Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Thursday, May 20, 2021

 Male Infertility

Recent research suggests that male infertility is a common problem. Researchers have found that the higher quality omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA improve the vitality of sperm and improve male fertility. A recent analysis by Hosseini and associates concluded the following: "This meta-analysis indicates that supplementing infertile men with omega-3 fatty acids resulted in a significant improvement in sperm motility and concentration of DHA in seminal plasma."
Another study repeats the emphasis on omega-3 fats but also mentions the apparent importance of cereal grains and fruits and vegetables. These researchers wrote, "Studies have indicated that in men with idiopathic infertility, omega-3 intervention resulted in significant improvement in total sperm count as well as sperm cell density. Moreover, several studies have shown that higher intake of poultry, cereals, fruit and vegetables may play a beneficial role in male infertility." It sure sounds like ProVitality Plus with omega-3 fats, grain, fruit and vegetable extracts along with a good protein supplement might be worthy of attention for those suffering with infertility.

Sunday, May 09, 2021

 Vitamins, Covid, and Sepsis

Vitamin B6 and COVID-19

Vitamin B6 is an overlooked vitamin when it comes to COVID-19. This vitamin is known to have the ability to inhibit blood clots which have been noted to be triggered by both the disease and the vaccines being used to prevent it. COVID-19 is also noted to trigger a "cytokine storm" which is basically a powerful inflammatory response. Vitamin B6 is known to reduce the inflammatory response as well. Deficiency of vitamin B6 is know to reduce the immune response and to increase susceptibility to viral infections.
The potential of vitamin B6 to reduce the severity of COVID-19 and other viral infections has not been explored. The role of nutrition in increasing resistance to respiratory infections is little explored. This is in spite of the fact that one of the earliest signs of malnutrition noted by early researchers was increased respiratory problems.
For a full treatment of the reasons for deficiency of vitamin B6 and its role in many diseases including asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease see the references below.

Gaby, Alan, The Doctor's Guide to Vitamin B6, Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press, 1984.
Ellis, John M., and Presley, James, Vitamin B6: The Doctor's Report, New York: Harper and Row, 1973.

Sepsis, Vitamins C and B1
One out of every three people who dies in a hospital bed has sepsis which is a system-wide infection that can lead to shock and organ failure. The mortality rate of sepsis can be 30-50%. A study conducted in 2017 showed that the use of intravenous vitamins C and B1 added to standard treatment reduced mortality by as much as 87%.
Medicine needs to take a much closer look at the incorporation of complete nutrition into the treatment of various health conditions. This includes all of the members of the vitamin B complex.


 Sugar and Bowel Disease

Researchers found that it takes only two days of a diet high in sugar to increase susceptibility to inflammatory bowel diseases like colitis in mice. This supports the idea that relatively small changes in diet can trigger disease symptoms. Researchers were surprised that increases susceptibility to colitis could be triggered in such a short period of time by sugar intake.
The cause of the problem proved to be rapid changes in gut bacteria. Since these bacteria can reproduce as rapidly as every 20 minutes it did not take long to change bacterial populations in the digestive tract. A high fiber diet promotes bacteria that produce short chain fatty acids which nourish the digestive tract and produce a healthy immune response. A diet high in sugar and low in fiber promotes the growth of bacteria like E. coli which contribute to inflammation and defective immune responses.
This study showed that one of the consequences of a high sugar diet was to dramatically increase the permeability of the gut lining. This allowed undigested food particles and toxins produced by bacteria to be absorbed into the blood stream. The absorption of incompletely digested foods leads to food intolerances and may contributed to autoimmune conditions.
Tissue damage to the digestive tract was decreased by supplementation with short chain fatty acids produced by beneficial bacteria. This suggests that the damage caused to the gut by bacteria might be reduced by supplementation with short chain fatty acids, consumption of beneficial fibers with sugar intake, and/or supplementation with beneficial bacteria when consuming foods high in sugar.
This study appears to put to rest the notion that one can eat a healthy diet during the week and binge on sugars on the weekend without suffering negative consequences.

 Thoughts on Covid

Vitamin D Deficiency and COVID-19
A study conducted at the University of Heidelberg was published near the end of 2020 which reported on the protective effects of vitamin C against serious complications from COVID-19. This study is significant because vaccine manufacturers are not promising that vaccines will prevent infection with the virus, but only that seriousness of the infection will be reduced.
In the Heidelberg study vitamin D deficiency was associated with more than a 6-fold risk of invasive mechanical ventilation and almost a 15-fold increased risk of death. The authors concluded, "Our study demonstrates an association between VitD deficiency and severity/mortality of COVID-19, highlighting the need for interventional studies on VitD supplementation in SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals."
Of the 185 patients treated at the center 22% were vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D deficiency consisted of a blood level of total 25-hydroxyvitamin D level less than 12 ng/mL (<30 nM). Regular or habitual use of vitamin D seems to be preferable in scientific studies.


Zinc and Viruses
Intracellular zinc inhibits viral replication. The key word here is intracellular. Viruses do their damage within cells. Thus the zinc must get within cells in order to effectively boost immune function against viruses. The focus of pharmaceutical firms is on zinc ionophores. An ionophore is nothing more than a substance that can transport a molecule across a lipid membrane like a cell membrane.
Dr. Arthur Furst was one of the scientific pioneers in mineral biology who realized that absorption of minerals could be hindered if the wrong forms of minerals were used in supplementation. He developed NeoLife's double chelation technology. Chelation of zinc greatly facilitates the transport of zinc within the human body.
Studies have shown that zinc is antiviral if it can be delivered to the proper places in the cell. Many antiviral agents help to deliver zinc to the cells. Some like tea catechins both aid the movement of zinc within cells, but also have antiviral activity of their own.


Risks of Rushed Vaccine
"Telescoping testing timelines and approvals may expose all of us to unnecessary dangers related to the vaccine. While preclinical trials to evaluate the potential safety and efficacy of vaccine candidates are likely to include tens of thousands of patients, it is still unclear whether that number will be large enough and a trial will last long enough to evaluate safety for a drug that would be administered to so many. The US alone plans to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people with the first successful candidate. One serious adverse event per thousand of a vaccine given to 100 million people means harm to 100,000 otherwise healthy people." 
Haseltines warnings in Scientific American have been ignored as a result of "emergency authorization" for the use of vaccines prior to thorough testing. Haseltine has a couple of major concerns:

#1: ADE (antibody dependent enhancement): Worsening the result of infection. This phenomena has been observed in attempts to develop other vaccines for coronoviruses. COVID-19 patients have also evidenced antibodies in the blood characteristic of ADE.

#2: All the vaccines tested up to the time of the publication of this article failed to protect non-human primates from infection of the nasal passages. This is why the focus of vaccines has been on amelioration of the infection rather than prevention of the disease.

Emergency Authorization

Emergency authorization for the use of a treatment for a disease is only permissible if there is no effective treatment for a disease. This is why potential alternative treatments for Covid-19 such as hydroxychloraquine or vitamin D and zinc are attacked and rejected by many in the medical community, especially those who have close ties to the pharmaceutical industry.

Pathogenic Priming

 A Little Humor

One of the most delightful weekends I had spent since moving to California six months before was nearing an end as two teenage girls approached me while I was counting out my vitamins. "What are all those pills for?" one of them asked. "Well," I explained, "these two are for beautiful eyes, this one for long willowy legs, that little one is for pearly, white teeth..." and as I was waxing on, the other girl interrupted me with, "Haven't been taking them long, have you?" Luci Swindoll, Joy Breaks, p. 112.

Pathogenic Priming
"In SARS, a type of “priming” of the immune system was observed during animal studies of SARS spike protein-based vaccines leading to increased morbidity and mortality in vaccinated animals who were subsequently exposed to wild SARS virus." The above is a summary of a potential problem with the vaccines developed to fight Covid-19. Animal studies such as those discussed in this study, related to the SARS vaccine, were not done before the development of the Covid-19 vaccines due to the rush to market (operation warp speed).
This study notes that 1/3 of the proteins in the Covid-19 vaccines have the potential to create problems with immune function contributing to autoimmune disease upon subsequent exposure to similar viruses. This is referred to as "pathogenic priming" by the author of the article. Pathogenic priming can also result from infection by viruses.
The phenomena of pathogenic priming helps to explain why damaging effects from infection with Covid-19 or vaccination for the disease can result in serious problems such as lung damage long after the initial infection or vaccination.
The author of this article notes that studies of pathogenic priming have not been done on Covid-19 vaccines, but that this is a definite risk. He concludes with the following: "Such studies should be undertaken before use of any vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 is used in humans." This is obviously not going to happen which means that we may see many negative longer-term effects of these vaccinations before the issue of pathogenic priming is clarified. In the meantime, the vaccine manufacturers run to the bank with profits from vaccination with no liability for damages and no proof that the vaccines can cause this type of damage until studies are conducted which may be well after most of the world has already been vaccinated.

Vitamin B3 and Lung Damage
"Lung damage is a major hurdle to recovery in those severe patients. Through producing various growth factors, MSCs may help repair of the damaged lung tissue. It is important to mention that various studies have shown that in animal models with bleomycin-induced lung injury, vitamin B3 (niacin or nicotinamide) is highly effective in preventing lung tissue damage [7]. It might be a wise approach to supply this food supplement to the COVID-19 patients."
In China mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) are being tested to see if they can promote healing of damaged lung tissue from Covid-19. This strategy is still unproven, but the author does observe in the above quote that a natural nutrient, vitamin B3, is highly effective in preventing lung damage and should probably be administered to COVID-19 patients.
Vitamin B3 is available as a flush form (niacin) which can be unpleasant to some people, and as niacinamide which is a non-flush form. The latter is usually used in supplements. In the hamster study on vitamin B3 the niacin form was more effective in preventing lung damage.


 Nitric Oxide

One of the last days I spent with Dr. Arthur Furst he was involved in research on nitric oxide and showed me some of the research he was reviewing. Very little was known about nitric oxide at that time. Nitric oxide is a powerful free radical, but research since the late 1980's has shown that this noxious compound plays many important roles in body chemistry as an important chemical messenger and signaling molecule. This molecule plays a role in the ability of white blood cells to attack and destroy viruses and bacteria. It also plays a role in allowing the dilation of blood vessels. This is why nitroglycerine tablets were once used to treat angina or chest pain. Viagra accomplishes its wonders by promoting the functioning of nitric oxide. The nitric oxide molecule is also involved in the production of a substance called brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which plays a key role in brain function and cognition.
Nitric oxide exists for only about 10 seconds before it is converted to other compounds. Studies have shown that ingestion of nitrates will result in the formation of nitrosamines in the stomach if production of hydrochloric acid is low as it often is in older people. This suggests that support of stomach acid in older people is important for not only digestion of foods but also for the reduction of risk of stomach cancer which can be caused by nitrosamines. It also suggests that loading up with nitrates as found in bacon and sausages may not be the optimal means of improving nitric oxide functioning in the body.
Two supplements appear to be of particular value in optimizing nitric oxide functioning. These are Biotone Tissue Toner with its arginine and Tre with its concentrate of pomegranate juice. Arginine, an amino acid, is involved in the production of nitric oxide where it is needed in the body. Pomegranate juice is protective of the functioning of nitric oxide once it is produced in the body. It is much more enhancing of nitric oxide functioning than numerous other substances.


Nitric Oxide, Vitamin C, and Stomach Acid
Stomach cancer is the second most common cancer in the world according to some studies. Research has shown that contributing factors are a diet high in nitrates or low in vitamin C. Decreased production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach also plays a role in stomach cancer. Bacteria that produce cancer causing nitrosamines proliferate in the stomach when stomach acid production is depressed or absent. This often happens with aging or with overgrowth of H. pylori bacteria in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid not only aids digestion of foods, but it also kills bacteria in foods as well as those bacteria that attempt to take up habitation in the stomach.
Vitamin C inhibits the formation of nitrosamines in the stomach. There is a direct correlation between lower vitamin C levels in the stomach and for formation of cancer causing nitrosamines. One more reason to make sure that regular intake of vitamin C is part of one's lifestyle. Vitamin C converts potentially dangerous gastric juice nitrite which can form nitrosamines to nitric oxide.
Betagest is a natural support for stomach acid derived from beet stems and beet roots. Dr. Hugh Tuckey who researched stomach acid for 30 years found that this form of stomach acid support was the most effective for addressing problems of low stomach acid production.

Ruddell, W.S.J., Gastric Juice Nitrite: A risk factor for cancer in the hypochlorhydric stomach, The Lancet, November 1976; 308(7994):1037-1039.

 Covid and Pre-existing Conditions

Cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes are the leading pre-existing conditions that increase risk of death from Covid 19. Why are deaths higher in the U.S. than many other countries? Even though we have a highly advanced "disease" care system, our "health" care system is abysmal. The people of the U.S. have more pre-existing conditions likely to increase risk from Covid-19 infection than anywhere else in the world. It all can be traced to SAD (the Standard American Diet) of high intake of sugar, rancid and oxidized fats, and highly processed foods. Almost three out of four Americans are either diabetic or pre-diabetic by the age of 65. Next time you think about blaming a politician for deaths from infection take a look in the shopping baskets of people in America's supermarkets. It is appalling.

Good Nutrition Begets Good Nutrition
The regulatory machinery in the body that guides us to consume healthy foods that our bodies need requires sound nutrition. Roger Williams points out that Dr. Macy-Hoobler was the first to find "that children on a well-formulated diet consumed (by choice) less candy that those on a poor diet." Williams goes on to write, "In our laboratories at Texas we have confirmed this finding by giving rats poor and good diets in succession and noting their consumption of sugar-water. A deficient diet causes increased consumption, while correcting the diet causes a decrease in sugar consumption." Elsewhere Williams wrote, “no one who follows good nutrition practices will ever become an alcoholic.” Williams found that lack of any one of a number of nutrients could cause animals to binge on alcohol while restoration of the missing nutrients would often reduce of eliminate alcohol consumption.

Williams, Roger, J., Nutrition in a Nutshell, New York: Dolphin Books, 1962, 20.

Roger Williams on Aging

"It would seem desirable on the basis of common sense for each of us as we age to favor our weakest member with the best possible nutrition for the cells and tissues involved in it....For the present, nothing can take the place of a well-rounded nutritional supply of everything that our body's cells and tissues need."
Williams was one of the first to describe the "Chain of Life" which makes life possible. The older we become the greater nutritional needs can become as body processes become less efficient. Attention to quality nutrition as we age can make the elder years more pleasant and less filled with suffering.

Williams, Roger, J., Nutrition in a Nutshell, New York: Dolphin Books, 1962, 63.

 Lung Inflammation and Smoke Exposure

A number of years ago while I was lecturing in Los Angeles I became acquainted with an attorney. He shared with me that he was involved in a case in which he learned that children were experiencing severe lung damage from breathing the polluted air in the city at that time.
The West Coast is experiencing some of the worst fires in history and the lungs can not help but be affected. Where there is fire there is often smoke and the smoke has been unusually bad this year. Research indicates that certain nutrients can protect the lungs from smoke and the serious lung inflammation which can result from exposure.

Vitamins C and E
In one study mice were exposed to different levels of cigarette smoke (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15 cigarettes a day). Some of the mice were supplemented with vitamin C, vitamin E, or both. Inflammatory markers indicating oxidation of fats increased in all the mice exposed to the smoke. Vitamin C or vitamin E reduced lung inflammation. The combination of vitamins C and E was most protective against lung inflammation and oxidative damage. In this study the vitamins were administered 12 hours prior to exposure to the smoke. Smoke inhalation tends to be very suppressive of vitamin E levels. In animal studies vitamin E is moved into lung tissue when the animals are exposed to smoke.
Carotenoids have been shown to reduce risk of lung cancer. In one study of 207 cases the third with the highest levels of carotenoids had a 55-76% reduced risk of lung cancer. One study suggested an inverse relationship between intake of vitamins C, E, and carotenoids.

Herbal Formulas
NeoLife has developed specific herbal formulas to promote easy breathing. Herbal Respiratory Formula is specifically targeted to aid breathing in the lower respiratory tract. It contains elecampane root which can help relieve coughing, stimulate bronchial secretions, and help ward off infections of the lower respiratory tract. Nettle leaf and elder flower have been added to help fight symptoms of allergies and hay fever and reduce congestion. The product also contains thyme and aniseed which assist and clear uncongested airflow, especially in the bronchial area and lungs.
NeoLife has also developed Resp-X. This is a comprehensive, broad spectrum, synergistic combination of ten herbs targeted to the upper part of the respiratory tract. It supports sinus decongestion and comfortable breathing. Horseradish supports normal airflow in the sinuses and lungs and a healthy immune response to air pollutants. Thyme and hyssop promote clear, open airways. Cayenne stimulates respiratory tissues and promotes healthy circulation in lung tissues.
For best protection against smoke supplementation of these nutrients morning and evening would seem to be a prudent protective measure while exposed to smoke or other air pollution. The intake of omega-3 fatty acids would also tend to release the inflammatory response in the lungs.


Silva Bezerra F, Valenca SS, et al, "Alpha-tocopherol and ascorbic acid supplementation reduced acute lung inflammatory response by cigarette smoke in mouse," Nutrition, 2006; 22(11-12): 1192-1201.
Epplein M, Le Marchand L, et al, "Association of plasma micronutrient levels and urinary isoprostane with risk of lung cancer: the multiethnic cohort study," Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 2009; 18(7): 1962-70. 
Shekelle, R.B., et al, "Dietary Factors and the Risk of Lung Cancer: Total Body of Evidence", American Journal of Epidemiology, September 1, 1991;134:471-479.
Naoki Morita, et al., "Vitamin E attenuates acute lung injury in sheep with burn and smoke inhalation injury," Redox Report, 2006;11:2, 61-70, DOI: 10.1179/135100006X101020

Asthma and Carotenoids

Those with asthma often have reduced levels of carotenoids when compared to controls. Epidemiological evidence indicates that carotenoids and carotenoid-rich foods are protective against asthma. Supplementation has also been shown to improve some of the problems associated with asthma. Asthmatics tend to be low in carotenoids in general and particularly low in lycopene, the red carotenoid that colors tomatoes, watermelon, and pink grapefruit.
The intake of omega-3 fats appears to be inversely associated with the development of asthma in one fairly recent study.


Wood, Lisa, "Lycopene-Rich Treatments Modify Noneosinophilic Airway Inflammation in Asthma: Proof of Concept," Free Radic Res, 2008; 42(1): 94-102. 
Li J, Xun P, et al, "Intakes of long-chain omega-3 (n-3) PUFAs and fish in relation to incidence of asthma among American young adults: the CARDIA study," Am J Clin Nutr, 2013 Jan; 97(1): 173-8. 

 GMO Soy

NeoLife is committed to avoiding all GMO raw source materials in any products they produce. Soy is the number one genetically modified food. Non-GMO sells for a premium price because it is not resistant to herbicides and involves more work to grow.
GMO soybeans are modified so the herbicide glyphosate can be applied to the plants without killing them. Unfortunately, this substance is patented as an antibiotic. It kills beneficial organisms in the soil and in the gut of humans when consumed. Many pathogens or disease causing bacteria are resistant to glyphosate, while many beneficial organisms are readily killed by exposure to the herbicide.
Monika Kruger and associates suggest that consumption of GMO cattle food has increased the incidence of botulism in cattle. Other studies have shown changes in the beneficial and harmful bacteria in chickens. What is true for cattle and chickens may be true for humans as well.
Don't overlook the NeoLife Acidophilus Complex supplement which is designed to provide 5 of the most beneficial bacteria to promote a healthy digestive tract. These organisms are normal to the human digestive tract. They are also protected with gel-guard technology to assure that they can arrive at the proper places in the digestive tract for optimal promotion of health.

Review article (Interesting discussion of botulism)


Masks, Presuppositions, and History

In 19th century France, while Louis Pasteur was advocating the idea of germs as the cause of disease, other French scientists, Claude Bernard and Antoine Béchamp, argued that the "terrain" or environment was the critical factor in disease. The practice of Western medicine is based on Pasteur’s germ phobia which gives rise to the use of vaccinations, antibiotics, and other anti-microbials. The importance of the health of the patient has been ignored and forgotten by Western medicine.
What does history have to do with wearing a mask? The whole focus of dealing with Covid-19 is centered on avoiding exposure to a virus, which is very difficult. A physician told me recently, "I am not taking this mask off until I get a vaccine."
The tragedy is that we know that certain populations are vulnerable to the virus. We also know that immune competence can be improved by making sure that certain nutrients like vitamins D and C and zinc are adequately supplied in the diet. No one has suggested testing of vitamin D levels for all susceptible individuals. This neglect of incorporating nutrition in out thinking is a consequence of focusing on the microbe rather than the health of the susceptible population. There are suggestions that Pasteur came to the realization of the importance of the "terrain" near the end of his life. Perhaps, someday, medicine will focus more on building health rather than fighting germs.
Rollo May long ago said that some people are like a glass doll and shatter when exposed to a health challenge which he likened to a hammer. Others are like celluloid that bruise, while others are like steel that sends out a melody when hit with a hammer. Medicine needs to learn to focus on how to transform a glass doll into one with a constitution of steel when faced with a challenge like Covid-19.
Metchnikoff who popularized probiotics drank cholera and did not become ill. He then let a volunteer from his lab repeat the test. When the first volunteer didn’t contract cholera either, Metchnikoff didn’t hesitate to accept an offer from a second one. To his horror, the young man fell ill and nearly died. 
A recent study of 4,300 patients at the University of Chicago found that the rate of infection with Covid-19 was 22% in those with low vitamin D and 12% in those with vitamin D in the normal range.

Interview with Zach Bush
If you are looking for an entertaining and informative discussion of the flu virus you might enjoy the following interview between del Bigtree and physician Zach Bush. It is a little wordy, but entertaining and informative.


Concentrated, Powerful Cleaners
The world has become obsessed with cleaning products due to Covid-19. NeoLife has long been a leader in economical, safe, and effective cleaning products. Concentrated cleaners reduce packaging. Less energy is used in manufacturing and transportation. Less waste remains which is good for the environment.
But that’s not all. Super 10® Industrial Strength Cleaner and Degreaser and LDC® Light Duty Cleaner, GNLD’s signature home care products, are concentrated and were formulated to be versatile enough to use throughout the home. Super 10 tackles tough, greasy jobs and literally makes water wetter using a 3-way action of natural soaps that penetrate grease, solvents that dissolve grease, and surfactants that emulsify grease.
LDC is best known for cutting grease from dirty dishes while also being mild on your hands, and works using a triple action formula of surfactants that act as emulsifiers, solubilizers and wetting compounds. These work together to penetrate fabrics and surfaces, reduce surface tension, allow water to actually become wetter, and lift off soil, grime and grease. LDC is so safe and effective that it was used in the largest wildlife rescue in history, the cleaning of thousands of African penguins soaked with oil due to an oil spill.
If you were to dilute just one bottle of Super 10 and one bottle of LDC, you could make 90 bottles of specialty cleaning products as was shown in one "You Decide" publication.
NeoLife also has a nontoxic laundry compound and a very delicate personal care cleaner called Green. G-One Laundry powder is a powerful, nonpolluting detergent that protects your washing machine against corrosion. It is a free-rinsing formula that helps keep clothes bright and eliminates potentially irritating residues. It is also 100% with biodegradable surfactants and phosphate-free.
Green is made from an organic kelp base. It is a neutral pH so it does not damage the skin, does not dry the skin, and rinses freely. It is an ideal personal care cleaner for adults, children, and pets.


Thoughts on Flu
John Anthony Morris was a virologist who worked for the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration for 36 years. He died in 2014 at the age of 95. Morris incurred the wrath of his superiors when he argued that research carried out by his unit demonstrated that there was no reliable proof that flu vaccines were effective in preventing the flu.
The issue came to a head in 1976 when Gerald Ford signed a bill for 135 million dollars to vaccinate 140 million Americans against the swine flu. The immunization program proved Morris right. It was discontinued after 49 million people were vaccinated. Incidence of swine flu among the vaccinated was seven times higher than among those not receiving the vaccine. In addition 12 Americans died of Guillain-Barre syndrome after the vaccination and 200 were paralyzed.
Dr. Morris was warned by his superior at the CDC not to talk about the fact that the vaccine could cause neurological injuries. He disobeyed the order. In retaliation FDA officials confiscated his research materials, changed the locks on his laboratory, reassigned his laboratory staff, and blocked his efforts to publish his findings. He was assigned to a small room with no telephone. Anyone who wished to see him had to secure permission from the chief of the lab. He was fired in 1976 on the pretext that he failed to return library books on time.
In the obituary in the New York Times Dr. Morris is quoted as saying, "The producers of these (influenza) vaccines know they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway."
Remember this persecuted scientist when someone offers you the next flu shot which is surely coming down the road. There would not be a vaccine court if there were not potentially dangerous consequences from vaccines in susceptible individuals.
Mikovits, Judy, and Heckenlively, Kent, Plague of Corruption, New York: Skyhorse Publishing,2020, xvii.
Meet Archie Kalokerinos
Does nutrition make a difference when one is vaccinated? Archie Kalokerinos in his book Every Second Child tells how the Aboriginal children under his medical care experienced a 50% mortality when they were vaccinated until he discovered that they were deficient in vitamin C. After supplementing the children with vitamin C prior to vaccination he went a year without a single death. Adequate nutrition is essential for any kind of a healthy immune response. He would later become an advocate against excessive exposure to vaccinations.

Smallpox: The Precedent

The Biggest Achievement In International Public Health

     Smallpox afflicted human beings for over 2,000 years. Smallpox was a devastating disease. About 3 out of every 10 people who got it died and survivors were usually left with scars, which were sometimes severe. The CDC web site describes how smallpox led to the development of vaccination:
One of the first methods for controlling the spread of smallpox was the use of variolation. Named after the virus that causes smallpox (variola virus), variolation is the process by which material from smallpox sores (pustules) was given to people who had never had smallpox. This was done either by scratching the material into the arm or inhaling it through the nose. With both types of variolation, people usually went on to develop the symptoms associated with smallpox, such as fever and a rash. However, fewer people died from variolation than if they had acquired smallpox naturally.
     The basis for vaccination began in 1796 when an English doctor named Edward Jenner observed that milkmaids who had gotten cowpox did not show any symptoms of smallpox after variolation. The first experiment to test this theory involved milkmaid Sarah Nelmes and James Phipps, the 9 year-old son of Jenner’s gardener. Dr. Jenner took material from a cowpox sore on Nelmes’ hand and inoculated it into Phipps’ arm. Months later, Jenner exposed Phipps a number of times to variola virus, but Phipps never developed smallpox. More experiments followed, and, in 1801, Jenner published his treatise “On the Origin of the Vaccine Inoculation,” in which he summarized his discoveries and expressed hope that “the annihilation of the smallpox, the most dreadful scourge of the human species, must be the final result of this practice.”
     Vaccination became widely accepted and gradually replaced the practice of variolation. At some point in the 1800s (the precise time remains unclear), the virus used to make the smallpox vaccine changed from cowpox to vaccinia virus.
     Almost two centuries after Jenner published his hope that vaccination could annihilate smallpox, on May 8, 1980, the 33rd World Health Assembly officially declared the world free of this disease. Eradication of smallpox is considered the biggest achievement in international public health. The 40th anniversary of freedom from smallpox was recently celebrated. The very success of smallpox set the stage for problems as discussed below. Xun Kuang once said, "Pride and excess bring disaster for man."

Legal Precedent: You Can Be Forced To Be Vaccinated

     In 1902 the Board of Health of the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts adopted a regulation ordering the vaccination or revaccination of all its inhabitants or the payment of a $5 fine or imprisonment. That would be over $150 in 2020 currency. Cambridge Pastor Henning Jacobson had lived through an era of mandatory vaccinations back in his original home of Sweden. The vaccination had gone badly and he was left with a lifelong horror of vaccination. [Vaccinations have always had negative outcomes for a small percentage of those who experience them despite claims to the contrary.] The case went all the way to the Supreme Court. In a 7-2 decision the court determined that the safety of the general public trumped the liberty of the individual and vaccination could be coerced. The court left the decision to the medical authorities who differed on the safety of the vaccination and on the elected representatives of the community.
Finally, the Court acknowledged that, in "extreme cases," for certain individuals "in a particular condition of ... health," the requirement of vaccination would be "cruel and inhuman[e]," in which case, courts would be empowered to interfere in order to "prevent wrong and oppression." Jacobson was denied exemption from vaccination.
      This 1905 court decision became the basis for mandatory vaccination by legal authorities and is used to force compulsory vaccination of children in order to attend school. Three years after the 1905 decision the Anti-Vaccination League of America was founded in Philadelphia to promote the freedom to refuse vaccination. The League argued that we have rejected religious tyranny and political tyranny, but this decision established medical tyranny.
     This decision has been reaffirmed by the court in numerous cases. In 1922 the court affirmed the requirement of vaccination to be admitted to school. In 1927 the decision was extended to the forced sterilization of the mentally retarded. In 1995 is was used to allow random drug testing of students.

Repercussions: Why It Is A Problem

     In 1986 the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed and signed by Ronald Reagan. So many court cases were filed against vaccine manufacturers that they sought relief from Congress. The law limits claims to $250,000 and requires strict criteria to receive “no-fault” compensation. The government rather than manufacturers pay successful claims. There is obviously incentive to keep payments down so compensation for some conditions which are almost certainly associated with vaccinations, such as autism, are rejected outright since the common view of the medical profession is that autism is not associated with vaccination. The freedom from legal liability for damages has been a strong incentive to multiply required vaccinations of children and military personnel. There is also little incentive to investigate the safety of multiple immunizations as manufacturers are shielded from liability for damages.
     Vaccine manufacture is a very profitable business. The government mandates the product, pays for it, and shields manufacturers from any damages resulting from use of the product. The very real possibility exists that the government, influenced by pharmaceutical firms, has or will mandate a vaccination which will seriously harm a large portion of the population.