Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Does Fish Cause Prostate Cancer?

      The media love any story which is different. A dog biting a man is not news, but a man biting a dog makes the front page.
     Dr. Ala Kristal recently published an article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in which he found that those with high blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids had a 43% increased risk of prostate cancer.
     There were no controls in his study. In other words, the researchers did not consider factors such as weight gain or toxin accumulation which are known to increase the risk of prostate cancers. Fish and fish oils are known to often carry a toxic load of pollutants which is why NeoLife tests their product for over 200 pollutants with a standard of ZERO.
Another factor which needs to be considered is oxidation. It has been known since 1991 that intake of fish oil can increase the risk of oxidative damage in the tissue if antioxidant intake is low. Small amounts of vitamin E have been shown to prevent this increased oxidative risk.
      Michael Savage, who has a Ph.D. in nutrition has an interview on the topic on his web site. The link is below.
     I am still taking my fish oil. News reports do not mention another study which showed that those with the highest levels of fish oil in the blood lived on average 2.2 years longer than those with lower levels.
 Kramer, T.R., et al., Increased vitamin E intake restores fish oil-induced suppressed blastogenesis of mitogen-stimulated T lymphocytes, Am J Clin Nutr, 1991; 54:896-902.
Meydani, M., et al., Effect of long-term fish oil supplementation on vitamin E status and lipid peroxidation in women, J Nutr, 1991; 121:484-9.


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