Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Wednesday, February 05, 2025


 A Little Inspiration

Sometimes life can get difficult and discouraging. I enjoy uplifting stories. The 13 minute video below is the story of Yin, a Chinese housewife who destroyed a desert in the nation of China. I read once that if you think little things are not important you have never tried to spend a peaceful night in bed with a hungry mosquito in the room.


Woman Who Transformed a Desert.

Attempts to reverse desertification are also taking place in Africa as the following 12 minute video by permaculture scientist Andrew Millison explains.


Reversing the Sahara.


Just plain cute video of the girl and the skeleton

The Girl and the Skeleton

Herbicide and Infant Health

 A recent study reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that the herbicide glyphosate appears to damage poorly nourished infants much more that those that are well nourished. This herbicide is a chelating agent which grabs onto minerals and does not want to let them go. It robs weeds of nutrients essential for immune function resulting in their death. This herbicide is now being used to dry out oat and wheat crops prior to harvest. Glyphosate tends to induce trace mineral deficiencies in foods contaminated with it. Glyphosate can also damage the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract contributing to digestive disorders and food intolerances. Mineral supplements and probiotics can help counteract the exposure to this harmful substance. Pregnant women and young mothers nursing their children should take measures to assure that their trace mineral intake is sufficient to prevent deficiencies. NeoLife also has some excellent supplements for young children (Vitasquare and Liquivite).


Article on how the herbicide glyphosate harms infants who are malnourished.

Aspirin and Pancreatic Cancer

If you are like me you never heard that consumption of aspirin could increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. That was the conclusion of one study of tens of thousands of nurses: "Extended periods of regular aspirin use appear to be associated with a statistically significantly increased risk of pancreatic cancer among women." No drug is completely safe and they can have risks as well as benefits.

Salicylate intolerance can be a serious medical condition. Breathing, the skin and the digestive tract can be impacted. I have seen the condition which is often overlooked by the medical profession. Aspirin contains salicylates, but they are also found in many foods. Sensitization to these compounds can contribute to intolerances to foods with high salicylate content including: curry, oregano, paprika and other peppers, oranges, and currants. Dr. Ben Feingold long ago identified salicylate intolerance as a possible contributor to ADHD in children. Regular aspirin use may sensitize to salicylates.


Link to article on aspirin use and pancreatic cancer.

Article on salicylate sensitivity.

Vitamin B3

Many people are familiar with the plague of the nutritional deficiency disease of scurvy. It is caused by lack of vitamin C. Armies and navy fleets in the past suffered extreme losses due to the disease. Vitamin C is essential for strong connective tissue. Mild deficiencies weaken tissue. Smokers who often have a mild vitamin C deficiency wrinkle 20 years faster than people who do not smoke and this has been attributed to inadequate vitamin C intake. Severe deficiency causes old wounds to open up and the body to literally begin to dissolve. The teeth fall out and blood vessels rupture.

America owes its freedom from Great Britain as much to scurvy as to all of the armies it raised to fight for freedom. Scurvy so debilitated the British navy that it could not relieve the British army being attacked by George Washington. A few years later British sailors were being called limeys because lemon and lime juice became standard rations to treat scurvy on British ships. The efficiency of the British navy was so increased a few short years later that it was able to blockade the continent of Europe and defeat Napoleon at sea.

It is more or less forgotten that a plague every bit as severe as scurvy affected the south after the American civil war. This plague which also affected other parts of the world was called pellagra. It is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B3. Pellagra deficiency is a disorder characterized by 4 D's: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and death. Many people do not know that when white flour was fortified with vitamin B3 half the people in mental hospitals were able to leave the institutions, go home, and live normal lives.

Abram Hoffer was a psychiatrist who had a very high success rate in treating mental illness and depression with vitamin B3 and other nutrients (including vitamin C). Hoffer maintained that the amount of vitamin B3 used to fortify foods was inadequate to meet the needs of many people. This was particularly true of individuals who had suffered prolonged or serious deficiency at some point in life. Hoffer found this particularly true of schizophrenics, those who were depressed, and alcoholics.

The founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) never felt completely well until Hoffer persuaded his to supplement with vitamin B3. Hoffer reported better results treating schizophrenics with B3 and other nutrients than about anyone else treating these severely ill individuals. Hoffer and his associates wrote a book, Niacin, the Real Story, many years ago. In 2023 an update with twice the number of pages became available in a second edition which covers many topics not discussed in the earlier edition. This book is a worthy addition to the library of any budding nutritionist.

I have never been able to forget a study released in 2008 in which niacinamide, one of the forms of vitamin B3, reversed mental deterioration in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is characterized by accumulation of two substances, a form of tau protein and beta-amyloid. Niacinamide reversed the accumulation of tau protein. In another study pomegranate juice was shown to reverse the accumulation of beta-amyloid.

I consider supplementation with the B complex vitamins essential for long term health today. These nutrients help us cope with the physical and mental stresses we face in the modern world. Because both vitamin C and some of the B vitamins have a short half-life NeoLife has both nutrients in a continuous release form (Threshold Control) for optimum effectiveness and long term benefit.


Link to a second edition of Niacin the Real Story.

Link to article on Alzheimer's and niacinamide.

Link to article on pomegranate juice and Alzheimer's.

The Second Brain

Eating is usually a great joy for most people-- especially those great holiday meals. The turkey and stuffing, ham and sweet potatoes and that lovely pumpkin pie. The only problem is that as we age the ability to digest and utilize our food often declines dramatically.

Michael Gershon has written a book entitled The Second Brain. In this book he describes how a bundle of 100 million nerve cells govern the functioning of the small intestine. This is called the enteric nervous system. The second brain operates independently from the first brain in the head. He points out that this brain will never write poetry or engage in dialogue but it independently governs the gut. He writes that when the second brain "runs the bowel well, there is bliss in the body. When the enteric nervous system fails and the gut acts badly, syllogisms, poetry, and Socratic dialogue all seem to fade into nothingness." (p.17)

Many of the neurotransmitters produced in the body originate in the gut. Nothing can make a person more miserable than when the process of digestion functions suboptimally. This has an effect not only on the stomach, but maldigestion can also impact brain function contributing to brain disorders including anxiety and depression.

Consuming more food than the digestive tract has the ability to process at a particular point in life is one of the most common triggers for the malfunctioning of the second brain. This is a wonderful time of year to remember to take Betagest for stomach acid support and Enzyme Digestive Aid for support of digestion in the small intestine. It helps prevent problems after overloading on food during the holidays and helps prevent inflammatory chemical messengers called cytokines that can make us feel miserable. Below is a list of some of NeoLife's helpful supplements for digestion:

Betagest: A stomach acid support made from beet stems and beet roots. It has a targeted delivery so it does not damage the teeth or throat and a slow release to prevent damaging the stomach lining.

Enzyme Digestive Aid: A blend of all the protein, fat, and carbohydrate enzymes necessary to digest foods. Targeted delivery assures that it does its work where it is most needed.

Fiber Powder: Fiber is the trigger for peristalsis or the worm-like motion of the small intestine. Deficiency can result in constipation. Fiber is also important as a nutrient source to feed and nourish the cells that line the digestive tract reducing the risk of "leaky gut syndrome."

Aloe Vera Drink: Years of experience have shown that this product will often benefit heartburn and promote healing of the digestive tract. I have a whole book on the healing properties of aloe in my library. The link below can tell you about some of these properties if you wish to pursue it.

Article on some of the healing properties of aloe.

Tre: Tre is an anti-inflammatory drink consisting of berry and fruit extracts. The digestive tract of many people today is in a constant inflammatory state due to excessive consumption of sugars and junk food. Tre can help reduce this problem through its blend of powerful anti-inflammatory polyphenols.

Prostate Cancer and Omega-3

Increasing evidence suggests that diets high in omega-6 fats tend to promote cancer while diets high in omega-3 fat inhibit its development. A recent study on the topic was published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. The researchers wrote, "We sought to determine whether a high omega-3, low omega-6 fatty acid diet with fish oil capsules (D + FO) decreases proliferation (Ki-67) in prostate biopsies in men with prostate cancer on AS (active surveillance)over a 1-year time period." The one year study concluded, "A high omega-3, low omega-6 diet with FO (fish oil)for 1 year resulted in a significant reduction in Ki-67 index, a biomarker for prostate cancer progression, metastasis, and death."

Intake of fish oil has also been associated with a reduced risk of developing breast cancer in women. "Conclusion: These results suggest that high consumption of fatty fish is associated with a reduced risk for breast cancer, and that the intake of ω-3 fatty acids from fish is inversely associated with postmenopausal breast cancer risk."

A study of the value of the NeoLife Salmon Oil Plus showed that it reduced the inflammatory index by 68% in 8 weeks. The product is tested for over 200 Pollutants with a standard of zero. It is one of the cleanest and most potent fish oil products on the market. It is standardized for all 8 members of the omega-3 family rather than just two which is common with these products.

Link to Articles:

High Omega-3, Low Omega-6 Diet With Fish Oil for Men With Prostate Cancer on Active Surveillance: The CAPFISH-3 Randomized Clinical Trial

Fish oil intake and breast cancer: Fatty fish and fish omega-3 fatty acid intakes decrease the breast cancer risk: a case-control study

November Newsletter


I want to thank all of my customers for their patience with the transfer of the business from Auburn to Roseburg over the last year. I recently read two books that made me thankful that I was born in the United States. My mother Lucille saw videos of the concentration camps in Germany after World War II and was ever grateful that she was privileged to grown up in this wonderful country. The two books I read that gave me the same feeling of gratitude were:

In Order to Live by Yeonmi Park. This is the story of a young girl who suffers many privations growing up in North Korea. She escapes North Korea and gets caught up in human trafficking in China before braving the Mongolian desert and escaping to South Korea.

Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick. This book was a National Book Award Finalist. Demick was a reporter living in South Korea. The book tells the story of the lives of six North Korean citizens over a period of 15 years. The title is derived from a song they sing in North Korea about how they have nothing to envy because their lives are so much better than living in the capitalist world.

Online talks are available for both of these writers. I don't think you would be disappointed reading either of these books. They say a lot about the strength of the human spirit and the struggles that many people face in other parts of the world. Good thoughts for developing a spirit of Thanksgiving.

Something to Ponder

Cells can use two types of fuel-- fats and carbohydrates. Fats can be utilized without the production of a lot of free radicals. Carbohydrates, the preferred fuel of the body, on the other hand, release a large number of free radicals when they are metabolized. The wisdom of nature is revealed in the fact that carbohydrate foods like fruits and vegetables are almost always loaded with huge quantities of phytonutrients that act as antioxidants. These antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the mitochondria where they are broken down to produce energy to run the body. Unfortunately, man is fond of processing his foods to remove many of these antioxidants. The result is excessive production of free radicals when food is broken down speeding the aging process and making people susceptible to illness. Eat fresh whole foods to avoid this problem. If you are consuming products made from processed grains or sugars be sure to supplement with vitamin C, carotenoids, and flavonoids so the body does not get overwhelmed by free radicals.


There is a lot we do not know about the dangers of the technology we live with every day. I have been reading some of the early studies on how electromagnetic fields similar to those in cell phones today were shown to cause chromosome breaks in cells and in the bodies of laboratory animals. They also appeared to damage the blood-brain barrier allowing substances into the brain that were not meant to be there. The link below is a good source of information about the invisible exposures we all experience. Here is a summary warning:

WASHINGTON, Feb. 3, 2022— The Environmental Health Trust is advising consumers to pay attention to the fine print warnings on wireless devices and toys which say that devices should not be touching the body. Wireless devices expose people to a type of radiation called radiofrequency, or RF.


Main website for Environmental Health Trust: https://ehtrust.org/about/

Video story of Sheilah Mitchell, wife of the sixth man to walk on the moon. https://ehtrust.org/key-issues/cell-phoneswireless/cell-phone-survivors/


Fiber is the key to feeding the microbiome-- the bacteria in the human digestive tract. The microbiome is the secret to a healthy digestive tract that allows us to break down foods and extract the nutrients from them. Healthy digestion is the key to a long and healthy life. Joseph Mercola writes, "fiber is such an important component of health that I recommend you go beyond food sources and take it as a supplement."

There are two basic kinds of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber forms a gel-like mass in the digestive tract. It slows the absorption of glucose and lowers insulin levels. It also nourishes beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract and also nourishes the lining of the digestive tract. Insoluble fiber binds to toxins in the gut and moves them out of the body. It also speeds up the transit time and works to moisten the stool helping to prevent the medical complications associated with constipation.

Transit time is the period of time from when a food is consumed until the time the residue is eliminated. An optimal transit time is considered by some to be 18-24 hours. Many people in the United States have a transit time of 3 days or longer.

The recommended intake of fiber is at least 35 grams a day. Most Americans consume less than 15 grams a day. The result is an epidemic of constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, diverticulosis and many other problems.

NeoLife has an all natural Fiber Food and Drink Mix that provides 6 grams of fiber per serving. It provides all five types of dietary fibers known to be necessary for health including cellulose, hemicellulose, gums, lignin, and pectin.


Mercola, Joseph, Fat for Fuel, New York: Hay House, Inc., 2017, 78-80.

The Microbiome and Inflammation

One of the topics of the clinical nutrition meeting in Dallas was the relationship between the microbiome ( bacteria in the gut) and the inflammatory response. It was pointed out that the proper kind of fiber in the diet can have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

Sabine Hazan is a key researcher on the microbiome. She found that Covid-19 depresses beneficial bacteria in the gut. Suppression of the bifidobacteria for an extended period of time may explain Long Covid. Addressing the abnormal state of the gut may be an effective means of addressing the consequences of Covid with its many symptoms.

Hazan has found that vitamin C has beneficial effects on the microbiome. Here is a plain language summary of one of her papers,

"Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is used as a supplement for fighting infectious disorders. Many disorders, including COVID-19 and cancer, harmfully disrupt the levels of bacteria that naturally reside in the gut, which may contribute to symptoms. The aim of the study was to understand whether high-dose vitamin C could improve the types of bacteria in the human gut. To do this we characterized the gut bacteria before and after 23 individuals took vitamin C, as prescribed by their respective physicians. We observed that vitamin C increased levels of a gut bacterium called Bifidobacterium which has positive health benefits, including fighting infection. This study suggests the possibility that vitamin C could be successful for improving infection outcomes, possibly even COVID-19, partially because it improves the gut bacteria present."

It is of interest that ivermectin also nourishes and supports the beneficial bifidobacteria in the digestive tract.

Hazan and associates have also published data indicating that a diet high in onega-6 fats induces dysbiosis and inflammation of the digestive tract.

Research on pigs has found that a diet low in fiber leads to death of bifidobacteria and acidophilus in the digestive tract leading to susceptibility to disease organisms, loss of the mucus barrier that protects the gut, and disturbed populations of bacteria in the digestive tract. Restoration of fiber corrected the problem.

Improvement of the health of the colon can be accomplished by supplementation with bifidobacteria and/or by fiber supplementation. A combination is probably more effective in many instances.

Researchers are demonstrating that the beneficial effects of fiber and bifidobacteria reach far beyond the gut even into the brain and its proper functioning. Beneficial bacteria produce butyrate. When the bacteria in the gut become abnormal they can produce elevated levels of another substance called propionic acid. This substance is one carbon shorter than butyrate and can interfere with brain chemistry inducing the symptoms of autism in laboratory animals. You can research the work of Derrick MacFabe for details on this research.

NeoLife has an Acidophilus Complex with targeted delivery to where the beneficial organisms are needed in the gut. It has five of the best human gut bacteria including the crucial bifidobacteria. NeoLife also has a fiber supplement with a wide variety of fibers. We tend to think of fiber as a single entity, but there are actually a wide variety of fibers in nature and each can make its own special contribution to our health.


Link to article Vitamin C improves gut Bifidobacteria in humans

Link to article on how a diet high in omega-6 induces colonic inflammation and dysbiosis.

Link to article on Long Covid and the Microbiome.

Article on pigs and fiber.

Article on fiber and bifidobacteria for gut health.

Alzheimer's and Oxidized Cholesterol

I have mentioned many times that oxidized cholesterol is 500 times more atherogenic or promotional of blocked arteries than non-oxidized cholesterol. Recently, researchers have begun to note that oxidation of cholesterol and other fats in the brain is associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease. A study by Testa concludes, "these results strongly support the association between changes in oxysterol levels and AD progression." Research by Marwarha suggests that oxidized cholesterol also plays a role in the development of Parkinson's disease. Measuring oxidation products in the spinal fluid can ever serve as a marker for the development of Alzheimer's and impairment of brain function.

Non oxidized cholesterol does not appear to cross the blood-brain barrier, but oxidized cholesterol can. It then can promote inflammation of the nerves and brain cells that leads to brain deterioration. Oxidized fats are hard on the brain and can lead to death of brain cells.

Oxidized cholesterol can enter the body through a diet high in oxidized fats. The cholesterol within the body can also oxidize, particularly if the diet is deficient in fat and water soluble antioxidants. Key fat soluble antioxidants include carotenoids, CoQ10, and vitamin E. Research on the NeoLife Carotenoid Complex suggested that it significantly reduced fat oxidation in the blood when levels were high due to poor diet. Water soluble antioxidants like vitamin C, tea, and berries can also reduce the risk of auto-oxidation of fats in the brain.

Sources of oxidized fats in the diet include highly heated fats in fast food, powdered eggs and aged cheeses.


Testa G, et al. Changes in brain oxysterols at different stages of Alzheimer's disease: Their involvement in neuroinflammation. Redox Biol. 2016 Dec;10:24-33. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2016.09.001. Epub 2016 Sep 16. PMID: 27687218; PMCID: PMC5040635.

Marwarha G, Ghribi O. Does the oxysterol 27-hydroxycholesterol underlie Alzheimer's disease-Parkinson's disease overlap? Exp Gerontol. 2015 Aug;68:13-8. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2014.09.013. Epub 2014 Sep 28. PMID: 25261765; PMCID: PMC4377123.

Wang HL, et al. Cholesterol, 24-Hydroxycholesterol, and 27-Hydroxycholesterol as Surrogate Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal Fluid in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease: A Meta-Analysis. J Alzheimers Dis. 2016;51(1):45-55. doi: 10.3233/JAD-150734. PMID: 26836015; PMCID: PMC6110663.

Gamba P, et al. Oxidized cholesterol as the driving force behind the development of Alzheimer's disease. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015 Jun 19;7:119. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2015.00119. PMID: 26150787; PMCID: PMC4473000.

Dry Skin and Inflammation

The skin is the largest organ in the body. Lungs, liver, and intestines weigh about 5 pounds but the skin weighs about 20 pounds. The more we age the more the skin tends to dry out so that by 45 or 50 years of age skin health declines. The protection from the outer environment declines resulting in susceptibility to breaches resulting in inflammation. Elevated inflammatory compounds in the blood are associated with increased risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and Alzheimer's along with other inflammatory disorders.

In 2019 researchers decided to see what would happen if hydrating the skin with a skin care product would alter the blood levels of inflammatory compounds. Levels of 2 profoundly inflammatory compounds normalized and one was substantially reduced after 30 days when a skin care that hydrated the skin was applied twice a day. Three of the primary inflammatory markers for age related diseases were reduced by topical application of a hydrating skin care product to the skin.

This study directly links the use of quality skin care products that hydrate the skin to decreased inflammation in the body which should reduce the risk of inflammatory disorders.

NeoLife 3 Step Organic Skin Care

For Normal to Dry Skin

1. #3930 Cleansing Milk

2. #3932 Balancing Tonic

This product hydrates the skin within 30 minutes and the effects last for 4 hours after use.

3. #3934 Ultra Hydrating Serum

A single application was shown to significantly boost skin hydration after as little as 30 minutes. The hydration of the skin lasted for longer than 8 hours.

4. #3936 Ultra Moisturizing Cream

For Oily Skin

1. # 3931 Cleansing Gel

2. #3932 Balancing Tonic

3. #3933 Hydrating Serum

4. #3935 Moisturizing Cream

NeoLife organic skin care is designed to hydrate the skin and make it act and feel young for most of a day. It is the perfect product for skin hydration.

Step One

The first step is to cleanse the skin. Cleansing milk is for normal to dry skin and cleansing gel is for cleaning oily skin.

Step Two

Nutriance Organic Balancing Tonic is the second step in hydrating the skin. This product hydrates the skin within 30 minutes and the effects last for 4 hours after use.

Step 3

NeoLife has two hydrating serums for the skin. Organic Ultra-Hydrating Serum if for normal to dry skin. A single application was shown to significantly boost skin hydration after as little as 30 minutes. The hydration of the skin lasted for longer than 8 hours.

Organic Hydrating Serum was developed for oily skin. It also increases skin hydration within 30 minutes and the effects last for over 4 hours.

Both of these hydrating products have been clinically tested and shown to provide better hydrated and more radiant skin.

Step 3 B: An Added Boost

NeoLife also has an Organic Ultra-Moisturizing cream and an Organic Moisturizing cream which can be applied after the hydrating serums for an added hydration boost. The Ultra is for dry skin and the Moisturizing cream for oily skin.


Greger, Michael, How Not to Age, New York: Flatiron Books, 2023, 81.

Ye L, Mauro TM, Dang E, Wang G, Hu LZ, Yu C, Jeong S, Feingold K, Elias PM, Lv CZ, Man MQ. Topical applications of an emollient reduce circulating pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in chronically aged humans: a pilot clinical study. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2019 Nov;33(11):2197-2201. doi: 10.1111/jdv.15540. Epub 2019 Mar 27. PMID: 30835878; PMCID: PMC6728229.

NeoLife Organic Skin Care Price Reduction

NeoLife recently reduced the price of their organic skin care by 20% in order to be more competitive with other products. It is now possible to get this wonderful organic product for a very reasonable price when compared to the many chemical laden products in the marketplace.


 Alzheimer's as an Autoimmune Disease

A new model of Alzheimer's disease is beginning to be talked about in the medical literature. It is being suggested that the disease is autoimmune in nature and associated with infection, trauma, ischemia, and pollution. The beta amyloid associated with Alzheimer's in this model is part of the immune response of the body trying to cope with the problem rather than a causative factor in the disease. The immune system in this model attacks the neurons in the brain including the lipids which are their primary structural component.

This new model for the disease can provide some guidance with regard to prevention.

Omega-3 versus Omega-6

One of the main drivers of Alzheimer's is inflammation. The regulation of inflammation in the body is accomplished by the quality of fats in the diet. Omega-6 fats are pro-inflammatory. A diet over-weighted in these fats will run the risk of promoting or driving the development of Alzheimer's. Omega-3 fats such as salmon oil are anti-inflammatory. As a matter of fact, The resolvins and protectins which resolve the inflammatory response in such situations as trauma or infection are manufactured from the high quality omega-3 fats found in fish. A clinical trial on NeoLife Salmon Oil Plus was shown to reduce the inflammatory index by 68% in 8 weeks.

Berries and Tre

Tre is a concentrate of the anthocyanins in berries. These compounds have been noted to have a specific anti-neuroinflammatory role. Cognitive decline decreases as berry intake increases in women with Alzheimer's. Berry intake also appears to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's. One ounce of NeoLife Tre contains the amount of anthocyanins found in 20 ounces of pomegranate juice. The beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract increase the effectiveness of anthocyanin intake so using a product like Acidophilus Complex may also be helpful for preserving brain function.

Altered Fats and Proteins

The American diet is high in fats and proteins. Fats are often oxidized due to exposure to oxygen and long term storage. Application of high temperatures to foods alters fats and proteins. This is particularly so when high temperatures are applied to foods causing them to turn brown or black. That barbecue tastes great but many abnormal fats and proteins are produced. When these are eaten, they can become incorporated into brain tissue. When the immune system looks at these abnormal fats or proteins, it can decide to attack the cells into which these substances have become incorporated. This new model suggests this can lead to Alzheimer's.


Neurons can also have their structure altered by pollution. Mercury, aluminum, and lead have all been researched with regard to their ability to damage the brain. Researcher Christopher Exley, a world famous aluminum researcher, found elevated levels of aluminum in the brains of those with autism and Alzheimer's. Chapter 14 of his book is titled, "Alzheimer's Disease and the Aluminum Elephant in the Room." He concludes the chapter by writing, "I am convinced that aluminum is a cause of Alzheimer's disease and that if there were no aluminum in the brain, there would be no Alzheimer's disease within a human lifespan of at least one hundred years." Aluminum is found in cookware, baking powder, antacids, deodorants, vaccines as an adjuvant, and in many other places. Exley is particularly concerned about vaccines because this bypasses the gut barrier and delivers the aluminum directly into the bloodstream. Exley found that silicon and silicic acid (found in some water and beers) is protective against aluminum.


A number of years ago mercury fillings were placed in the teeth of sheep and the aluminum showed up within the brain within 24 hours. The University of Calgary produced a video (see the link below) which illustrates how mercury causes brain neuron degeneration. Mercury and other heavy metals can interact with tissues in the body changing structure and resulting in autoimmune attack. The immune system looks at the cell with mercury or aluminum attached and says to itself. This is wrong and begins an attack.

Selenium is protective against mercury. A number of years ago chickens were fed mercury contaminated tuna. Scientists found that the mercury was not as toxic as expected because of the high levels of selenium in the tuna. Selenium is toxic in excess. The amount in a good multiple vitamin should be adequate to provide protection from mercury exposure in the environment.


Weaver, Donald, Alzheimer’s disease as an innate autoimmune disease (AD2): A new molecular paradigm, Alzheimer’s Dement. 2023;19:1086–1098.

Henriques, Joana,F., et al., The Anti-Neuroinflammatory Role of Anthocyanins and Their Metabolites for the Prevention and Treatment of Brain Disorders, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 8653

Cole, Greg M., et al., Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease: Omega-3 fatty acid and phenolic anti-oxidant interventions, Neurobiology of Aging 26S (2005) S133–S136

Exley, Christopher, Imagine You are an Aluminum Atom, New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2020, p. 102.

Video on Mercury and Brain Neuron Degeneration

Kern, Janet k., et al., Mercury as a hapten: A review of the role of toxicant-induced brain autoantibodies in autism and possible treatment considerations, J Trace Elem Med Biol, 2020 Dec:62:126504. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2020.126504. Epub 2020 May 19.

The DASH Diet

 The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet (DASH) can significantly lower blood pressure. This diet is high in fruits and vegetables and the addition of lowfat dairy doubled the effectiveness. The diet when compared to the average American diet tripled the fiber intake. The diet also dramatically increased the intake of calcium, magnesium and potassium.

In other studies dark chocolate and tea were generally neutral or favorable for blood pressure, but coffee tended to increase the blood pressure. The beneficial effects are possibly associated with the polyphenols in tea and chocolate.

There is good reason to believe that vitamin D is important in regulation of high blood pressure. Knocking out the vitamin D receptor in rats result in the development of hypertension. Lack of the vitamin results in insulin resistance and the associated increase in blood pressure. Half the world population is deficient in vitamin D and insufficiency probably affects many more.

Intake of sugar and alcohol will often increase blood pressure.

Protein tends to lower blood pressure. Soybean protein is particularly effective. It is thought that this is due to the arginine content of soy which can be converted to nitric oxide which dilates the blood vessels.

Fish oil has also been shown to significantly lower blood pressure in some studies.

Exercise and weight loss are also effective measures in lowering blood pressure.

Supplements helpful for normalizing blood pressure would include Upbeet which promotes the production of nitric oxide to dilate blood vessels. Salmon Oil Plus would be helpful as it contains all 8 members of the omega-3 family, is tested for over 100 pollutants with a standard of zero, and is ultra high potency so the capsule is small and easy to swallow. One should also consider Vitamin D, Magnesium, and NeoLife Shake. Fiber and chelated Cal-Mag tablets could also be added.

High blood pressure can have many causes. Any of the factors mentioned in this article could play a role.


Koppel, Joel D., et al., The Effect of Nutrition on Blood Pressure, Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2010. 30:365–401. This article’s doi: 10.1146/annurev-nutr-010510-103954

Kass, L, et al., Effect of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure: a meta-analysis, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2012) 1 -- 8

Borghi, Claudio, et al., Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Their Potential Role in Blood Pressure Prevention and Management, Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2009, 7, 000-000

Forman, John, et al., Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Blood Pressure in Blacks, Hypertension. 2013;61:779-785

Tea and Glucose

Black tea is rich in polyphenols as are berries. One recent study concluded, "The consumption of black tea containing BTPP (an abreviation for black tea polyphenols) can decrease postprandial blood glucose (rises in glucose afer a meal) after sucrose intake in both normal subjects and pre-diabetes subjects, suggesting that black tea may be a promising anti-diabetic agent for glycemic control."


Bumrungpert, Akkarach, Black tea consumption improves postprandial glycemic control in normal and pre-diabetic subjects: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study, Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2017;26(1):59-64

Berries and Blood Sugar

Berries have sugar, but often less than many other fruits. Studies are finding that berry consumption in the form of fruit or juices reduces increases in blood sugar and insulin levels in obese and overweight individuals. It does the same in those with metabolic syndrome, a precursor to diabetes. Berries may also play a role in prevention of diabetes or its complications. Berries blunt rises in blood sugar when carbohydrates are consumed, tend to lower blood fats, blood pressure and markers for atherosclerosis. Consumption of berries with bread or added sugar significantly reduced the increase in blood sugar normally resulting from the consumption of these carbohydrates. Berries appear to block the movement of sugars from the gut into the bloodstream. Berries also have pronounced anti-inflammatory effects. The results of recent studies suggest that berries and berry juices need not be restricted in those with blood sugar problems. They appear to actually benefit humans with blood sugar abnormalities.


Basu, Arpita, et al., Dietary berries, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes: an overview of human feeding trials, Food Funct. 2019 October 16; 10(10): 6227–6243. doi:10.1039/c9fo01426h.