A recent study reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that the herbicide glyphosate appears to damage poorly nourished infants much more that those that are well nourished. This herbicide is a chelating agent which grabs onto minerals and does not want to let them go. It robs weeds of nutrients essential for immune function resulting in their death. This herbicide is now being used to dry out oat and wheat crops prior to harvest. Glyphosate tends to induce trace mineral deficiencies in foods contaminated with it. Glyphosate can also damage the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract contributing to digestive disorders and food intolerances. Mineral supplements and probiotics can help counteract the exposure to this harmful substance. Pregnant women and young mothers nursing their children should take measures to assure that their trace mineral intake is sufficient to prevent deficiencies. NeoLife also has some excellent supplements for young children (Vitasquare and Liquivite).
Article on how the herbicide glyphosate harms infants who are malnourished.
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