Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Monday, January 05, 2015

Leading Chemicals which Disrupt Hormones

BPA: 93% of Americans have BPA in their bodies. Avoid canned foods, receipts using thermal paper, plastics with recycling #7.
Dioxins: Powerful carcinogens, hormone disruptors, and immune suppressants. Difficult to avoid. Animal products are often contaminated.
 Atrazine: Turns male frogs into females with the ability to produce viable eggs. This is an herbicide widely used on corn crops and is a common water contaminant.
 Phthalates: Sends a death-inducing signal to testicular cells. Associated with obesity, diabetes, and thyroid problems. Avoid plastics with recycling label #3.
 Perchlorate: Powerful thyroid disruptor. Supplement with iodine and purify drinking water.
 Fire Retardants: Found in foam in furniture, carpet pads. Thyroid antagonist.
 Lead: Not only a powerful toxin, but also a hormone disruptor. Avoid old paint. Filter tap water.
Arsenic: disrupts carbohydrate metabolism. Filter it out of drinking water. Found in some rice products.
 Mercury: Binds to a hormone which regulates the menstrual cycle. Avoid consuming large fish.
 Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFC's): Used in non-stick cookware and stain resistant coatings on clothing, furniture, and carpets. Resistant to degradation. Alters sex hormones and thyroid function.
Organophosphate Pesticides: Alter thyroid and testosterone function. Among the most commonly used pesticides today. Eat organic.
Glycol Ethers: Common solvents in paints, cleaning products, brake fluids and cosmetics. Shrinks the testicles of rats. Increases the risk of allergies and asthma in children.

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