Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Safer Food Elsewhere

     Many individuals who travel to other countries note that their digestion works better and food tolerances improve. For example, I ate bread and cheese on a daily basis without problems while visiting Germany. I have never handled most wheat well in the United States.
     The European safety agencies operate on a precautionary principle. If a food additive is questionable it is not allowed. By contrast, in the United States food additives are allowed until they are proven to be a problem which can be difficult and take a long period of time.
     For years General Mills and Kellogg's have used BHT in their cereal products. This food additive is not allowed in Europe due to questions about its safety. These same companies provide versions of their products in Europe without the food additive.
     BHT is added to foods as an antioxidant. Animal studies feeding BHT to rats resulted in liver toxicity.
     I much prefer the European approach to food safety.
Link to BHT in foods.
Liver toxicity study.

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