Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The Artificial Egg

     A new product developed with the backing of Bill Gates of Microsoft and Peter Thief of Paypal is now on the market. The product is called Beyond Eggs and is being sold at Whole Foods in California. The product is being incorporated into Hampton Creek foods.
     What came to my mind when I saw this article was the bad publicity that eggs have received due to the hypothesis that cholesterol causes heart disease.
     One of the speakers at the recent Clinical Nutrition meeting in San Diego told the story of an impoverished Indian woman who struggled to provide eggs every day for her young son so that he would be intelligent. The speaker then went on to explain that eggs are one of nature's very best sources of choline. Other good sources are liver, whole wheat, and soybeans. The problem is that choline and phospholipids are not being consumed in liver and eggs because people are avoiding fat and cholesterol. These substances are also removed from soybeans and wheat when they are processed into flour and tofu.
     Dr. Steve Haltiwanger who spoke at the Clinical Nutrition meeting said this nutrient is critical for proper liver, brain and nerve function. Deficiency prenatally or in early childhood "WILL affect learning and memory lifelong." The impact of choline is also important for retaining healthy brain function as we age. Supplements which contain generous quantities of choline would include Lecithin and Lipotropic Adjunct.
Article on Artificial Eggs

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