Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Friday, April 26, 2024

Doris Rapp Big 5 Allergy Signs

 Changes in Appearance:

Nose rubbing also known as the allergic salute. Runny nose

Nose wrinkle caused by constantly pushing up on the nose to rub it

Puffy eye bags directly below the eye or toward the outer part of the face

Dark circles under the eye called allergic shiners

Wrinkling under the eye

Brilliant red earlobes

Red cheeks

Spacey "out of it look"

Demon look

Facial tics or twitches

Eczema or atopic dermatitis on the cheeks

Stomach pain or bloated abdomen


White coating on the tongue

Behavior Changes

Aggression or withdrawal

Lapses into vulgarity

Handwriting or Drawing Changes

Breathing Changes


Hay fever

Changes in the Pulse Rate


Rapp, Doris, Is This Your Child's World? New York: Bantam Books, 1996, 43-47.

Pulse Testing

 Dr. Arthur Coca’s wife was suddenly stricken with angina pectoris which incapacitated her for three years. Heart specialists predicted the end of life within five years. Dr. Coca administered a morphine derivative to his wife. This normally quiets the pulse, but is this instance his wife’s pulse jumped over 180 beats per minute—the pulse was so fast it could not be counted. His wife volunteered that her pulse jumped after some meals. Dr. Coca began testing the pulse after single foods. Initially only three foods were found to elevate the pulse above 68 but he soon expanded his list of problem foods. Beef and potato were two of the initial problem foods.

After lengthy testing his wife became completely free from heart pain as long as she avoided foods that raised her pulse. Dr. Coca noted that a number of other problems his wife had suffered with for years also disappeared including “migraine, colitis, attacks of dizziness and fainting, abnormal tiredness and indigestion.” (31)

Dr. Coca found that his patients often suffered with more than one condition associated with allergy indicated by an increase in pulse rate. In most instances these symptoms could be recreated by adding a food back into the diet. Introduction of these foods always caused an increase in the pulse rate.

Dr. Coca’s instructions to patients included the following:

1. No smoking during testing.

2. Count the pulse one minute before each meal and three times after each meal at half-hour intervals. 3. Take pulse just before bed and just after waking in the morning. All pulse counts are made while sitting except for the morning measurement which is made before getting out of bed.

4. All items eaten at a meal are recorded for two or three days with usual meals.

5. Testing of single foods is done for two or more days testing foods hourly for 12-14 hours. Small portions of the single foods are eaten. Do not test any foods that you know you do not tolerate. Record the results of this testing.

6. Evaluation of the results.

Everything that goes into the mouth must be tested. One woman found her migraines were triggered by her toothpaste! (47-49)


Coca, Arthur F., The Pulse Test, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996.

Journal Article on Pulse Testing:


Download of the book:


Monday, April 15, 2024

The Three Dolls

 The illustration of the three dolls goes back to an article written by Jacques May in 1960. It is a beautiful illustration of the human condition. Here is how it was originally written:

"It is as though I had on a table three dolls, one of glass, another of celluloid, and a third of steel, and I chose to hit the three dolls with a hammer, using equal strength. The first doll would break, the second would scar, and the third could emit a pleasant sound."

This is a very simple little illustration pregnant with meaning and significance. What it tells me is that humans have a genetic and developmental difference which can increase or decrease the effects of environmental stressors such as emotional trauma, toxic exposures, or encounters with disease organisms. One size fits all may be appropriate for the size of a football, but it has no place in the practice of nutrition or medicine. There are vast differences in individuals and what "works" for one may not work for another. One of the sages of ancient Greece said, "One man's meat is another man's poison." Thus gluten consumption may build one person's health and destroy the health of another individual. Functional medicine is an effort to find the root causes of disease rather than addressing symptoms which could have a variety of causes.

Francis M. Pottenger, Jr.

The story of the three dolls always makes me think of the work of Francis M. Pottenger, Jr. Pottenger fed cats varying diets and observed the long term effects on health. Animals fed sufficient diets remained in a state of robust health from generation to generation. They were steel dolls. Animals were malnourished simply by cooking their meals. This resulted in a second generation that were celluloid dolls. The signs of malnutrition began to appear including loss of calcium from the bones, bleeding gums, arthritic disorders, and loss of energy and stamina. Offspring of nutritionally inadequate animals were glass dolls. They could not produce healthy offspring and Pottenger could only keep lines of malnourished cats going for three or four generations.

Pottenger found that nutritional degeneration was reversible with great difficulty with healthy foods alone. I have always felt that this is where the value of superior supplementation comes in. It can accelerate the restoration of health by addressing issues such as inflammation or digestive failure.

Sir Robert McCarrison

Sir Robert McCarrison was an English physicial who was head of nutrition for the nation of India. His research studies focused on feeding rats the diets of different people groups in the nation of India. He found that he could replicate the diseases of different people groups in India when rats ate the same diets. His most dramatic experiment was the feeding of rats the standard British diet of his day. The rats began killing and eating each other. He had to separate the animals to complete his experiment. Both mental and physical health are dependent upon an adequate intake of essential nutrients and avoiding environmental toxins.

Plus and Minus

Humans are exposed to many negative contributions to health-- toxic exposures, poor dietary choices, and emotional trauma to name a few. Fortunately, there are also positive contributions that can be made to health--clean environments, positive associations, good diets and nutritional supplementation.

An illustration is a study in which rats were exposed to the levels of air pollution characteristic of Tokyo and Los Angeles years ago. The rats developed bronchitis and bronchopneumonia among other problems. However, when the animals were supplemented with relatively large amounts of vitamin E these health problems did not appear. The positive benefit of vitamin E counteracted the effects of smog.

Years ago I spoke for a group and the head of a research company asked me to visit his company. He shared a study they had conducted with lead poisoning which was in all the gasoline in America at the time. This companies studies showed that lead in the bodies of rats blocked the ability of red blood cells to flow through the smaller capillaries in the body. They had discovered that if they supplemented the animals with vitamin E the red blood cells retained the ability to flow through the smallest of capillaries even if they had been exposed to lead. Lead initiated a process called "tanning" which hardened the membrane of cells so that they were no longer flexible. Simple adding vitamin E blocked the hardening of the cell walls and allowed the red blood cells to continue their nutritional function of delivering oxygen to all the tissues of the body.

The nutritional requirements of the body have been described by Roger Williams as the "Chain of Life." Think of the potential for benefit by providing optimal sources of all of these essential nutrients. This is why I always encourage broad spectrum supplementation with ProVitality+ or some other broad spectrum multiple before adding specific nutrients to address specific conditions. Nutrition can transform a glass doll to a celluloid doll and a celluloid doll to a steel doll! This is done with plants and animals on a routine basis. Why are we so reluctant to do it for human beings?


The Diet Dilemma in Dentistry

Pottenger Cat Video

Vitamin C and Wound Healing

 Many years ago Dr. E. Cheraskin, Chairman of the Department of Oral Medicine at the University of Alabama, conducted an interesting experiment. He punctured the gum or a volunteer dental student with a dental probe. He wanted to see if vitamin C would speed wound healing. This student showed no evidence of vitamin C deficiency. In two studies he first photographed healing without additional vitamin C. After the first would was healed he punctured the gum on the other side of the mouth and supplemented the student with 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C by mouth in four equally divided dosages. The conclusion of the study in his own words is as follows: "In brief, within the limits of this study, wound healing can be significantly accelerated approximately 40 percent with vitamin C supplementation."

I was fortunate enough to meet Dr. Cheraskin and hear him share this work. He conducted the study because "the dentist regularly damages the patient and then discharges him or her with absolutely no knowledge of the individual's capacity to heal." Many dental procedures from a simple cleaning of he teeth to extractions are accompanied by damage to tissues and bleeding. In his lecture Cheraskin joked that as he increased the amount of vitamin C given after sticking the probe in the gum he had to cease the experiment at higher intakes of vitamin C because "I was afraid the probe would get stuck in the gum and I would not be able to remove it!

Vitamin C at higher doses tends to have a half-life of only 30 minutes. This is why NeoLife Super-C boosts benefit of the vitamin by releasing it gradually over a period of hours. This is done by locking the vitamin in a protein matrix which gradually releases the vitamin as the protein is digested.


The Diet Dilemma in Dentistry, American Society for Preventive Dentistry, San Francisco, CA, July 10, 1973.


 Bromine is a toxic substance often added to colas and fruit juices to prevent a ring from forming at the top of the liquid. Bromine has been known to be toxic since the 1970's. Severe bromine toxicity in sodas was noted as early as 1997. Bromine in sodas has been banned in most of the world and it looks like the United States may soon follow suit.

Bromine belongs to a category of elements which includes chlorine, iodine and fluoride. I have long warned that ingestion of fluoride, chlorine compounds, and bromine can interfere with iodine utilization in the body leading to problems with thyroid function. Scientific studies have shown that brominated vegetable oils can result in neurological problems, heart and liver problems, behavioral, developmental and reproductive issues as well as thyroid problems.

A California ban on brominated oils in foods is scheduled to go into effect in 2027, but there is no reason to wait that long to avoid these toxic substances. It is also a good idea to avoid exposure to fluoride in water and toothpastes and substances with added chlorine compounds including drinking water. Chlorine can be removed from drinking water by allowing it to sit for a while or by boiling it. Many years ago a man came to me with severe atherosclerosis. He wanted a pill to stop it. In questioning him I found that his diet was not that bad. Suspicion turned to the chlorination of the water in his mobile home park. His mobile home was situated next to the chlorination facility and his water turned green when I added some pool testing chemical to his water (OTO). After purifying his drinking water he had no further heart problems in spite of the fact that he had previously been treated twice for blocked arteries. Years later he came to me to inform me that he had never had to have his arteries "roto-rootered" again.

I was aware of the potential of chlorine to cause heart disease due to the fact that I had read a work by Joseph Price on the connection between chlorine and heart disease. Price induced heart disease in animals by adding chlorine to their water and treating their food with chlorine. Chlorine was long used to "bleach" flour so it would have a nice white color. His laboratory animals rapidly developed atherosclerotic plaques.

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener with chlorine molecules. Some studies suggest that this sweetener can alter the beneficial organisms of the gut in animal feeding studies and may also contribute to obesity.


Bromine toxic in sodas

Bromine toxicity in epileptic dogs.

Bromine is being banned.

Price, Joseph, Chlorine/Cholesterol/Coronaries


Effects of excess fluoride on pigs.

Link to my newsletter on fluoride.

Carotenoid Complex Study

 The following study on NeoLife Carotenoid Complex appeared in the medical literature recently. The study is important because there are many carotenoids and each has a specific function. A carotenoid source which comes from foods with many carotenoids provides better nutrition than a synthetic source of these fat soluble coloring pigments. Even limiting carotenoid intake to just one food like carrots has its limitations.

Another important point is that carotenoids have a competitive absorption. Very high levels of just one carotenoid like lutein or beta-carotene can interfere with the absorption of others such as lycopene or astaxanthin that may be important for an individual's health. Lycopene protects from prostate cancer and astaxanthin protects the mitochondria where energy is produced in the cells.

I have included the entire abstract on the NeoLife Carotenoid Complex research for you below.

The immunomodulatory effect of Carotenoid complex from Golden Neo-Life Dynamite (GNLD) and carrot extracted Carotenoid was assessed using 24 albino Wistar rats. The rats were assigned to 4 groups of 6 rats each consisting of group 1(control group treated with distilled water), group 2 (treated with olive oil), group 3 (treated with carrot extract + olive oil) and group 4 (treated with GNLD Carotenoid complex + olive oil). The concentration of carrot extracted Carotenoid and that of the GNLD Carotenoid complex were 559 mg/kg. The animals were sacrificed after 21 days of treatment and whole blood collected for analysis of immune parameters. The parameters included; percentage lymphocytes, percentage eosinophils, percentage monocytes and platelet count. There were significant increases [P < 0.05]; in groups 3 and 4 which received carrot extract and carotenoid complex supplement when compared to group 1 and 2 which received distilled water and olive oil. This supports the claim that carotenoids have immunomodulatory effects. However, there were significant increases [P < 0.05]; in percentage lymphocytes (40.15 +/- 1.33); monocytes (2.50 +/- 1.31);, neutrophils (60.08 +/- 2.06) and platelet count (7.91 +/- 0.53) in group 4 which received carotenoid complex when compared to that of group 3 which received carrot extract; lymphocytes (33.01 +/- 3.20), monocytes (1.52 +/- 0.52), neutrophils (60.12 +/- 1.50) and platelet count (7.81 +/- 0.52). These significant increases[P < 0.05]; show that both carotenoids have immunomodulatory effects; and that the GNLD carotenoid complex which consists of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene and alpha-tocopherol is more potent in its immunomodulatory effect compared to the carrot extracted carotenoid which contained mostly alpha-carotene and beta-carotene alone.


  • Reference for Carotenoid Complex study. Comparative effect of carotenoid complex from Golden Neo-Life Dynamite (GNLD) and carrot extracted carotenoids on immune parameters in albino Wistar rats. Niger J Physiol Sci. 2006 Jun-Dec;21(1-2):1-4. doi: 10.4314/njps.v21i1-2.53930.


 NeoLife Tre-en-en grain and legume concentrates have been known to produce a wide variety of health benefits since the introduction of the supplement in 1958. Recent research on a nutritional substance found most abundantly in wheat germ but also in rice and soy may explain some of the benefits of the supplement. Spermidine promotes the self-cleaning of cells called autophagy, also activated by fasting, and has been shown to prolong life span and promote health in laboratory animals. It also reduces inflammation and promotes the health of the mitochondria where energy is produced within cells. It has also been shown to benefit in the slowing of the progression of dementia and improving heart health.


Spermidine improves brain function.


Lower mortality from spermidine.

Protects the heart and increases lifespan.


 Microplastics, tiny plastic particles measuring less than 5 millimeters in diameter, are present throughout our environment. They can be found in the air that we breathe, the food that we eat, and the water that we drink. They accumulate in the ocean, soil and in the bodies of plants, animals and humans. Microplastics are believed to contribute to chronic inflammation which not only promotes inflammatory conditions but also contributes to weight gain. Microplastics can also disrupt hormone chemistry.

There is no easy solution to microplastic pollution. Synthetic fibers in rugs, clothing and other household items can contribute to microplastics. Air purification with a HEPA filter can help in the home. Use of household items made from natural fibers also helps. Consumption of foods and beverages stored in plastic containers is a major source of exposure. Water should be stored in glass or stainless steel. Foods should be stored in glass as well. Personal care products and cleaning products can also contain microplastics.

Since inflammation is one of the major problems associated with accumulation of microplastics supplementation with salmon oil and antioxidants is one of the most effective means of counteracting this toxic pollution. NeoLife Salmon Oil Plus as shown in a clinical trial to reduce the inflammatory index by 68% in 8 weeks. It is also the cleanest fish oil product on the market being tested for over 200 pollutants with a standard of zero. Several studies have shown that contaminated fish oil products containing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP’s) create problems like insulin resistance and fatty infiltration of the liver rather than resolving such problems.


Microplastics as obesogens.

Microplastics cause dysbiotic-- bad bugs in the gut.

Microplastics contribute to inflammation.

Microplastics in food.



 Chlormequat has been referred to as an "emerging contaminant." It is a toxic chemical used to reduce the stem height on cereal grains, especially oats. It was not allowed in the food supply until 2018. The EWG (Environmental Working Group) found the chemical in 92% of oat-based foods they examined in May of 2023 including Cheerios and Quaker Oats. Chlormequat was also found in 80% of the humans tested.

This chemical has been linked to reduced fertility, altered fetal growth, and delayed puberty in animals. This chemical is allowed only on imported foods but growers are seeking approval for the use of the chemical in American agriculture.

Many Americans consider oats among the healthiest of foods, but increases of use of chemicals in growing wheat and oats may be creating health problems and toxicities. My recommendation would be to only consume cereals which are certified organic.


Article on Chlormequat

Found in four out of five people

Mental Illness

 Everyone who is thinking ot taking psychiatric drugs should read this well researched book on the topic of the medications used to treat mental illness. Spending on mental health issues is increasing faster than that in just about any other area of medicine. Mental illness is treated with powerful psychiatric medications and the fact that the brain is as dependent upon proper nutrition as is the heart and the digestive tract.

The following quote will provide an idea of the research in the area discussed by Whitaker. In a study that lasted 4.5 years the results of psychotic patients were as follows: "Medicated patients had one-eighth the recovery rate of unmedicated patients, and a threefold higher rate of faring miserably over the long term." (page 116) In a 15 year followup study 40% of those off medications were in recovery and over half were working. By contrast 5% of those taking anti-psychotics were in recovery and 64% were actively psychotic.

For further insight into the issue one would find the documentary The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane? helpful. The cover for this DVD says, "Digging deep beneath the corporate veneer, this three-part documentary exposes the truth behind the slick marketing schemes and scientific deceit that conceal a dangerous and often deadly sales campaign."

Another interesting resource if you can find it is Side Effects: Death by John Virapen. In this work he discusses how he bribed a key researcher to approve Prozac to advance his career at a pharmaceutical company

Reference Books:

Whitaker, Robert, Anatomy of an Epidemic, New York: Crown Publishers, 2010.

Citizens Commission on Human Rights, The Marketing of Madness.

Virapen, John, Side Effects: Death, Virtualbookworm.com, College Station, Texas, 2010.

Duane Graveline and Statins

 Duane Graveline begins his book The Statin Damage Crisis as follows: Tens of thousands of statin users have complained to their doctors of weakness, instability, easy fatigue, muscle aches and pains, burning of their extremities, depression and faulty memory, to which their doctors generally have responded, "You have to expect this now, You are over fifty."

"Although these experienced doctors have all pointed to a correct presumptive diagnosis, few have been entirely comfortable with this explanation because of a curious recurring element in their presentation. All have been on statins of one brand or another and the transition from midlife vigor to the multiple infirmities of the elderly hav been much too swift in most cases."

Graveline should be qualified to observe the consequences of thoughtless use of statin medications as he himself suffered damage from the drugs. The most serious of these consequences are memory impairment and muscle damage. Graveline experienced memory loss and muscle damage which he documents in the several books he has written on the topic of statins and cholesterol. He went from being a healthy astronaut in the space program to an invalid in a wheelchair for a time as the result of statin drug use which he discusses in The Statin Damage Crisis.

Reference Books:

Graveline, Duane, Lipitor Thief of Memory, 2006.

Graveline, Duane, The Statin Damage Crisis, 2012.

Graveline, Duane, The Dark Side of Statins, Spacedoc Media, 2017.


Thoughts on Cholesterol

 One of the most frequent questions I am asked is about cholesterol. Those on a healthy diet rarely have elevated cholesterol--but there is the rub. Healthy diets are rare in the United States. An illustration is the problem of the chicken. One hundred years ago a serving of chicken provided less than 2 grams or 16 calories of fat. Today a single serving of chicken provides 23 grams or 200 calories of fat. Chickens today are giants compared to what they were 100 years ago. They are obese giants. They are so fat they can hardly move even if they wanted to.

Cholesterol is only found in animals. The plant comparison is phytosterols or plant fats which actually inhibit the absorption of animal fats and help to reduce cholesterol levels. These plant fats have been shown in some instances to be as effective or more effective than statin drugs at lowering cholesterol even though physicians rarely recommend a plant based diet to lower cholesterol. Doctors assume patients simply won't switch to a plant based diet.

If cholesterol is elevated reducing intake of animal fat will almost always reduce cholesterol levels. If cholesterol levels are too low the body has a very efficient mechanism for synthesizing cholesterol to preserve healthy cells and brain function. This natural regulation is far better than relying on a high intake of obese animal fats to obtain cholesterol. If animal products are being consumed one should look for the lowest fat possible.

A high fiber, plant based low fat diet is the most effective way of keeping cholesterol within reasonable bounds and preventing heart disease and other diseases associated with overloading the body with animal fats.

Cholesterol becomes particularly harmful when it is oxidized in either the food we eat or in the body. In 1976 a study was conducted feeding rabbits oxidized cholesterol or unoxidized cholesterol. Lesions of the arteries of the rabbits were found after only 7 weeks of exposure to oxidized cholesterol while none were found in the animals given cholesterol that had not been oxidized.In 1979 researchers evaluating cholesterol research suggested that "oxidized cholesterol is 500 times more damaging than pure cholesterol.

Oxidized cholesterol can come from foods (aged meats, powdered eggs, processed dairy products, Ghee, fried foods, etc) or the cholesterol can be oxidized within the body spontaneously. Plant foods are high in antioxidants and can help prevent spontaneous oxidation of fats within the body. The study of NeoLife Carotenoid Complex found that these fat soluble antioxidants dramatically reduced the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood.


Smith, Ronald S., Nutrition, Hypertension & Cardiovascular Disease, Second Edition, Portland, Or: Lyncean Press, 1989, pp14-15.


Pictures of how chickens have gotten fatter!

The Toxic Puzzle

 Individuals are always shocked when diagnosed with ALS or Alzheimer's. This video called Toxic Puzzle is by Bo Landin and narrated by Harrison Ford. It addresses the fact that these two diseases often appear in clusters and are often associated with common drinking water. The video follows the work of a consortium of 50 scientists searching for a hidden killer underlying the toxic puzzle involved with these diseases. The conclusion I drew from the video is that the quality of drinking water may be a major contributor to diseases involved with degeneration of brain and nerves.

I first became aware of this problem reading an article in Scientific American in 1994 written by Wayne Carmichael. He was warning about the ingestion of algae products as supplements because of the likelihood of potentially harmful contaminants contributing to liver cancer and nerve damage. Dr. Furst was very concerned about this issue in supplements and he was one of the world's foremost toxicologists. Unfortunately the original article by Carmichael is no longer readily available but I have provided a link to some of his more recent work.

Reference article:

Recent article on the toxins of cyanobacteria by Wayne Carmichael.


 One of the reasons why nutrition is so poor in the United States today is because of what we have done to our soil. The work of Andrew Millison, a professor in Oregon, it focused on healing the soil and restoring the conditions for healthy and nutritious food. His work is inspiring and ranks with the work of Sepp Holzer and others in advancing our knowledge of how to grow food. Below is a video link to his work:

Work of Andrew Millison:

Five Great Restoration Projects Video

Overview of Millison's work

How I Share ProVitality+

 Price Objection:

Would you not agree that the average person is willing to spend $2-4 for a cup of coffee at a coffee shop. A frappachinos can cost $4-6. The cost of a good candy bar will be $3-5 dollars. None of these offers the health benefits of a packet of NeoLife ProVitality+ which costs about $2.00.

Product Quality:

ProVitality+ is composed of four outstanding components that cover the basics of sound nutrition and long term health. They are as follows:

Vitamin-Mineral with Enzymes:

Most inexpensive supplements contain only vitamins and minerals. This is just the beginning with Neo-Life. The supplement also contains enzymes which aid the body in digestion and absorption of the vitamins and minerals-- something often lacking in other supplements.


Tre-en-en is a supplement exclusive to Neo-Life. It was developed out of 12 years of medical research at North Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital many years ago. Researchers realized that a key nutritional factor affecting stamina, hormone functioning, and nutrient utilization was missing from the diet of many of their patients as the hospital. This was contributing to premature aging. Seventy-six different supplements were tested before the researchers learned that food refining lay at the base of the problems they were seeing.

Extracts were made from the parts of wheat, rice, and soybeans that were being discarded in the manufacture of white flour, white rice, and tofu. This product was called Tre-en-en which means three in one in Greek, referring to the extracts from the three grains and legumes. When tested these extracts were shown to improve nutrient utilization of rats by 50% and improve overall functioning of the adrenal stress coping glands and male and female sex hormones. The researchers tested patients who were unwell in the hospitals and noted marked improvement in many people. One of these was the original owner of NeoLife whose wife recovered from a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis. He began to sell the product so it would be available for his wife and himself as he did not wish to see her suffer again. When Dr. Restifo turned the product over to Wally Wimmer he said, "If you will share this discovery with people you will be doing something 16 times more important than we doctors do because 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'."

One question remained. Would Tre-en-en benefit healthy people? The resarchers studies the healthiest part of the population. They supplemented professional athletes including the Iowa State College football team and the Cleveland Browns. Testing showed substantial improvments in stamina and biochemistry among these healthy athletes.

This supplement has been a part of NeoLife multiple vitamins since 1958.

Carotenoid Complex

Carotenoid Complex is a blend of the fat soluble coloring pigments from fruits and vegetables. Few people eat the suggested 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables suggested by health authorities. Carotenoids are fragile components of foods that protect the body from free radical oxygen. They are destroyed by oxygen and by light. Carotenoid Complex is manufactured with a patented process in a nitrogen enviroment and placed in a black capsule to protect from light and oxygen. Consuming one bottle of Carotenoid Complex provides the equivalent of the carotenoids in 250 pounds of raw fruits and vegetables.

Testing on Carotenoid Complex showed that three a day enhanced production of white blood cells (our immune defenders) by 37% in 20 days, increased natural killer cells (these go after cancer cells) by 20%, decreased oxidative damage to cells by 44% (this affects aging) and increased antioxidants in cholesterol five-fold. A study conduced in the 1970's found that oxidation of cholesterol increased the risk of atherosclerosis 500-fold over consumption of non-oxidized cholesterol. This supplement hels prevent cholesterol from oxidizing within the blood.

Salmon Oil Plus

The final component of the ProVitality+ is designed to provide the important omega-3 fatty acids which work to reduce inflammation in the body. Salmon Oil Plus is standardized to contain all 8 members of the omega-3 family rather than just one or two as the majority of omega-3 supplements. It is a ultra high potency concentrate omega-3 (UHPO3). This means it is not necessary to swallow large capsules and reduces the risk of burping up fish oils all day.

Salmon Oil Plus is also tested for over 200 pollutants with a standard of zero. Scientific studies have shown that fish oils contaminated with persistent organic pollutants can actually contribute to fatty liver and insulin resistance while a clean and pure product can improve these conditions. A clinical trial on Salmon Oil Plus showed that it reduced the inflammatory index by 68% in 8 weeks.


One would spend a long time searching for a multiple supplement that comes anywhere close to what is available in Neo-Life ProVitality+. Here are some quotes worth thinking about:

"The Bitterness of Poor Quality Remains Long After the Sweetness of Low Price is Forgotten."

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”– Warren Buffet.

"It's unwise to pay too much. But it's worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money, that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do." John Ruskin

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” – John Ruskin.

Fatty Liver Disease

 ne of the best books on diabetes is The Diabetes Code by Jason Fung, M.D. Fung points out that medical focus in diabetes is on blood sugars, while the main driver of diabetes is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). High insulin levels lead to storage of fat in the liver. Fatty liver leads to insulin resistance-- the inability of insulin to do its normal work. Insulin resistance causes the body to promote the production of more insulin to try and get its necessary work done. This elevated insulin increases the storage of fat in the liver and the cycle goes on.

Heavy intake of alcohol and fructose are particularly effective in promoting fatty infiltration of the liver. Heavy fructose feeding in one study increased generation in the liver fivefold in 8 days and increased liver fat by 38% in that time. Heavy fructose feeding for 8 weeks can move a person's blood sugar readings into the prediabetic range.

The good news is that fatty liver disease is easily reversible. Avoid sugars, especially fructose loads, and alcohol. Most of the cells in the body can metabolize glucose or starch sugar. Only the liver can metabolize fructose which is why it is so easy to overload the body with fructose. Fructose consumption among individuals today is 2-5 or more times the consumption of the fructose consumption of the average person in 1900.

Fung writes, "Fatty liver is a completely reversible process." Reducing insulin levels by the consumption of less carbohydrate, especially sugars, leads to lower insulin levels and the reversal of fatty liver.

It is important to realize that it is fat in the liver that is the main driver of insulin resistance. Fat in other parts of the body has little effect on insulin resistance by comparison. A person can be very thin with a fatty liver and a prediabetic or diabetic condition.

For a healthy liver reduce the intake of simple sugars and excess carbohydrates. Good supplements to improve a fatty liver include Lipotropic Adjunct, Sport Endurance (defatted liver), and Lecithin. Lipotropic Adjunct can be translated as follows: Lipo "fat", Tropic "to eat or feed" and Adjunct "helper". This supplement helps the body break down fat so the body can burn it for energy. Lecithin works in a similar manner, but Lipotropic Adjunct is about 30 times more effective according to the work of a researcher years ago.

Amino Acid Utilization

 Dr. David Minkoff, MD, in his book The Search for the Perfect Protein discusses the concept of Amino Acid Utilization abbreviated as AAU. He begins by pointing out that the very best proteins in nature are mother's milk and eggs. Mother's milk has an AAU of 49% and eggs 48%. Meat, fish and fowl have an AAU of about 32%. Most protein supplements are less than 20%. Soy is 17%, dairy 16%, and spirulina 6%. NeoLife for years considered this concept under the acronym Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS). This looks at not only the amino acid balance discussed by Minkoff, but also the importance of the ability to digest protein. A perfect score with the PDCAAS is 1, the profile of a raw egg. Measures of the usability of protein can fall with cooking or other changes to the structure of the protein or can improve when the protein is made more digestible. NeoLife proteins have a PDCAAS of 1-1.4 due to the excellent protein balance and ability to be digested.

I am often asked about collagen protein. Minkoff notes that 50% of collagen is nonessential amino acids and it is deficient in tryptophan, isoleucine, threonine and methionine. AAU for collagen proteins is poor. He also notes that collagen products often come from animals exposed to contaminants including antibiotics, prescription drug metabolites, steroids, insecticides and hormones.

Unusable protein may be dumped out of the body or converted to carbohydrate which in some instances can affect blood sugar.

Many people are afraid of the cholesterol in egg yolk and choose to consume just egg whites.Minkoff points out that the AAU of egg protein drops from 48% to 17% when the yolk is removed.

Music of the Heart

 There is nothing like a good movie on a rainy winter afternoon. I enjoy inspiring movies based upon true stories. One of these is the story of Roberta Guspari who taught violin to students in the inner city. Guaspari is played by Meryl Streep in this inspiring story which has a warm hearted ending.

Carotenoids and the Skin

 Carotenoids are the fat soluble coloring pigments in fruits and vegetables. The carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanthin were first recognized for their ability to protect the eyes of developing macular degeneration as we age. They sit on top of the part of the eye called the macula lutea where sunlight focuses in the process of vision and protect the underlying structures from damage.

A more recent realization on the part of nutritional science is the benefit of these very same nutrients for the skin. One recent study concluded: "...the present study indicates that the administration of lutein and zeaxanthin provides multiple benefits to the skin. In addition to the protection of the skin from the deleterious effects of UV light-inducible damage (increased free radical production) and decreased lipid peroxidation, these xanthophylls also increased the surface lipids, skin hydration, and skin elasticity." Oral supplementation with these carotenoids resulted in a four-fold increase in the ability of the skin to tolerate ultraviolet light exposure without damage to the skin.

It is best to get a balanced intake of carotenoids as a high intake of only one member of the family can inhibit the absorption of other carotenoids. NeoLife Carotenoid Complex is a patented formula which extracts carotenoids in a nitrogen environment and encapsulated them in a black capsule to their ability to help the body to cope with free radical oxygen and ultraviolet light is not lost in the manufacturing process.


Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2007;20:199–210 DOI: 10.1159/000101807.

Clinical Nutrition Highlights

 Clinical Nutrition Meeting Insights

The following are some insights into nerve issues and nutrition from the recent yearly clinical nutrition meeting:


A mouse model of depression found that some of the most common blue-red polyphenols decreased the symptoms of depression in mice induced by LPS-- lipopolsaccharides, substances which build up in the digestive tract on diets high in processed foods. LPS are very inflammatory. Polyphenols decreased brain inflammation in the hippocampus, calmed the nerves and promoted improved nerve health. The hippocampus is a key part of the brain associated with learning, memory and emotion. Supplements rich in polyphenols such as NeoLife Tre may be helpful in warding off depression when we are not eating the way we should.


The Vagus Nerve:

Several speakers at the conference pointed out that the vagus nerve connects the gut or digestive tract with the brain. The gut has so many neurons that it has been called the body's second brain. Due to the vagal nerve superhighway between gut and brain what goes on in one can have profound effects on the other. Abnormalites in gut function are common in many neurological conditions such as autism and ADHD.


American medicine give little attention to parasites but addressing them is sometimes helpful in addressing brain and nerve problems. Dr. Emily Gutierrez shared research on which compounds were the most helpful in dealing with common parasites. At the top of the list for bacteria were garlic and pumpkin seeds, and ivermectin. Most helpful for yeast was capryllic acid, nystatin, and grapefruit seeds.

SALMAN, S. S.; ARDALAN, N. M. Evaluation of Amygdalin (B17) and Cucurbita pepo (Pumpkin seed) Activity Against Blastocystis from Diarrheic Patients in Baghdad, Iraq: in Vitro Study. Plant compounds: • Allium sativum L. displayed high efficacy as a potential therapeutic agent against Cryptosporidium (mouse model) • Amygdalin (B17, plant compound from apricot seed) and cucurbita pepo (pumpkin seed) effective against blastocystis (in vitro)

Alyaa Farid, Mona Yousry, Gehan Safwat, Garlic (Allium sativum Linnaeus) improved inflammation and reduced cryptosporidiosis burden in immunocompromised mice,Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume292,2022,115174,ISSN 0378- 8741,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2022.115174.\

Weed, Seed, and Grow:

Promoting growth of beneficial organisms in the digestive tract of one of the most important things we can do to promote not only overall health, but also to help protect and nourish the nerves and brain.

Weeding refers to removing harmful bacteria and yeasts from the digestive tract as mentioned above.

Seeding refers to getting beneficial microbes in the digestive tract: pre and probiotic rich foods (fermented foods, garlic, asparagus, pickled vegetables, banana, honey, kefir, yogurt, onions.

Grow refers to generous intake of fibers to promote the growth of beneficial organisms: - fiber, both insoluble and soluble (apples, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds. A common mistake is to think there is only one type of fiber while there are many types and differing fibers have differing health benefits.

Emily Gutierrez and Childhood Deficiencies

 Nutrition 101

Dr. Emily Gutierrez was the first speaker. Her specialty is in helping children with problems which is a major concern today. She pointed out that there are many specifics and nutrient deficiencies in children, but she usually begins by suggesting a healthy diet and complete nutrient intake. Here are some of her basic nutrition suggestions:

  • Increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes and proteins.
  • Eat unprocessed, unrefined, whole foods as much as possible.
  • Try to balance all meals with fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and antioxidants.
  • Consume half the body weight in ounces of water each day.
  • Children often suffer with selective eating. Work to increase the variety of foods that are consumed rather than eating the same foods all the time.
  • Emotional and spiritual factors can have an effect on nutrition. Consume meals in a relaxed and peaceful environment.
  • Family beliefs about nutrition are key to improving nutrient intake.
  • Access to healthy food is not always easy. Sometimes it is necessary to expend effort to find healthy food.

Common Childhood Deficiencies

Dr. Gutierrez listed a number of nutriet deficiencies commonly observed in children. Below are some of the more common problems with physical indicators of the deficiency:

Iron- Results in low energy, pale appearance and restless sleep. It is often associated with heavy intake of dairy products.

Zinc- Common where nails are brittle or ridged. White clouds in the nails can also indicate zinc deficiency. Children with zinc deficiency are picky eaters because food does not taste good-- zinc is essential for proper functioning of the tastebuds. The zinc deficient child will have a poorly functioning immune system and be susceptible to frequent infections.

Magnesium- Deficiency is frequently associated with constipation, muscle aches and pains, anxiety and poor sleep. Cramping can also result.

Deficiency of fatty acids including Omega-3-- Often associated with low cholesterol, dry skin, poor satiety (always hungry and tendency to overeat), and dry eyes. There is also increased risk of inflammatory disorders.

Vitamin D- A tendency to have a weakened immune system and frequent or severe illnesses and depression. Pain when the hair is pulled may be an indication of vitamin D deficiency.

Some Insights

Dr. Gutierrez said an ideal blood level of vitamin D is between 50-100 ng/ml. Over 150 ng/ml is a toxic level and excess intake. Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly important for ADHD, depression, brain injury and autism. Supplements should be used for a minimum of 3 months and optimally at least 4 months before evaluating the efficacy of the treatment. Children aged 6-12 should obtain 1 gram/day and children over 12 2 grams/day.

My own research suggests that purity is critical to see the best results with omega-3 supplementation. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP's) can contribute to insulin resistance and fatty infiltration of the liver, while freedom from pollutants can actually benefit these conditions. NeoLife tests the Salmon Oil Plus for over 200 pollutants with a standard of ZERO detectable.

PFOA and Teflon

 This is the first review of videos which hopefully will not be the last. This video provides entertainment but also is educational. It is based upon the true story of a lawyer's 20 year battle to make people aware of the dangers of teflon produced by the Dupont company. Teflon is a combination of carbon atoms with fluoride. Teflon is also known as PFOA or C-8. PFOA was discontinued in cookware around 2014 but it is still used for other things and levels exist in virtually all people. Fluoride is a potentially very toxic compound which many people think is safe and helpful for prevention of tooth decay. Fluoride is present in some teas, toothpaste, and drinking water in fluoridated cities. Fluoride can interfere with iodine utilization which is critical for thyroid function.

Video: Dark Waters, a Todd Haynes Film.

Cancer and Mitochondria

 Western medicine is focused on damage to DNA of cells as the cause of cancer. An ever increasing number of scientists are taking a look at damage to the mitochondria as a cause of cancer. Thomas Seyfried writes, "The tumorigenic phenotype is suppressed when normal mitochondria are transferred to the tumor cell cytoplasm. On the other hand, the tumorigenic phenotype is enhanced when tumor mitochondria are transferred to a normal cell cytoplasm. These findings further suggest that tumorigenesis is dependent more on mitochondrial function than on the types of mutations in the nucleus." In other words, Seyfried found that putting normal mitochondria into cancer cells resulted in their return to normal cells, while inserting mitochondria from cancer cells into normal cells converted them to cancer cells. This research is a good warning to eat healthy foods, use good supplements, and avoid exposure to toxic substances that can damage the energy production of the cells.

Seyfried article.

Allium Benefits: Garlic and Onion

 The Allium family includes approximately 500 members. Commonly used allium vegetables include garlic, onion, leeks, chives, and scallions. These vegetables have a wide spectrum of health benefits. They can kill or inhibit a wide range of microbes including fungi and bacteria. They can inhibit harmful blood clotting. They tend to lower blood fats. Allium vegetables have anti-inflammatory activity and have been shown to help prevent arthritis. They can also lower blood sugars. Current research is looking into how these vegetables reduce or inhibit cancer activity in both the test tube and also in living animals. Garlic and onion are particularly potent in this regard.

The anticancer activity of allium vegetables appears to be tied to the presence of allylsulfides, flavonoids and polyphenols. The chief compound in garlic is allicin which then breaks down into many other compounds. Allicin gives garlic its odor. While deodorized products are commercially popular, most of the research focuses on the smelly stuff as being most potent.

The most abundant chemical in onions is the flavonoid quercetin although the food is also a treasure trove of sulfur compouds containing cysteine which boosts the production of glutathione, one of the body's major antioxidants and detoxifiers.

One of the principles of good nutrition is that sulfur compounds make us healthier. Common foods which contain sulfur include not only the allium family, but also cruciferous foods like cabbage and broccoli, ginger, and eggs.

The study referenced below comments, "Studies in experimental animals indicate that the benefits of Allium vegetables are not limited to one species, tissue, or carcinogen. Organosulfur compounds can hinder activation of active carcinogen from precursors, increase its metabolic detoxification, or prevent its reaction with vulnerable target cells....Overall, evidence shows that allium vegetables have strong cancer-preventive activity but there are many horizons that still need to be explored."

I am often asked why I recommend NeoLife Allium Complex for cancer prevention. An article by Boivin concluded the following: "The extracts from cruciferous vegetables as well as those from vegetables of the genus Allium inhibited the proliferation of all tested cancer cell lines whereas extracts from vegetables most commonly consumed in Western countries were much less effective....These results thus indicate that vegetables have very different inhibitory activities towards cancer cells and that the inclusion of cruciferous and Allium vegetables in the diet is essential for effective dietary-based chemopreventive strategies."

Article on allium and cancer.

Link to article by Boivin

Pomeganate Polyphenols

 A recent study found that pomegranate combined with water soluble vitamins reduced prolonged fatigue. The study focused on chronic fatigue and supplemented test subjects on pomegranate juice and vitamins B and C for one month. Alleviation of fatigue resulted in significant improvement over the period and the supplements were well tolerated. One ounce of Tre from NeoLife contains the active factors from the equivalent of 20 ounces of pomegranate juice without the sugars that would be present in 20 oz of pomegranate juice.

Much study is being done on polyphenols found in Tre. These studies suggest that these compounds reduce oxidation of fats in the body including cholesterol, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, benefit blood pressure due to improved functioning of nitric oxide, improvement of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, reduction of inflammation in the body, and anti-diabetic effects.

Flavonoid Complex also contains many polyphenols.

Esposito, C.; Santarcangelo, C.; Di Minno, A.; Sacchi, R.; Sommella, E.; De Lellis, L.F.; De Pasquale, M.A.; Montarolo, F.; Campiglia, P.; Baldi, A.; et al. Chemical Characterization and Preliminary Evaluation of the Efficacy and Tolerability of a Food Supplement Based on Pomegranate Extract, B Vitamins, and Vitamin C against Prolonged Fatigue in Healthy Consumers. Processes 2022, 10, 208. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr10020208


 A nootropic agent is a substance that has the ability to boost both physical energy and especially mental functioning. NeoLife's latest product introduction is called Elevate. It is designed to support healthy cognitive function, calmness and a relaxed state of mind. The substances in the product are designed to ease some of the psychological and physical effects of stress upon the body including anxiety and tension. This supplement contains clinically researched and patented Suntheanine which enhances cognitive function, promotes concentration, and supports mental calmness.

The supplement also contains caffeine and L-Theanine from green tea. Electrolyte minerals are added to promote hydration of the tissues. A number of vitamins are added to aid the potential benefits of the product including B6, B12, folic acid, and vitamins C and D. L-Taurine is an amino acid that plays a role in energy metabolism and endurance and is also found in the product.

Competitive products are often inferior because they lack clinically studied nootropic ingredients, contain artificial sweeteners and synthetic caffeine, and lack hydrating minerals. They also often lack some or all of the added nutrients.

Nitric Oxide, Upbeet, Tre

 One of the last times I got together with Dr. Arthur Furst near the end of his accomplished life he shared with me that he was researching the importance of nitric oxide. The chemical is very important for circulatory health and is the basis of pharmaceuticals used to treat erectile dysfunction in men and chest pain in those with heart disease. This month's newsletter discusses research on this important topic and NeoLife Upbeet which was designed to provide a natural source for this nutrient.

A food source of nitric oxide is the preferable source of supplementation. Overloading the body can be harmful. Test strips are available to test whether nitric oxide is deficient in the body. As we age this becomes much more likely.

NeoLife Tre is a wonderful complement to Upbeet. It helps nitric oxide work better by slowing its rapid degradation in the body. Many people have commented that they notice a pronounced benefit from Tre including improving heart function and improving problems with male performance.

Click here for the Newsletter on NitricOxide and Upbeet

Link to article on ability of pomegranate juice to enhance nitric oxide function.

Statins, CoQ10 and vitamin K2

 Harumi Okuyama is a pharmacist who believes in informed consent for patients. He has done extensive research on the problems created by statins and has concluded that these drugs stimulate atherosclerosis and promote heart failure. Damage accumulates in multiple pathways. In an interview Okuyama said, "I can propose no safe and effective means to protect from the side effects of statins. Instead, I recommend those taking statins to start discussing with their doctors that they replace their statins with safer omega-3 fatty acids." Among the problems associated with statins are the fact that they interfere with synthesis of vitamin K2 in the body. This vitamin plays a role in insulin function and testosterone production. Low levels of K2 increase death from all causes. Statins also inhibit the transport of selenium in the body. Deficiency of this mineral is associated with heart failure. Statins also interfere with the production of CoQ10 which is essential for the energy production which runs the heart. One can supplement with CoQ10, but statins also interfere with Heme A which also works in the mitochondria like CoQ10 in increasing energy supply. This researcher notes that most of the medical community is acting against his recommendations, but he notes that most physicians and pharmacists are too busy to research the biochemical pathways by which statins increase the risk of atherosclerosis and heart failure.


Okuyama, Harumi ,Statins stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure: pharmacological mechanisms. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2015 Mar;8(2):189-99. 51028 (10/2015) 

Seizure and Omega-3

 A study out of Egypt in 2015 found that supplementing children with omega-3 fatty acids improved epileptic seizure control. The interest in the anticonvulsant effects of the omega-3 fatty acids was triggered by observed effects where these oils improved irregular heart beats where the hyper-excitability of the heart is involved. The researcher saw a parallel between excessive excitability of heart neurons and of those in the brain. Omega-3 fats calm and relax nerves reducing excessive excitability. Since omega-3 fatty acids improve overall brain health and functioning this researcher suggests all neurologists should routinely supplement quality fish oils for those suffering with epilepsy.


Diala Mohamed Ali Reda, Fish Oil Intake and Seizure Control in Children with Medically Resistant Epilepsy. N Am J Med Sci. 2015 Jul;7(7):317-21. 51036 (1/2015)

Food Allergy and Digestion

 Allergic responses to foods have increased at an alarming rate in the general population. Many studies have demonstrated that low levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach or pancreatic enzymes in the small intestine can greatly increase the likelihood and severity of sensitivities and allergies to foods. The link below discusses how treatment of ulcers with antacids can increase food allergies.

The article abstract states: "Indeed, both murine and human studies reveal that antiulcer medication increases the risk of food allergy induction. Gastric digestion substantially decreases the potential of food proteins to bind IgE, which increases the threshold dose of allergens required to elicit symptoms in patients with food allergy. Thus antiulcer agents impeding gastric protein digestion have a major effect on the sensitization and effector phase of food allergy."

Recently I have seen a number of people who have told me that NeoLife Aloe Vera has helped them with various kinds of inflammatory conditions of the digestive tract. In the study referenced below 93% of patients on aloe plus conventional treatment experienced wound healing after 3 months while only 47% of those given conventional treatment saw wound healing in the same period of time.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and indomethacin are known to cause ulcers. In another study, Aloe Vera was shown to help prevent the development of ulcers in animals exposed to these drugs (NSAIDS).

Aloe Vera is a wonderful supplement. Alexander the Great, on the advice of Aristotle, conquered the island of Socotra to secure supplies of aloe to heal the wounds of his troops before he set out to conquer the world.

Since the aloe plant has a compound toxic to cells, Neolife uses only filets of 3 and 4 year old leaves to avoid introducing this compound into the finished product. Quality is very important in aloe products!


Link to article on antacids and food allergy.

Aloe Vera and Ulcers

Article on Aloe protecting from NSAID induced ulcers