Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Monday, April 15, 2024

Duane Graveline and Statins

 Duane Graveline begins his book The Statin Damage Crisis as follows: Tens of thousands of statin users have complained to their doctors of weakness, instability, easy fatigue, muscle aches and pains, burning of their extremities, depression and faulty memory, to which their doctors generally have responded, "You have to expect this now, You are over fifty."

"Although these experienced doctors have all pointed to a correct presumptive diagnosis, few have been entirely comfortable with this explanation because of a curious recurring element in their presentation. All have been on statins of one brand or another and the transition from midlife vigor to the multiple infirmities of the elderly hav been much too swift in most cases."

Graveline should be qualified to observe the consequences of thoughtless use of statin medications as he himself suffered damage from the drugs. The most serious of these consequences are memory impairment and muscle damage. Graveline experienced memory loss and muscle damage which he documents in the several books he has written on the topic of statins and cholesterol. He went from being a healthy astronaut in the space program to an invalid in a wheelchair for a time as the result of statin drug use which he discusses in The Statin Damage Crisis.

Reference Books:

Graveline, Duane, Lipitor Thief of Memory, 2006.

Graveline, Duane, The Statin Damage Crisis, 2012.

Graveline, Duane, The Dark Side of Statins, Spacedoc Media, 2017.


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