties.
     NeoLife Allium Complex is standardized for allicin content. The allicin is created when the supplement reaches the stomach. Allicin is responsible for the odor of garlic and most deodorized products are not standardized for allicin content.
Song, Kun, et al., The influence of heating on the anticancer properties of garlic, The Journal of Nutrition, 131; 2001, 1054S-1057S.

Anticancer Vegetables

     A study conducted in 2009 found that allium and cruciferous vegetables had the greatest inhibitory effects upon 8 different tumor cell lines. The study compared the effectiveness of 34 different vegetables against cancer cells. The study reports, "garlic was by far the strongest inhibitor of tumor cell proliferation, with complete growth inhibition of all tested cell lines." Other members of the allium family such as leeks and onions were also powerful cancer inhibitors. Cruciferous vegetables came up a close second.
Boivin, Dominique, et al., Antiproliferative and antioxidant activities of common vegetables: A comparative study, Food Chemistry 112(2009): 374-380.

Five Big Clues to Allergy

Dr. Doris Rapp lists 5 big clues that someone is experiencing serious allergic responses. These clues are:
(1) A change in the pulse rate, usually an increase.
(2) Symptoms affecting behavior and memory such as aches, pains, fatigue, depression, hyperactivity, or anxiety.
(3) Changes in appearance such as red earlobes or cheeks, circles under the eyes, and puffiness under the eyes.
(4) Changes in writing and drawing.
(5) Changes in breathing such as coughing or asthma.

Six Common Allergens

     An individual can have an allergic response to almost any food, inhalant, or physical substance coming in contact with the skin. One can even become sensitized to invisible electromagnetic fields.      The Big Six allergens are gluten, corn, dairy, soybeans, peanuts and eggs.
Gluten can cause serious damage including migraines, neuropathy, erosion of the digestive tract, and increased risk of dementia. Dairy products are more likely to result in congestion, breathing difficulty, and diarrhea.
     Physicians will often ask patients to avoid these six foods for a period of time. This is called an elimination diet. It may not result in avoidance of all allergens, but it can lighten the load on the immune system if one is sensitive to one or more of these foods.
     The barrel illustration has been used to portray the nature of allergy. Symptoms are not evident until the barrel overflows. In other words, the body is tolerant to exposure to allergens until we carry a load which is too heavy to handle. We then become ill. The severity of the response depends upon how great the total load exceeds coping capacity.
     The value of good nutrition and supplementation is that it increases the size of the barrel allowing us to have a greater tolerance for toxins and allergens we experience on a daily basis.

Growth Hormone

     One of the hottest areas of supplementation in anti-aging research of the use of growth hormone. An older study showed that growth hormone aided weight loss and made the skin tighter. This was equated with reversing aging.
     A recent study suggests that growth hormone may not be a great contributor to a longer life. The hormone increases insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). A recent study suggests that elevated IGF-1 levels may increase risk of cancer and decrease lifespan.
     Sales of growth hormone totaled 3.5 billion dollars in 2011. Those who are spending their money in this way may be receiving no benefit. The use of supplementing with hormones is fraught with risks and unintended consequences.

Vitamin D and Autism

     Some early research suggests that deficiency of vitamin D may play a role in the development of autism. This underscores the importance of adequate intake of all nutrients during pregnancy in order to prevent subtle as well as obvious birth defects.
     Researchers found three genes which are abnormally expressed in autism which are directly regulated by vitamin D. One of these genes relates to elevated blood serotonin and low levels of brain serotonin. A second gene could contribute to the low levels of the hormone oxytocin in autism. The hormone plays a role in socialization. The third gene plays a role in preventing autoimmunity.
     This is very early research but I thought it well worth bringing to the attention of those who have an interest in autism and nutrition.
Blog on autism and vitamin D
Link to original article

Vitamin D and Children

     My mother gave her children cod liver oil to promote health and prevent disease. A recent study suggests that our mothers and grandmothers knew best. Cod liver oil is an excellent source of vitamins A and D and omega-3 fatty acids. A recent study found that 10% of children were vitamin D deficient and an additional 47% had insufficient levels of vitamin D.
     The vitamin D deficiency was associated with increased risk of diarrhea with vomiting and ear infections in school age children. Vitamin D has been shown to active a portion of the immune system which produces an anti-microbial peptide. Vitamin D has also been shown to control structures called "tight junctions" in the gut providing protection against absorption of allergens and defense against microbial invaders.
Abstract of the article.

Antipsychotic Use by Children

     The number of children taking antipsychotic drugs has tripled over the last decade or so. Mental illness is not increasing. Doctors are prescribing these drugs for behavior problems which are not approved by the FDA ( called "off label" use). There is little evidence these drugs help children for the problems for which they have been approved, much less for these unapproved uses.
     Children who are placed on these drugs as young as two years of age are at increased risk for weight gain, type-2 diabetes, and elevated cholesterol levels. Little is known about how these drugs and affect the developing brain.
     Much of the increased prescription of these antipsychotic medications to children was due to aggressive marketing of "off label" use of the drugs by just one company, Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The company recently paid a fine of 2.2 billion dollars to settle criminal and civil claims resulting from deceptively marketing antipsychotic drugs. They were guilty of paying kickbacks to physicans and pharmacies for promoting the drugs, minimizing risks, and promoting use of the drugs for situations that had not been proven safe.
Click here for an article by Consumer Reports on this topic.

Inflammation and Vitamin C

     Statin medications for heart disease are believed to produce most of their benefits due to their anti-inflammatory effects rather than their activity in lowering cholesterol.
     A new study has shown that 1,000 mg of vitamin C a day had effects that "are similar to those of statins" when it comes to reducing C-reactive protein, one of the best laboratory means of assessing an individual's inflammatory state. It is too bad that pharmaceutical firms will not study the use of vitamin C in place of statins to see if the nutrient doesn't produce results as good as the patented medication.
Block, Gladys, et al., Vitamin C treatment reduces elevated C-reactive protein, Free Radic Biol Med, January 1, 2009;46(1):70-77.

Junk Food and Omega-3

     A review of 180 papers suggests that fish oils can minimize the effects that junk food have on the brain. Junk food diets inhibit neurogenesis, the process of producing new brain cells. Diets high in omega-3 fats can prevent and possibly reverse this effect by stimulating the growth of new brain cells.
     The research suggests that the omega-3 fats may also help prevent the weight gain which is associated with intake of junk food. The omega-3 fats do not have a direct impact on weight loss, but they prevent some of the harmful effects on the brain triggered by junk food diets.
Marianne A. Yon, Suzanna L. Mauger, Lucy C. Pickavance. Relationships between dietary macronutrients and adult neurogenesis in the regulation of energy metabolism. British Journal of Nutrition, 2013; 109 (09): 1573 DOI: 10.1017/S000711451200579X

Uric Acid and Vitamin C

     Elevated uric acid is associated with gout and elevated blood pressure. A recent study showed than as little as 500 mg of vitamin C a day for two months could significantly lower uric acid levels (.5 mg/dL).
     Uric acid is produced from the metabolism of glandular meats, beer, and foods high in fructose (esp. high fructose corn syrup). Two or more beers a day increases the risk of developing gout 2.5 times. Researchers have also found that as uric acid levels increase weight tends to go up as well. Lowering uric acid tends to prevent weight gain and may increase weight loss.
     The amount of vitamin C used in this study was pretty conservative. One wonders what would have happened if the vitamin C intake had been doubled. At any rate, vitamin C protects from one of the consequences of excessive sugar (fructose) intake.
Huang, Han-Yao, et al., The effects of vitamin C supplementation on serum concentrations of uric acid, Arthritis and Rheumatism, June 2005; 52(6):1843-1847.

More Good News About Green Tea and Weight Loss

     There is a scientific basis for the addition of green tea to the GNLD weight control program. A 2005 study in the Am J Clin Nutr found that consumption of green tea for a period of 12 weeks resulted in weight loss, reduced body mass index, reduced waist circumference, lower body fat mass, and reduced fat under the skin. There was a significant difference between test subjects who consumed the tea and those who did not. Green tea has also been shown to have anti-cancer effects.

Pomegranate and Prostate Cancer

     The National Cancer Institute notes in their web site that pomegranate polyphenols have been shown in both animal and human studies to slow the growth of prostate cancer cell lines, increase the time it takes for PSA levels to double, and induce cell suicide or apoptosis in prostate cancer cells.          There were no adverse effects with the administration of 8 oz. of juice for up to 33 months.
One ounce of GNLD Tre contains the polyphenols one would obtain from drinking 20 ounces of pomegranate juice without the sugars that would be consumed with that much juice.

Vitamin E and Alzheimer's

     While media attacks on the use of vitamins mount, research continues to show the benefits of supplementation. A recent study showed that 2,000 IU of vitamin E a day resulted in a clinically meaningful delay in the progression of Alzheimer's disease. The progression of the disease was slowed by 6.2 months over a period of 2.3 years.
     The authors of this study noted that there was a decrease in all cause mortality among the group taking the vitamin E in spite of other studies that have suggested that vitamin E increases all cause mortality.
     The dose of vitamin E was very high in this study. A more sensible experiment would probably have been to use smaller amounts of a wide variety of antioxidants since these nutrients work synergistically.

Leading Chemicals which Disrupt Hormones

BPA: 93% of Americans have BPA in their bodies. Avoid canned foods, receipts using thermal paper, plastics with recycling #7.
Dioxins: Powerful carcinogens, hormone disruptors, and immune suppressants. Difficult to avoid. Animal products are often contaminated.
 Atrazine: Turns male frogs into females with the ability to produce viable eggs. This is an herbicide widely used on corn crops and is a common water contaminant.
 Phthalates: Sends a death-inducing signal to testicular cells. Associated with obesity, diabetes, and thyroid problems. Avoid plastics with recycling label #3.
 Perchlorate: Powerful thyroid disruptor. Supplement with iodine and purify drinking water.
 Fire Retardants: Found in foam in furniture, carpet pads. Thyroid antagonist.
 Lead: Not only a powerful toxin, but also a hormone disruptor. Avoid old paint. Filter tap water.
Arsenic: disrupts carbohydrate metabolism. Filter it out of drinking water. Found in some rice products.
 Mercury: Binds to a hormone which regulates the menstrual cycle. Avoid consuming large fish.
 Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFC's): Used in non-stick cookware and stain resistant coatings on clothing, furniture, and carpets. Resistant to degradation. Alters sex hormones and thyroid function.
Organophosphate Pesticides: Alter thyroid and testosterone function. Among the most commonly used pesticides today. Eat organic.
Glycol Ethers: Common solvents in paints, cleaning products, brake fluids and cosmetics. Shrinks the testicles of rats. Increases the risk of allergies and asthma in children.

Degenerative Disease and BPA

     Higher urinary levels of BPA indicating increased exposure have been associated with increased incidence of heart disease and diabetes. BPA exposure was also linked to abnormality of two liver enzymes.
     Estrogenic pollutants like BPA are believed to be responsible for the 50% drop in sperm count which took place between 1930 and 1990.
Lang, I.A., et al., Association of urinary bispenol A concentration with medical disorders and laboratory abnormalities in adults,
JAMA, 2008; 300(11):1303-10.
Cotton, Paul, Environmental estrogenic agents area of concern,
JAMA, February 9, 1994; 271(6):414-15.

Migraines and BPA

     BPA is an agent added to plastics to make them flexible. It is found in plastic cups, water bottles, the plastic lining in canned goods, office water coolers, and plastic microwave trays. A recent study showed that consuming fresh foods reduced levels of BPA in the urine by 66% in just 3 days.
     A study at the University of Kansas exposed rats to BPA in a manner designed to mimic human exposure. The animals were exposed to BPA every three days. Rats exposed to BPA became less active and avoided loud noise and strong light. They also showed signs of tenderness to the head. There were also signs of an influx of estrogen into the rats' brains. BPA has estrogenic properties and estrogenic fluctuations have been associated with migraine attacks.
Link to abstract of original article and popular press.

Green Tea and Obesity

     A recent study has shown that EGCG, the most abundant catechin in green tea has powerful anti-obesity effects. The substance actually blocks the formation of fat in the human body by altering the manner in which genes express themselves. Green tea down-regulates the expression of at least four major genes involved in the pathway which generates fat in the human body.
     Green tea is one of the major constituents of NeoLife Tea, a new product introduced to go along with the NeoLife Shakes. The tea also contains Rhodiola rosea which has been written up for its ability to fight fatigue. The new product also contains two kinds of ginseng with a reputation for increasing energy.
Link to article on Green Tea.
Lee, H., et al., The anti-adipogenic effects of (-)epigallocatechin gallate are dependent on the WNT/β-catenin pathway, J Nutr Biochem, July 2013; 24(7):1232-40.

Obesity Epidemic Among Animals

     We know that people are getting fatter. What is surprising to many people is that pets and even wild animals are getting fatter. The National Pet Obesity Survey found that half of American cats and dogs are obese. Laboratory rats have also grown fatter over the last 30 years. Wild rats studied in Baltimore have also grown fatter. Environmental pollution with hormone mimics probably contributes to the problem.

Air Pollution, Obesity an Diabetes

     Qinghua Sun of Ohio State University published a study in 2010 suggesting that early exposure of mice to fine particulate air pollution led to the accumulation of abdominal fat and insulin resistance even when animals the animals ate a normal diet. John F. Pearson, a Harvard researcher was surprised to find a consistent and significant relationsip between Type II diabetes and air pollution.
Link to article on air pollution and obesity.

Oreos Addictive as Cocaine

     Professor Joseph Schroeder of Connecticut College conducted a study to consider the potential addictiveness of foods with a high fat an sugar content. He found Oreos activated significantly more neurons in the "pleasure center" of the brain than did cocaine or morphine. Schroeder said, "Our research supports the theory that high-fat, high-sugar foods stimulate the brain in the same way that drugs do. It may explain why some people can't resist these foods despite the fact that they know they are bad for them." The study was the idea of Jamie Honohan, a student, who had run across research showing that rats liked Oreos. Honohan enjoyed eating Oreos prior to her research project but afterwards, knowing their addictiveness, could not even look at them. The researchers felt the addictiveness of some grocery store foods may partially explain the epidemic of obesity in lower socio-economic communities.
     It was no surprise to me that Oreos are addicting. Paul Stitt, a biochemist working in the food industry, wrote the following over 20 years ago, "Have you ever eaten just one Oreo cookie? Bet you can't either. They look so sweet an innocent! What you should realize is that the Nabisco Company sent millions developing that formula so that you can't eat jut one. It contains 23 different appetite stimulants and 11 artificial colors. I saw the recipe and I was aghast. It's not easy to make a cookie that will hook every last American. So next time you buy a package of Oreo cookies, be assured that you'll eat them all at one time and gain another pound."
Link to study on Oreos.
Stitt, Paul, Beating the Food Giants, Manitowoc, WI: Natural Press, 1993, 120.