Jim McAfee's Blog Spot

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Antidepressants and Diabetes

     Antidepressant medications are associated with weight gain. Use of antidepressant medication for longer than 24 months has been associated with about a doubled risk for developing diabetes by Andersohn and associates as they studied 165,958 patients. This doubling of diabetes risk was true of both tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
     A recent British study of over a million patients by Katharine Barnard provided further support for the association between use of antidepressants and diabetes.
     Depression can often be addressed by simple nutritional measures such as avoiding sugar and coffee, supplementation with amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, and avoiding allergens. Dr. Jonathan Wright found that half of his depressed patients were deficient in amino acids and improve when supplemented. Gluten intolerance is frequently associated with depression. Deficiency of both omega-3 fatty acids and also selenium is commonly found among those who are depressed.
Link to recent British study on happy pills and diabetes
Andersohn, Frank, et al., Long--term use of antidepressants for depressive disorders and the risk of diabetes mellitus, Am. J. Psychiatry 2009;166:591-598.
Leung BM, Kaplan BJ, et al, "Prenatal micronutrient supplementation and postpartum depressive symptoms in a pregnancy cohort," BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2013 Jan 16; 13(1): 2; [Epub ahead of print].
Gosney MA, Hammond MF, et al,"Effect of Micronutrient Supplementation on Mood in Nursing Home Residents," Gerontology, 2008 May 8; [Epub ahead of print].

Washington Naval Yard Massacre

      Aaron Alexis started trazodone on August 23, 2013. Less than a month later on September 16 he committed violent mass murders. Trazodone works like an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). The FDA approved label for the drug lists side-effects including anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, and impulsivity. Psychiatric drugs can make people angry or violent and most mass murders in the United States have been associated with the use of these psychiatric medications.
     The full scale of the deception involved in the marketing of psychiatric drugs is revealed in John Virapen's book Side Effects: Death. Confessions of a Pharma-Insider.
 Dr. Peter Breggin Article on Aaron Alexis
Dr. Peter Breggin Variety Article
Link to John Virapen Book

What is the "Most Addictive and Dangerous Substance" of our time?

      Van der Velpen of the Netherlands recently published a letter in a publication of the country's community health services suggesting the substance is sugar. While Europeans consume far less sugar than Americans, they are seeing a rapid rise in obesity and heart disease. Velpen writes, "Just like alcohol and tobacco, sugar is actually a drug...This may seem exaggerated and far-fetched, but sugar is the most dangerous drug of the times and can still be easily acquired everywhere." Breaking the sugar habit in many instances requires addiction therapy as breaking the habit is as difficult as breaking a smoking habit.
Telegraph Article on Dutch Health Crusade

Remove That Sticker

      Cruciferous crops like broccoli are susceptible to attack and destruction by aphids. Badly infested plants die while lighter infestations dwarf the plants and reduce the size of the heads. ( I rarely see aphids in my organic garden when these crops are planted in mineral enriched soil.)
     The bodies of aphids are covered with a waxy powder and the leaves and flower heads of these plants form pockets or cups which can protect aphids. For this reason pesticide applications and mixed with stickers to make the poisons adhere to the plants. Cruciferous vegetables should be thoroughly washed with Green to remove these stickers and the pesticides mixed with them. Simply mix one teaspoon of Green with one gallon of water and soak the produce in the solution. You can tell the sticker has been removed from the produce when water flows though a head of broccoli rather than rolling off the top.

Omega-3 and Prostate Cancer

     Those who examine the 2013 study which was promoted as proof that fish oil causes prostate cancer continue to find serious flaws in the study. Firstly, there was no evidence that anyone in the study group was taking fish oil supplements or eating cold water fish. Levels of omega-3 fatty acids in those supplementing or eating cold water fish average 8.42%. By contrast the levels in those with low prostate cancer risk in this study were 4.48% and the levels of those with high risk were 4.66%. This means both groups were deficient in omega-3 fatty acids and the difference in omega-3 intake was so trivial that the difference could not possibly explain the 71% increased risk o prostate cancer. The difference could be explained by a single meal of salmon the evening before the test.
     Factors poorly accounted for in the study were the following:
  1. Genetics: If a father or brother develops prostate cancer the risk rises 120 to 180% or more.
  2. Coronary heart disease: Associated with a 35% increase in prostate cancer risk.
  3. PSA Levels: 41.1% of the high cancer group had baseline PSA levels at 3.0 mg/mL or above while only 7.3% of the no cancer group did.
  4. Omega-3 Intake: A healthy diet results in blood levels of omega-3 of about 6% while supplementation can result in levels over 10%. Both study groups were below 5 indicating deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids.
  5. Previous studies: Numerous previous studies on omega-3 fatty acid intake and prostate cancer clearly show that supplementation decreases risk rather than increasing it.
Lethal risks posed by news media, Life Extension, October 2013, 32-45.

The Artificial Egg

     A new product developed with the backing of Bill Gates of Microsoft and Peter Thief of Paypal is now on the market. The product is called Beyond Eggs and is being sold at Whole Foods in California. The product is being incorporated into Hampton Creek foods.
     What came to my mind when I saw this article was the bad publicity that eggs have received due to the hypothesis that cholesterol causes heart disease.
     One of the speakers at the recent Clinical Nutrition meeting in San Diego told the story of an impoverished Indian woman who struggled to provide eggs every day for her young son so that he would be intelligent. The speaker then went on to explain that eggs are one of nature's very best sources of choline. Other good sources are liver, whole wheat, and soybeans. The problem is that choline and phospholipids are not being consumed in liver and eggs because people are avoiding fat and cholesterol. These substances are also removed from soybeans and wheat when they are processed into flour and tofu.
     Dr. Steve Haltiwanger who spoke at the Clinical Nutrition meeting said this nutrient is critical for proper liver, brain and nerve function. Deficiency prenatally or in early childhood "WILL affect learning and memory lifelong." The impact of choline is also important for retaining healthy brain function as we age. Supplements which contain generous quantities of choline would include Lecithin and Lipotropic Adjunct.
Article on Artificial Eggs

NeoLife Salmon Oil Plus

       The quality of the fish and fish oil supplements one consumes are of great importance. A 2011 study found that farmed salmon was often contaminated with persistent organic pollutants. Mice consuming this salmon developed several metabolic disorders linked to type 2 diabetes and obesity. The researchers in this study suggested that pollutants play a role in causing these diseases. 
      NeoLife tests Salmon Oil Plus for over 200 common pollutants with a standard of zero. Fish oils can provide great health benefits, but only if the product is pure. The only way to guarantee purity is routine testing because some of the worst pollutants are invisible and undetectable without doing a thorough analysis of a food or supplement.
Ibrahim, M.M., et al., Chronic consumption of farmed salmon containing persistent organic pollutants causes insulin resistance and obesity in mice, PLoS One, 2011; 6(9):e25170.

Hydrolysate Protein

     The term used for digestion of protein is hydrolysis (hydro = "water" and lysis = "to loose". A hydrolysate protein is one which is partially but not completely broken down with enzymes and water. NeoLife protein products are in hydrolysate form because of the Protogard Process which utilizes enzymes to partially break the protein down
at body temperature. The low temperature prevents the protein from being denatured.
     Hydrolysate protein has definite nutritional advantages. Colgan writes, "The edge for absorption lies with hydrolysates. They are absorbed better than free-form amino acids because the human gut has a special transport system for dipeptides and tripeptides (combinations of two or three amino acids) that single amino acids cannot use."
     Colgan continues, "I used to favor the free-form amino acids, but numerous recent studies of burn and surgery patients have shown that nitrogen retention and recovery from injury is faster with hydrolysates than with intact proteins or equivalent free-form amino acid mixtures."
     Colgan notes that one animal study showed hydrolysate protein twice as effective as intact protein and seven times as effective as free-form amino acids. The small combinations of amino acids missing in free-form amino acids, but present in hydrolysate protein, stimulate the liver to produce a muscle growth factor. Colgan suggests that this form of protein offers the competitive athlete an edge.
Colgan, Michael, Optimum Sports Nutrition, New York: Advanced Research Press, 1993, 160.

Aging and Protein

     Older individuals often lose muscle. Contributing factors are reduced appetite, preference for carbohydrate over protein, and decline in the ability to digest protein foods due to reduced production of hydrochloric acid and pancreatic enzymes.
     Studies have shown that older men and women who use a protein supplement have greater strength and muscle mass gains when they exercise than those who do not use the supplement. Retention of strength for as long as possible is important as we age because muscle weakness increases the likelihood of falls and broken bones.
 Evans WJ, Protein Nutrition, Exercise and Aging, J Am Coll Nutr, 2004;23(6):601S-609S.

Breakfast and Heart AttackBreakfast and Heart Attack

     You may want to think about having a NeoLife Shake for breakfast rather than skipping breakfast. A recent study of 27,000 older men found that those who regularly skipped breakfast had a 27% higher risk of having a heart attack than those who ate a morning meal. Other studies have shown a link between failure to consume breakfast and obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and other health problem. It is estimated that 18% of U.S. adults fail to eat breakfast.
Click here for a link to the article.

NeoLife Protein Quality

     NeoLife protein is manufactured using an exclusive Protogard Process. The process involves selecting the highest quality protein sources. A low-temperature process involving a blend of protein-digesting enzymes is then used to protect the amino acids an improve digestibility.
     The World Health Organization has adopted a standard for protein quality called PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score). A perfect score is 1.0. All NeoLife proteins meet or exceed this score. The NeoLife Shake, the most recently developed protein product has a PDCAAS of 1.73. Super Ease is 1.49. The Glycemic Response Control protein has a PDCAAS of 1.31.
     NeoLife Protein products also contain all 22 amino acids important for complete protein nutrition.
See my May 2013 newsletter for more about protein.

Prenatal Nutrition & the Brain

     Nutrition is probably the most important factors in the development of the infant in both the womb and after birth. Malnutrition can result in a wide range of behavioral and learning disabilities. Intelligence is easily influenced by the quality of nutritional intake.
    The nearer the period of malnutrition is to the time of most rapid growth the greater the potential damage to development of overall potential.
    One study compared the IQ of undernourished children with that of children who had superior nutrition. The difference was a startling 22.6 IQ points in favor of the better nourished group.
    Rats require about 121/2 micrograms of thiamine (Vitamin B1) a day. When Roger Williams fed them 3 micrograms a day their maze learning ability was below normal. When they received 100 micrograms a day their performance was supernormal. The profound effect resulted by altering only a single essential nutrient.
Morgane, Peter J., et al, "Prenatal Malnutrition and Development of the Brain," Neuroscience and Behavioral Reviews, 1993;17:91-128.
Williams, Roger, Nutrition Against Disease, New York: Pitman Publishing Company, 1971, 63-65.

Allergy and the Infant

     Families that strictly avoided food ad environmental allergy triggers during the first year of a baby's life resulted in only 13% of the children developing allergies. By contrast, families who did not practice this kind of prevention found that 40% of their children developed allergies.
    Preventive measures included avoiding highly allergenic foods like milk, egg, pets, mold, roaches, and dust mites. The researchers felt that breast feeding should be continued for at least 6 months. Breast fed infants are less likely to develop allergies. Highly allergenic foods should not be introduced earlier than one year of age.
Bates B, "Allergy Prevention Starts With Diet During Breast-Feeding," Skin and Allergy News, July 2000:30.

The Eyes

     Omega-3 fatty acids are among the most readily depleted and most likely to be deficient in the diet of mothers-to-be. Research suggests that an adequate supply of omega-3 fatty acids is essential for optimal visual development. A study of monkeys deprived of omega-3 fatty acids during prenatal and postnatal development revealed a halving of visual acuity when compared to animals supplied with these nutrients.
Birch, E., et al., Breast-feeding and optimal visual development, Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 1993; 30(1):33-38.
Neuringer, M., et al., Dietary omega-3 fatty acid deficiency and visual loss in infant rhesus monkeys, J. Clin. Invest., January 1984; 73:272-276.

Does Fish Cause Prostate Cancer?

      The media love any story which is different. A dog biting a man is not news, but a man biting a dog makes the front page.
     Dr. Ala Kristal recently published an article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in which he found that those with high blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids had a 43% increased risk of prostate cancer.
     There were no controls in his study. In other words, the researchers did not consider factors such as weight gain or toxin accumulation which are known to increase the risk of prostate cancers. Fish and fish oils are known to often carry a toxic load of pollutants which is why NeoLife tests their product for over 200 pollutants with a standard of ZERO.
Another factor which needs to be considered is oxidation. It has been known since 1991 that intake of fish oil can increase the risk of oxidative damage in the tissue if antioxidant intake is low. Small amounts of vitamin E have been shown to prevent this increased oxidative risk.
      Michael Savage, who has a Ph.D. in nutrition has an interview on the topic on his web site. The link is below.
     I am still taking my fish oil. News reports do not mention another study which showed that those with the highest levels of fish oil in the blood lived on average 2.2 years longer than those with lower levels.
 Kramer, T.R., et al., Increased vitamin E intake restores fish oil-induced suppressed blastogenesis of mitogen-stimulated T lymphocytes, Am J Clin Nutr, 1991; 54:896-902.
Meydani, M., et al., Effect of long-term fish oil supplementation on vitamin E status and lipid peroxidation in women, J Nutr, 1991; 121:484-9.


Omega-3 and Brain Waves

     Japanese investigator K. Myanaga studied the impact of fish oil on the speed of a brain wave called p300 which is closely linked to learning and memory. The rate of the p300 brain wave declines with age and is much slower in people with dementia. Myanaga found that supplementation with DHA, one of the primary fats in fish oil, significantly increased the p300 rate within two hours.
Carper, Jean, Your Miracle Brain, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2000,84-85.

Aluminum and Alzheimer's

    A number of lines of evidence suggest that aluminum may contribute to dementia. Aluminum has been shown t impair the functioning of the brains of animals. The disease progression has also been slowed by the administration of agents which remove aluminum from the body. Aluminum displaces magnesium at a key DNA binding site. Aluminum holds onto the binding site a million times longer than magnesium shutting down the site. (Magnesium can counteract the effects of aluminum toxicity.)The authors of this article suggest consuming no more than 3 milligrams of aluminum a day.
     Sources of aluminum exposure include aluminum cookware, aluminum foil, aluminum cans, antacids containing aluminum and pain relievers buffered with aluminum. Deodorants often contain aluminum. Some baking powders contain aluminum. Aluminum was used as an anticaking agent in salt until recently.
Crapper McLachlan, Donald R., M.D., et al, Would Decreased Aluminum Ingestion Reduce the Incidence of Alzheimer's Disease, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1991;145(7):793-803.

Mercury and Brain Degeneration

    One of the most damaging of all substances to brain structure and function is mercury. It is tragic that this toxic substance it placed in decayed teeth. One study of sheep found that after placing mercury amalgam fillings in the teeth, the mercury began to accumulate in brain tissue within 24 hours. If you do not believe mercury is toxic to he brain cells view the video at the end of this section.
     Wenstrup and associates compared the brains of those with Alzheimer's and those without the disease. Most remarkable was the increase in the mercury/selenium ad mercury/zinc ratios. These two minerals are protective against mercury toxicity. An elevated ratio of mercury means that the brain has less ability to protect itself against damage from mercury. Mercury inhibits the formation of tubulin, the key structural building block of healthy neurons.
     Bjorklund, G., Mercury as a Potential Source for The Etiology of Alzheimer's Disease, Trace Elements in Medicine, 1991;8(4):208.
     Wenstrup, David, et al., Trace element imbalances in isolated subcellular fractions of Alzheimer's disease brains, Brain Research, November 12, 1990; 533(1):125-131.
University of Calgary Video:
How Mercury Causes Brain Degeneration Video

Depression and Amino Acids

     Dr. Jonathan Wright tested his patients for amino acid deficiencies. He found that half suffered with specific deficiencies and felt better when the deficiencies were addressed with amino acid supplementation. Many of those with amino acid deficiencies suffer with low stomach acid or actually induce poor digestion of protein by the use of antacids.
Wright, Jonathan, and Lenard, Lane, Why Stomach Acid is Good for You, New York: M. Evans and Company, 2001, 172.

Competitive Absorption

      When I speak on the topic of carotenoids I emphasize two factors, specificity if action and competitive absorption. Specificity of action refers to the fact that different members of the carotenoid family have specific modes of action and benefits which can not be accomplished by other carotenoids. For example, "Lutein appears to have an affinity for the peripheral retina and rods, while zeaxanthin seems to be preferentially taken up by the cones of the macula. This means that in order to derive the most complete benefit from carotenoids they need to be consumed as a family rather than in isolation.
     Competitive absorption means that high levels on one carotenoid can depress levels of others reducing the overall benefits of carotenoid intake. This was illustrated in a recent study in which supplementation with large amounts of individual carotenoids was shown to depress levels of other carotenoids. The researchers wrote, "...the dietary intake of large amounts of any one of the three carotenoids depressed the concentrations of the other carotenoids in plasma and most tissues. The high lutein supplement decreased levels of zeaxanthin; the high zeaxanthin supplement decreased lutein levels; and the high beta-carotene supplement decreased levels of both lutein and zeaxanthin. In the face of these dietary perturbations, the retinal content of lutein and zeaxanthin varied considerably."
     The reality of specificity of action and competitive absorption underscores the benefit of supplementation with the NeoLife Carotenoid Complex. It supplies the entire family of carotenoids as found in whole foods while most other products provide only isolated carotenoids most popular in the media at the moment.
     I learned the importance of competitive absorption with regard to Vitamin E many years ago in a conversation with Stephan Christen. Christen, a researcher at U.C. Berkley found that supplementation with only alpha tocopherol depressed levels of gamma tocopherol his laboratory animals. This impaired their ability to detoxify certain carcinogens.
     The NeoLife product philosophy is to provide complexes of nutrients as they are found in nature. This prevents the induction of deficiencies by lop-sided supplementation.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin, Alternative Medicine Review, 2005; 10(2), 128.
Wang, Yingming, et al., Competitive inhibition of carotenoid transport and tissue concentratios by high dose supplements of lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, Eur J Nutr, 2010; 49:334.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Waist to Height Ratio

The waist should be no more than half the length of your height. This measurement was actually found to be more accurate than the body mass index (BMI) used by physicians. Researchers found that those whose waistlines measureed 80 percent of their height lived 16.7 years less than the average lifespan.
A six foot man should have a waistline smaller than 36 inches while a woman who is 5 foot 4 inches should have a waist size no larger than 32 inches for optimal lifespan.
The research was conducted at Oxford Brookes University by Dr. Margaret Ashwell. Ashwell followed people for twenty years to see the effects of her measurements.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Intestinal Microbes and Heart Disease

     The significance of the study I will discuss is not completely clear other than to show that the microbes in one's digestive tract can have quite an impact on health. It should be pointed out before I discuss this bit of reasearch that the Mayo Clinic reviewed 13 controlled trials involving 3, 629 patients and found that L-carnitine reduced all-cause mortality by 27%, reduced ventricular arrhythmias by 65%, reduced angina by 40% and reduced infarct size.
     A recent study found that feeding mice acetyl carnitine as 1.3% of the diet resulted in alteration of the bacteria in the digestive tract of the animals. These bacteria converted the L-carnitine into TMAO (trimethylamine-N-oxide). The L-carnitine was not a problem unless the bacteria were present. Diets high in red meat tend to produce increased populations of these bacteria compared to diets containing other meats or vegetarian diets. TMAO was shown to cause or accelerate the development of heart disease in mice. The researchers found little evidence that cholesterol was a causative factor in heart disease.
     Scientists are focusing increasing attention on what is called the microbiome, the population of bacteria which inhabit the digestive tract. It appears that these bacteria can create all kinds of health problems. Healthy bacterial populations in the digestive tract are promoted by fiber intake and by supplementing with acidophilus and other beneficial organisms. Vegetarians did not produce TMAO when they consumed red meat suggesting that it takes consistent consumption of red meat to promote the growth of the bacteria which contribute to TMAO accumulation in the body.
     This study suggests that cholesterol is not a primary reason why red meat intake increases the risk of heart disease. Heart disease may be more closely associated with bacterial populations in the digestive tract.
     Koeth, Robert A., et al., Intestinal microbiota metabolism of L-carnitine, a nutrient in red meat, promotes atherosclerosis, Nature Medicine, April 7, 2013; doi:10.1038/nm.3145
DiNicolantonio, James J., et al., L-Carnitine in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease systematic review and meta-analysis, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, June 2013; 88(6),  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2013.02.007

Monday, April 08, 2013

Autism and Nutrition

     Modification of the diet and supplementation of the diet of autistic individuals carries little risk and offers considerable benefit. A diet free of gluten and dairy resulted in improvement of 69% of those who tried th diet. Over half of those wth the condition improve on a diet free of sugar and food additives. Food allergy treatment resulted in improvement of 67% of the patient population. A wide range of nutrients tried individually resulted in improvement in one-third to one-half of autistic children. Nutrients tested included vitamin A, folic acid, vitamins B6, B12, vitamin C, calcium, mangnesium, and zinc. High dose vitami B6 with magnesium is often beneficial. Omega-3 fatty acids improved 59% of the children it was given to. Digestive enzymes improved almost two-thirds of children. A diet free of disaccharides (this includes grains) which promote growth of potentilly harmful bacteria in the digestive tract improved 71% of patients. These nutritional approaches did not have a worsening effect in most instances.

Research Report on Autism

     Dr. James Adams, a professor at Arizona State University and co-chair of Autism Research Institute's Scientific Advisoy Committee, has published a comprehensive review paper on dietary, nutritional, and medical treatments for autism. The review is based on 150 published references.
Link to review paper on autism.

Autism and the Gut

     It has been known or a long time that people with autism tend to have intestinal problems. These digestive problems are associted with unbalanced populations of microbes in the lower digestive tract. The population of bacteria in the digestive tract is known as the microbiome.
Those with autism are prone to overgrowth of a species of bacteria called Clostridia. Clostridia produce toxic compounds called phenols which kill other bacteria which compete with them for space in the digestive tract.
     Phenols are poisonous to human cells unless they can be neutralized by sulfur. Overgrowth of Clostridia can deplete the body's reserves of sulfur which is also essential for brain development. Many autistic individuals evidence a defect in sulfur metabolism which could increase susceptibility to damage from the toxins prodced by Clostridia. Research is ongoing to see if abnormal sulfur metabolism and Clostridia overgrowth may play a role in the abnormal brain development characteristic of autism.
Me, myself, us, The Economist, Augst 18, 2012, 69-72.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Iron: A Fine Line

      As seen by the comments above, iron deficiency can increase the reactivity of the immune system triggering asthmatic symptoms and hair loss in mice. The inflammatory response does limit bacterial growth and boost antibacterial defenses.
     The goal should be to normalize iron status rather than load the body with excess iron. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency world-wide according to some investigators. Frequency of mild iron deficiency is difficult to determine.
     Excess iron intake can be as much of a problem as iron deficiency. As many as one in 200 people may carry a single gene for a disorder called hemachromatosis which is associated with increased tendency to absorb and store iron. There may be over one million people with a double copy of this gene in the United States. Iron overload in these people can aggravate arthritis, heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
     Many physicians and lay people associate anemia immediately with iron deficiency. Deficiency of other nutrients such as folic acid, B12, and vitamin E may also be involved. If anemia fails to resolve with modest iron supplementation, this does not necessarily mean that more iron is required.
     GNLD Chelated Iron is a relatively safe way to obtain additional iron. The iron is double-wrapped with amino acids to prevent the iron from behaving as a free radical in the digestive tract. Chelation also makes iron less available to pathogens in the digestive tract which have a particular fondness for this mineral.
Clark SF (2008) Iron deficiency anemia. Nutr Clin Pract 23: 128-141.
Crawford, Roberta, The Iron Elephant, Glyndon, MD: Vida Publishing 1993.

Iron, Allergic Asthma, & Hair Loss

     Allergic asthma is the most common form of asthma accounting for 60% of the 20 million asthma sufferers. This condition is characterized by inflammatio an airway obstruction caused by exposure to an allergen.
      Scientists used a clsic model of IgE-mediated allergy in mice to test the effect of low or high iron levels on the severity of the allergic response. They found that iron supplementation markedly decreased allergen-induced airway hyper-reactivity and the underlying immune mediated mechnisms involved in creating the hyper-reactivity.
      The researchers concluded, "Taken together, these studies show that iron supplementation can decrease the severity of allergic inflammation in the lung, potentially via multiple mechanisms that affect mast cell activity. Further studies are indicated to determine the potential of iron supplementation to modulate the clinical severity of allergic diseases in humans."
      Why did the researchers decide to try iron? Iron is well-known to affect the ability to oxygenate tissues and generate energy. A study conducted in 2010 found that iron deficiency acted as a trigger increasing mast cell activation. Mast cells are the key players in IgE-mediated allergic reactions.
     The consequence of the iron deficiency and immune activation in the original study resulted in hair loss. This little study was of interest to me because in my book Your Body's Sign Language (page 31) I reported that Dr. Janet Roberts found iron deficiency to be the main determinant of hair loss in 72% of premenopausal women. Premenopausal women are susceptible to iron deficiency due to the blood loss associated with the menstrual period.
     The level of iron deficiency in the asthma study was mild. Tissue stores of iron were low but blood levels of iron and red blood cell formation were not abnormal. The researchers note, "Our in vivo studies also clearly show that iron supplementation can decrease the severity of inflammation in an in vivo model of allergic asthma in mice with mild iron deficiency." Human beings with a similar degree of iron deficiency to these mice would not typically be classified as iron deficient. Detection of this degree of deficiency would require expensive and invasive testing.
     Hale LP, Kant EP, Greer PK, Foster WM (2012) Iron Supplementation Decreases Severity of Allergic Inflammation in Murine Lung. PLoS ONE 7(9): e45667. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045667
     Vanderford DA, Greer PK, Sharp JM, Finberg KA, Chichlowski M, et al. (2010) Alopecia in IL-10-deficient mouse pups is c-Kit-dependent and can be triggered by iron deficiency. Exp Dermatol 19: 518-526.

Male Issues

       One of th frequent questions athletes and older men have is how to increase testosterone levels naturally. A recent study found that supplementation with 10 mg of magnesium for every 2.2 pounds of body weight increased testosterone levels in men who were both sedentary and exercising. The increases were higher in men who exercised.
      GNLD produces masculine and feminine herbal formulas. These are designed to support optimal hormone production and functioning. Saw Palmetto, found in the masculine herbal formula, has been shown in scientific studies to benefit prostatic hypertrophy. Dr. Jonathan Wright suggests that the benefits result from a number of actions including increasing testosterone and inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone which creates problems. The herb also inhibits the growth stimulating effects of estrogen on the prostate. Clinical trials comparing saw palmetto and the drug Proscar found "that both treatments were equally effective in reducing symptoms of BPH."
     There was one difference, however. Proscar-treated men complained substantially more about decreased libido, impotence, and ejaculatory disorders.
Cinar, Vedat, et al., Effects o magnesium supplementation on testosterone levels of athletes and sedentary subjects at rest and after exhaustion, Biological Trace Element Research, April 2011; 140(1): 18-23.
Wright, Jonathan, Maximize Your Vitality & Potency, Petaluma, CA.: Smart Publications, 1999, 180.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stupidity on the Rise

    Stanford University researcher and geneticist Dr. Gerald Crabtree believes that we are seeing a decline in the intelligence of the human race. The researcher began his article, "I would wager that if an average citizen from Athens of 1000 BC were to appear suddenly among us, he or she would be among the brightest and most intellectually alive of our colleagues and companions, with a good memory, a broad range of ideas, and a clear-sighted view of important issues. Furthermore, I would guess that he or she would be among the most emotionally stable of our friends and colleagues." Crabtree believes that this degeneration is associated with genetic damage. 
     Nutrition pioneer Weston Price wrote Nutrition and Physical Degeneration to make the point that modern foods, with their poor nutritional value, caused a decline in both physical and intellectual vigour.
    Since the day of Price we have exposed ourselves to not only refined foods, but also fluoride, pesticides, and high fructose corn syrup. All of these have been shown to weaken both mind and body. UCLA researcher Fernando Gomez-Pinilla found that a diet high in fructose made rats stupid. The effect could be prevented by omega-3 supplementation. See the link below for more details.
    With regard to fluoride, Harvard researchers wrote, "...children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low fluoride areas..." Phyllis Mullenix who published one of the earliest papers on the brain-damaging effects of fluoride lost her research position 3 days after her paper was accepted for publication.
    Prenatal exposure to the common pesticide chlorpyrifos was shown to result in lower IQ in children at 7 years of age.
    Roger Williams found that the IQ difference between children on a "good" diet versus a "poor" diet amounted to over 22.6 IQ points. Sadly, we are doing a lot to ruin the brains of the human population and neglecting the sound nutrition which could improve the situation.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Stupidity from Fructose
Fluoride and IQ
Review of 36 Studies on Fluoride
Phyllis J. Mullenix, Pamela K. Denbesten, Ann Schunior, William J. Kernan, Neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, Volume 17, Issue 2, March-April 1995, Pages 169-177, DOI: 10.1016/0892-0362(94)00070-T
Pesticides and IQ
Williams, Roger, Nutrition Against Disease, New York: Pitman Publishing, 1971, 65.

Why Quality and Toxic Exposures Matter

    A recent study found that farmed Atlantic salmon were often contaminated with pollutants. Feeding mice these salmon resulted in insulin resistance and obesity. Mice fed farmed Atlantic salmon without pollutant residues did not develop these health problems. The researchers who conducted this study wrote, "Our data indicate that intake of farmed salmon fillet contributes to several metabolic disorders linked to type 2 diabetes and obesity, and suggest a role of POP's (Persistent Organic Pollutants) in these deleterious effects. Overall, these findings may participate to improve nutritional strategies for the prevention and therapy of insulin resistance."
     This study reveals why GNLD tests their Salmon Oil Plus product for over 250 pollutants with a standard of none detectable. I do not know of another company which does such thorough testing to make sure that their omega-3 product is toxin free. Attention to toxicological issues such as pesticides and GMO's makes a difference!
Ibrahim, Mohammad, et al., Chronic consumption of farmed salmon containing persistent organic pollutants causes insulin resistance and obesity in mice, PLOS, September 23, 2011.

BPA and the FDA

    March 30, 2012: The FDA refused to ban BPA (bisphenol-A). This is an industrial chemical used to harden plastics. It is found in most plastic bottles (including milk containers), cash register receipts, and the linings of canned food. It leaches into foods and acts as a synthetic estrogen in very tiny quantities and has been shown to feminize males. BPA has also been associated with induction of obesity and damage to the heart, brain and nervous system.
     The FDA position is that the dose makes the poison so they are trying to the total exposure down. The FDA also wants to see more human studies which is difficult because the chemical is so common that it is found in over 90% of the population. Animal studies have clearly shown the damaging effects of BPA.
     Some feel that the refusal to ban this toxic substance has more to do with the financial investment manufacturers have in products containing BPA.
    Plastic containers with the numbers 3, 7 and PC are likely to contain the estrogenic compounds BPA or polycarbonate. The FDA will most likely ban BPA eventually, but how many people will be damaged by this chemical because of a government policy based upon the concept that new chemicals are "innocent until proven guilty."
Time Magazine Article
Newsmax Article

Junk Food, Asthma, and Eczema

    A research study recently found that eating junk food just three times a week increased risk of developing asthma and eczema. The study involving more than 50 countries found that teenagers consuming junk food three or more times a week were 39% more likely to develop asthma. Younger children had a 27% increased risk. There was also increased risk of inflammation of the sinuses and eyes and eczema.
     By contrast, the researchers found that three servings of fruit and vegetables reduced risk of asthma in the younger group by 14% and in teens by 11%.
Junk Food Linked to Asthma

Holiday Tips

    Christmas is a great time to enjoy favorite foods and beverages, but it is also easy to overeat and develop digestive problems or gain weight. Here are some important tips:
     Keep Water Handy: High calorie beverages like eggnog, hot chocolate and fruit juices are common during the holidays. Insufficient water consumption can increase the consumption of these high caloric beverages.
    Keep Healthy Snacks Available: The tendency to consume cake, pie and cookies as snacks can lead to overindulgence during the holidays. Try and restrict these sweets to meals as desserts.
    Eat Breakfast: Skipping breakfast and eating too much latter in the day is a sure prescription for weight gain. Calories consumed late in the day are not burned off like those consumed in the morning.
    Share Healthy Food: The tendency is to take sweets to pot lucks and to prepare these foods for group meals. Share healthier dishes like fruit or vegetable salads. I like to share homemade sugar-free fruit sorbet and cookies composed of dehydrated fruit and nuts. We have a local pie shop that will make pies without sugar if an order is placed. These are wonderful served with a little ice cream or whipped cream.

Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal

    Peter Breggin has been a leading figure in the attempt to warn the psychiatric profession of the dangers of psychiatric drugs like Ritalin and Prozac. His most recent book is one of the few available which discusses the details of how to withdraw from psychiatric medications without experiencing serious symptoms. The book is well worth reading just for Breggin's own story of how he came to realize the serious problems involved with these medications. Unfortunately, Breggin minimizes the role that nutrient supplementation can play in decreasing withdrawal symptoms. I have talked to several individuals over the years who found withdrawal from addictive drugs impossible until they improved their nutrient intake. You can click on this link to travel to the web site Dr. Breggin has created.
     Breggin's web site contains the following warning:
Warning!    Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems. In short, it is not only dangerous to start taking psychiatric drugs, it can also be dangerous to stop them. Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done carefully under experienced clinical supervision. Methods for safely withdrawing from psychiatric drugs are discussed in Dr. Breggin's new book, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients, and Their Families.

Cardiio and Pulse Testing

    You might want to think about purchasing a new app called Cardiio developed for iPhone and iPad users by Harvard University and MIT researchers. The new application allows these devices to calculate heart rate merely by gazing at your face. It measures tiny changes in blood flow to the face which are invisible to he human eye and then calculates pulse rate to within 3 beats per minute. It is considered one of the top apps in the health and fitness area.
     Pulse rate can be a valuable clue to the existence of allergies. This is discussed in a volume called The Pulse Test by Arthur Coca. Coca relieved his wife of a wide variety of conditions by identifying foods which increased pulse rate. You will find a summary of the pulse test criteria by clicking on this link to take you to the proper location on our web site.

Proposition 37 Defeated, Implications

    California's Proposition 37 was defeated at the ballot box. The proposition would have required that foods containing genetically modified ingredients be labelled as such. Similar laws exist in 40 countries. An assortment of powerful industrial giants spend one million dollars a day to defeat the initiative. Major opponents of the measure in order of expenditure included Monsanto (over 7 million), E.I. Dupont de Nemours & Co. (about 5 million), Pepsico, Inc. (over 2 million), Basf Plant Science, Bayer Cropscience, Dow Agrosciences, Syngenta Corporation (2 million), Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola North America, Nestle USA, Inc., Conagra Foods, General Mills (over 1 million) and Kellogg Company, Smithfield Foods, Inc., Campbell Soup, H.J. Heinz, and Del Monte Foods (over 500,000. Other contributors included Hershey, Smucker, Ocean Spray Cranberries, Mars, Hormel and Unilever. Total expenditures were probably over 50 million dollars. Supporters of the proposition spent about one tenth as much.
    The defeat of this measure assures that California citizens will remain blissfully unaware of the GMO laden foods they are consuming. A survey of the food and beverage vendors listed above should provide a clue to how widespread GMO ingredients are in the food supply.
     The GMO industry has been quick to follow up on their victory. Organic growers and food safety advocates on November 20 condemned an advisory report to the Agriculture Department which would require farmers of conventional and organic crops to bear the cost of preventing contamination from GMO varieties by purchasing insurance. The proposal allows producers of genetically modified crops to abdicate responsibililty for any contamination resulting from their farming practices.

GMO's and Tumor Formation

     Long term testing on Genetically Modified Foods and Roundup are almost impossible to find. September 2012 may go down in the history books due to the publication of testing on Roundup and GMO corn. Animals were exposed to 1 part per billion Roundup in their drinking water or to a diet which consisted of 11%, 22% or 33% GMO corn. All treated groups died 2-3 times more than control animals given pure water and corn which had not been genetically modified.
     Tumor incidence soared in animals exposed to GMO's and Roundup. In female animals no tumors appeared in control groups for 14 months. Tumors appeared in 10-30% of the animals in treated groups. By the 24th month 50-80% of females in all treated groups had up to 3 tumors per animal. Only 30% of the control grouip had cancers. The most common tumor in female animals was breast cancer.
     Male animals developed massive tumors. Most tumors were in the skin. Other organs affected by the test substances were the kidney, liver and digestive tract.
    The authors of the study commented, "The first large detectable tumors occurred at 4 and 7 months into the study in males and females respectively, underlining the inadequacy of the standard 90 day feeding trials for evaluati8ng GM crop and food toxicity."
     Any GMO study of this nature is going to be highly controversial because Monsanto, the key player behind GMO foods, is one of American's most successful and profitable companies.
    Russia suspended the import and use of American GM corn the day after the announcement of the European study discussed above. The European Food Safety Authority ordered its own review of the research. GM corn is not fed to people in Europe but it is used to feed animals. Pro-GM scientists have been lining up to undermire the French experiments and criticize the way they were conducted. Monsanto, manufacturer of the GM corn, said it did not think the French study would affect its license to export the corn to Europe.
Mail Online Response to GM Study
Reuters Article
Washington Post Article
Seralini, Gilles-Eric, Clair, Emillie, et al., Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize, Chem. Toxicol. (2012).
Click here for the study including photographs of the tumors on animals fed GMO corn or water with Roundup.

Adolescents & Carotenoids

    A recent study found that low intake of carotenoids and vitamin C by adolescents was inversely associated with risk of developing metabolic syndrome. This is a prediabetic condition associated with eratic blood sugars and excessive inflammation in the tissues. It is no secret that most adolescents eat few foods containing carotenoids. The most commonly consumed vegetable among young people is potatoes in the form of French fries. Potatoes do not contain a significant quantity of carotenoids.
Beydoun MA, Canas JA, et al, Serum Antioxidant Concentrations and Metabolic Syndrome Are Associated among U.S. Adolescents in Recent National Surveys, J Nutr, 2012 Jul 18.

Vitamin D, Diabetes, and Blood Pressure

    An analysis of 6 studies found a strong association between blood levels of vitamin D and the development of gestational diabetes. Five of the studies showed a clear inverse relationship between vitamin D levels and blood sugar stability. The sixth study found a relationship between higher vitamin D levels and lower blood sugar and insulin levels.
     Gestational diabetes may increase the likelihood for children to develop obesity and diabetes later in life. A little vitamin D supplementation is a cheap price to pay for healthier children. GNLD provides a substantial amount of vitamin D in the Chelated Cal-Mag tablets.
    A study in Denmark recently demonstrated that an intake of 3,000 IU of vitamin D for 20 weeks significantly reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The investigators suggested further research on their finding. High blood pressure can cause stroke and damage to the circulatory system.
Senti J, Thiele DK, et al, Maternal vitamin d status as a critical determinant in gestational diabetes, J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 2012 May; [Epub ahead of print].
Larsen T, Mose FH, et al, Effect of Cholecalciferol Supplementation During Winter Months in Patients With Hypertension: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial, Am J Hypertension, 2012 Aug 2; [Epub ahead of print].

Blood Clots in the Veins

    Traveling long distances during the summer or fall? Long flights or auto trips are known to increase the likelihood of blood clots in the veins which can result in death.
    A recent study found the B Complex vitamins protect against venous thrombosis. Vitamin B6 was most protective, but vitamin B12 and folic acid also appeared to be protective. These particular nutrients work to prevent the accumulation of homocysteine in the blood. This compound is a powerful free radical and has been associated with increased risk for heart disease. GNLD developed the Lipotropic Adjunct to aid the body in the utilization of fat, but also to reduce risk of accumulation of homocysteine.
Zhou K, Zhao R, et al, Association between B-group vitamins and venous thrombosis: systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies, J Thromb Thrombolysis, 2012 Jun 29; [Epub ahead of print].

Vitamin E and Fertility

     Infertility is becoming an increasing problem in the United States. Couples often go to extraordinary lengths in attempts to conceive a child. A recent study found that male infertility may be improved by supplementation with natural vitamin E. Intake of vitamin E at dosages of 100 mg three times a day were shown to improve numbers of sperm, mobility and rate of pregnancy.
     Vitamin E was associated with infertility when first discovered. Early animal studies showed that it was difficult to carry a pregnancy to term with vitamin E deficiency.
Chen XF, Li Z, et al, Efficacy of natural vitamin E on oligospermia and athenospermia: a prospective multi-centered randomized controlled study of 106 cases, Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue, 2012 May; 18(5):428-31.

Dementia, Vitamin C and Carotenoids

     A recent study found an association between vitamin C and carotenoid deficiency and dementia. Carotenoids are the most potent fat-soluble antioxidants in the human body. The brain is composed largely of fatty acids. It should not be surprising that carotenoids are protective of brain function.
     Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant. Vitamin C is unique in that it has the ability to "recharge" most of the other antioxidants in the human body. It does this by accepting the free radicals from carotenoids and other antioxidants restoring them to full potency and effectiveness. Since vitamin C is water soluble, it then carries the free radicals out of the body in the urine. It is this kind of nutritional teamwork or synergism that is often ignored in nutritional studies.
von Arnim CA, Herbolsheimer F, et al,Dietary Antioxidants and Dementia in a Population-Based Case-Control Study among Older People in South Germany, J Alzheimers Dis, 2012 Jun 18; [Epub ahead of print].


    Recent studies of drug addiction have shown that addictive drugs have the ability to alter gene expression throughout the reward circuitry of the brain leading to persistent addicted states. This explains why it is so difficult to break addictive habits even when an individual has a desire to discontinue an addictive stubstance. It also explains why we often substitute one addiction for another.
     Fortunately, nutritional research has repeatedly shown that optimal nutrition reduces addictive tendencies and makes withdrawal from addictions easier. Generous intake of vitamin C appears to be particularly important for those suffering with sugar and opiate addictions.
Maze, Ian, and Nestler, Eric J., The epigenetic landscape of addiction, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2011; 1216, 99-113.

Fats and Gene Expression

    Epigenetics is the study of how our nutrient intake alters gene expression. A recent paper suggests that long chain omega-3 fatty acids as found in fish promote fat burning. The omega-3 fats also decrease body fat deposition. The genes influenced by omega-3 fats are also involved with glucose metabolism. In rodent models omega-3 fats have improved insulin sensitivity.
     The same study suggests that arachidonic acid commonly found in the American food supply may promote cancer growth and the formation of new fat cells.
     This study also notes that there are a number of obstacles to obtaining sufficient intake of the long chain essential fatty acids. Vitamin B6 deficiency is a crucial inhibitor, especially in older people. Use of alcohol and drugs can also inhibit synthesis and utilization of essential fatty acids. Stress also impairs fatty acid metabolism.
Benatti, Paola, et al., Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Biochemical, nutritional and epigenetic properties, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2004; 23(4), 281-302.

Carotenoid Intake


     Carotenoids have a specificity of action and competitive absorption. A balanced intake of these nutrients is desirable due to these characteristics. A comparative study found that there was a trend in 1992 to decrease intake of leafy green vegetables rich in lutein and to increase intake of red foods rich in lycopene.
      The carotenoids in leafy green foods protect the skin from sunburn and protect the macula region of the eye from damage by sunlight. This change was particularly notable among white women. Deficiency of lutein and associated carotenoids in leafy greens greatly increases the risk of macular degeneration which is a leading cause of blindness in older individuals.
      GNLD Carotenoid Complex provides an ideal profile of the entire family of carotenoids found in fruits and vegetables. The supplement was designed to fill a significant gap in the intake of these important cancer-fighting nutrients in the diets of most Americans.
Nebeling, Linda C., et al., Changes in Carotenoid Intake in the United States: The 1987 and 1992 National Health Interview Surveys, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, September, 1997;97(9):991-996.

Schizophrenia and Vitamin D

     Researchers have suggested that deficiency of vitamin D during pregnancy may alter fetal development through an epigenetic mechanism leading to an increased risk of schizophrenia later on.
Schizophrenia is more common among those born in late winter and early spring when vitamin D levels of the mother tend to be lowest. At the equator schizophrenia is most common among those born after the rainy season when less sunlight is available. Children of dark-skinned migrants who move to cold climates also have greater risk of schizophrenia. Dark skin increases risk of vitamin D deficiency. Schizophrenia is also more common in cities than in rural areas.
Mackay-Sim A, Feron F, et al, Schizophrenia, Vitamin D, and Brain Development, Int Rev Neurobiol, 2004;59:351-380.


    Epigenetics is a term which refers to "on top of genes." The basic idea behind this new scientific discipline is that food and nutrients are information which speaks to our genes. The underlying principle we should learn from epigenetics is that our genes do not predetermine our fate. How we feed ourselves also has a great role to play in our health and development.
The queen bee illustrates the powerful impact nutrients can have on the expression of genes. A queen bee and female worker bees have identical DNA.
     The queen bee is different from worker bees solely because she is fed differently. The queen bee is fed royal jelly her entire lifetime while worker bees receive it for only three days. A single ingredient in the royal jelly called royalactin causes the ovaries of the queen bee to develop and is responsible for the other changes in the queen bee including a greatly increased lifespan. 
     The methylation of genes changes the way they are expressed in the queen bee. It is interesting that methyl donors (found in GNLD Lipotropic Adjunct) have also been shown to promote beneficial health changes in humans including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.
     The National Cancer Institute web site references the following: "It has been known for several decades that diets deficient in methyl donors...cause cancer and that methylation deficiency is a characteristic of cancer." 
Huang, Shi, Carcinogenesis: Effects of Diet Deficient in Methyl Donors. http://prevention.cancer.gov/funding/recently-funded/ca03016/1r01ca10534701