Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

BPA and the FDA

    March 30, 2012: The FDA refused to ban BPA (bisphenol-A). This is an industrial chemical used to harden plastics. It is found in most plastic bottles (including milk containers), cash register receipts, and the linings of canned food. It leaches into foods and acts as a synthetic estrogen in very tiny quantities and has been shown to feminize males. BPA has also been associated with induction of obesity and damage to the heart, brain and nervous system.
     The FDA position is that the dose makes the poison so they are trying to the total exposure down. The FDA also wants to see more human studies which is difficult because the chemical is so common that it is found in over 90% of the population. Animal studies have clearly shown the damaging effects of BPA.
     Some feel that the refusal to ban this toxic substance has more to do with the financial investment manufacturers have in products containing BPA.
    Plastic containers with the numbers 3, 7 and PC are likely to contain the estrogenic compounds BPA or polycarbonate. The FDA will most likely ban BPA eventually, but how many people will be damaged by this chemical because of a government policy based upon the concept that new chemicals are "innocent until proven guilty."
Time Magazine Article
Newsmax Article

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