Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Friday, April 30, 2021

BPA Danger

     A recent article in the Daily Mail found that estrogenic pollutants were found in the bodies of 86% of teenagers. The study also reports that 93% of the U.S. population carries a burden of Bisphenol A, a potent estrogenic pollutant used in plastic bottles, cash register receipts, and the inner lining of canned goods. BPA has been associated with a variety of diseases including obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes, breast and prostate cancer, hyperactivity and learning disabilities, and heart disease.
     Shockingly, when products are labelled BPA free they often contain other closely related estrogenic chemicals including bisphenol AF, bisphenol B, bisphenol C, bisphenol E, bisphenol F and bisphenol S. When test subjects were told to avoid BPA there was little change in blood levels of estrogenic chemicals suggesting that avoiding estrogenic pollution is not a simple tast.

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